Saturday 26 December 2020

Village Shop Christmas and New Year Opening Times - ****Correction****

Due to an unfortunate error in the bulletin, the opening times we posted for the Village Shop were wrong.

Between Christmas and New Year the Shop will be open every morning from 8am to 11am up to and including 1st January 2021 

 Apologies to Anne and Simon

© 2020

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year from the Parish Council



The Parish Councillors would like to wish everyone a very safe and happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!



© 2020

Sunday 20 December 2020

From the Village Bulletin - December 2020


To say 2020 has been a challenging year for Villagers is a bit of an understatement.

I would like to acknowledge all of the people who throughout this tough year continue to work for the benefit of the village -

  • The Lealman Family who in spite of their own family loss earlier in the year have ensured that the Village had access to the shop and provided home deliveries just as Herbie would have wished

  • Richard Green for his diligence and efforts in ensuring that the Village Hall has been kept financially viable and that those who use it are safe to do so

  • The Village Show Committee and to all the shows volunteers, let us hope that next year we can show off our produce and crafts again

  • Rosa and Murray Naylor, Steve Dunning and their team of volunteers who have made access to the Church as safe as possible and Susan Milward for this year’s plant sale shared with Rosa to raise funds for the church

  • To all of you who signed up for the volunteer list during lockdown

  • To Bob the farmer and Andy Dorman who do lots of things that are not always obvious !

  • To Sarah Clark for looking after the Defibrillator outside of the village hall and keeping it ever ready

  • The Parish Council for their time and efforts in giving Huttons Ambo it’s voice

  • Philip Stone for his work on keeping the village website going

  • To Celia Hammond who volunteers as a rehoming inspector for the RSPCA and has kept this going throughout lockdown

Volunteer for production of Village Newsletter

Denise took over the production of the Newsletter in 2018 and would like to thank all of those who have contributed and helped with content and distribution. This will be her last one so if anyone would like to volunteer to carry on she will be happy to facilitate its handover.


Shop Normal Opening Times:

Monday7.45am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7.45am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7.45am-10am4pm to 6pm
Thursday7.45-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Friday7.45-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Saturday8.30am-10.30am4pm to 6pm


Between Christmas and New Year the Shop will be open every morning from 8am to 11am up to and including 1st January 2021




The community defibrillator was purchased in late 2015. Liz Ellis, who left the village some time ago, championed this as a community project. Although not a Village Hall project or activity, but for want of a better place, the defibrillator cabinet was installed on the outside wall of the Village Hall. No-one has ever stepped forward to replace Liz with the ongoing overall responsibility for the defibrillator.

  • However, since 2015, Sarah Clark has been the sole Defibrillator Guardian, ensuring the operational integrity of the unit. Sarah now wishes to stand down from her sole responsibilities duties in this capacity as from 31st December 2020.

  • The duties of the Defibrillator Guardian primarily comprise weekly checks that the unit is operational and reporting these checks to the Community Defibrillation Co-ordinator with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. The other duty is periodically requesting replacement supplies of consumables, normally every two years or so.

  • In order to continue the future operation of the defibrillator one or, preferably more, persons need to step forward and take over or share the role of Defibrillator Guardian.  

    Without someone to do this, the unit cannot be reliably maintained and will have to be decommissioned from 1st January 2021.

The Parish Council intends eventually to take over the responsibility for the defibrillator and move it to the phone box in Low Hutton once the box is decommissioned by BT and adopted by the Parish Council. Nevertheless, one or more Defibrillator Guardians will needed required throughout to monitor the continued effective operation of the defibrillator.

  • If you have an interest in taking on the role of the Defibrillator Guardian, please inform one of the following:

  • Andy Dorman – 694412 Richard Green – 690832

  • Denise Doggett – 694620 Sarah Clark – 07737 785 178



The Huttons Ambo Parish Council is seeking a new member. If you are interested please contact Andy Dorman on or on 694412 or Anne Lealman on 692803 during shop afternoon opening hours for further information or to discuss what is involved.

Finally Seasons Greetings to you all and a better 2021. 



© 2020

Sunday 6 December 2020

Huttons Ambo Christmas Carol Service – 4pm Sunday 20th December

Because of the present virus restrictions this year’s Carol Service will take a different form to previous years.

  • It will be held outside in the Churchyard so long as the weather is clement. Being outside will allow everybody to sing. Since we shall be outside the service will only last about 30 minutes.

  • Should the weather not be clement we will have to be inside the Church but only the Choir will be able to sing with the congregation sitting well away from them.
  • In either eventuality the service will comprise 5 carols and 4 readings. Carol sheets will be available.
  • If people wish to bring their own chairs or stools that is up to them. Otherwise it will be a case of standing  around the south side of the church, socially distanced from one another. The security lights will provide plenty of light. Do please wrap up well.
  • Those attending the churchyard service who may not wish to be outside, can sit inside the church and will be able to hear the carols, if not necessarily the readings, although the readers will read from the chancel steps.


© 2020

Saturday 24 October 2020

Armistice Sunday - 8th November 2020

Armistice Sunday 8th November.

This year the annual commemoration will take place at the War memorial in Low Hutton. This is because singing in church is still not permitted because of the Covid 19 restrictions. The commemoration will be short one and will culminate with the laying of a wreath in memory of those in Huttons Ambo who died in both World Wars. Please assemble by 1050hours.

Should the weather on the 8th be very inclement it may be necessary to hold this short service at the Church. If this looks likely, please check with the Churchwardens - Rosa Naylor (01653 695008) and Steven Dunning (07975 852589). However, it will need to be raining or snowing very hard for us to abandon the War memorial!

© 2020

Thursday 8 October 2020

Parish Councillor Vacancy

© 2020

Parish Council Parish Council Minutes

HUTTONS AMBO PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, September 15th 2020 7.30pm Agenda 1 Welcome Councillors present – Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel, Philip Barraclough Parish Clerk - Anne Lealman No apologies for absence received No members of the public present at this meeting Discussions were had regarding the best way to decide on a Chairperson for the meeting and future meetings. Suggestions proposed included a different chair at each meeting, a nominated chairperson on a rotating basis of a couple of meetings, or a rotation of the chairperson on a 12-month basis. A decision was reached that the chairperson should be on a rotation every 12 months, running April to March each year. Andy Dorman was proposed to be the chairperson by Simon Lealman and was seconded by Philip Barraclough 2 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 7th July 2020 - Approved & signed by Andy Dorman 3 Matters arising: a) Pot Holes – these are being repaired once reported via the NYCC Parish Portal. It was noted that there are potholes near Dalton House in the Low Village and on the corner of Home Farm gate in the High Village. Simon Lealman to check the dimensions and report via the portal if necessary. Can any member of the village who wishes to report a pothole please contact any member of the Parish Council to allow reporting via the NYCC Parish Portal. b) Tree inspections – completed c) Low Lane End/A64 - see new matters and new speed limits on A64 d) Parish Portal – Simon Lealman is in charge of the Parish Portal e) Village noticeboard - update (re map work on Powerpoint) – Jem Charles has kindly agreed to make a wooden frame to go around the foam noticeboards. Philip Barra-clough to take the lead on this matter as he has the history content complete but will need graphics and maps. Philip to speak to Rona re her friends’ book. Sites for mounting agreed as: a. the wall on Bob Mansell’s barn in the Low Village and, if approved b. on the grass near the seat outside the church in the High Village. Andy Dorman to contact Steve Dunning to gain permission for the board to be angle mounted at this location. 4 New Matters: a) New speed limits on A64 – the new speed limits have made no difference to the speed of the vehicles approaching the Low Lane. It appears to have made things worse as drivers seem shocked at the new speed limit. The Parish Clerk will write to Highways about the speed limit signs on the Low Lane and dangers around vehicles not taking heed of the new speed limits on the A64. b) Adoption of phone box by parish council and removal of telephone – Andy Dorman to lead on this matter. Plan is to relocate the Defibrillator from the Village hall to the tele-phone box to maximise the availability to villagers. Simon offered assistance. 5 Planning: a) Planning application, no: 20/00628/HOUSE - The Rise – approval of amended plans b) Planning application, no: 20/00547/FUL - DH Group - approval 6 Finance: Budget progress to 31st August 2020 – Discussion regarding cheque signatories on the account and the issue of time taken to bank cheques in Malton. It was unanimously agreed to investigate Internet banking, including opening a new account at the Yorkshire Bank to allow for multiple/dual signatory aspect. Parish Clerk to take this forward. 7 Any Other Business Fibre Broadband available to all by March 2021 – Everyone is encouraged to log their interest for fibre broadband at A64 overnight road closures - Thank you to David Banks for sorting out issues faced by residents due to A64 improvement works and associated closures. Parish Councillor vacancy – all agreed to advertising the current vacancy on the village notice boards and bus shelters. Parish Council Funding Ideas - suggestions were: Children‘s play ground – Andy to discuss with Clare Jenyns to see if there would be a possibility to buy or hire land to the right of the hall (nearest the hall small room). A community event – e.g. a BBQ after village show – All agreed to look at this option again once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. 8 Date of next Meeting Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 7:30pm Anne Lealman, Clerk to the Parish Council ; 2020

Saturday 29 August 2020

From the Village Newsletter - August 2020

From the Huttons Ambo Village Newsletter - August 2020

Shop Opening Times:

Monday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7.45-10 am4pm to 6pm
Thursday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Friday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Saturday8.30am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Sunday 8.30am-10.30amCLOSED

Shop delivery Service.

If anyone is self- isolating or would prefer to have their shopping delivered please contact the shop during opening hours:


There is a small charge for this service. 

We have deliveries of fresh fruit and vegetables 3 times a week from Dales of Malton.  

If we can have orders for collection as follows:

Friday for Monday's delivery

Monday for Wednesday's delivery
  Wednesday for Friday's delivery

Church Services

August 23rd 10amHoly Communion @Terrington
August 30th 10amHoly Communion @Welburn

For those attending Church-Face Masks are strongly advised

Lost and Found

A mobile phone has been found in the village. If anyone thinks they know who the owner is please contact Denise:

© 2020

Yorkshire Day 1st August 2020

Yorkshire Day August 1st 2020 and the 66th Flower and Produce Show

The Flower and Produce Show happened between 1 and 4pm on Yorkshire Day Saturday August 1st.

It was a bright day which allowed

us to display craft work, produce and flowers at our gates side for us all to view at our leisure.

A number of households opened their gardens, which added to the fun. 

Around 4pm those with stamina brought their own tables and chairs to the Green in Low Hutton and enjoyed cups of tea, sandwiches, scones, chocolate brownies and ice creams from Herbie’s Shop freezer!



© 2020

The Churchyard Rake-up - St Margaret's Church - 5th September 2020

St Margaret’s Church, Huttons Ambo -Saturday 5th September 2020 from 10AM in the Rear Churchyard.

The PCC is seeking help with the raking up and the burning of the mown grass in

Rear churchyard. This is a usual task at this time of year and the more who come

and help us the quicker the task can be done. Volunteers should bring rakes or


We shall start at 10AM and light refreshments will be provided.





© 2020

Friday 28 August 2020

Revised Planning Application 20/00628 The Rise, Low Hutton, Huttons Ambo

The Parish Council has received a revised planning application for the property below. To view the. revisions please go to and input the planning application number:


APPLICANT: Mr Simon Lealman

DESCRIPTION: Erection of single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation, 4 bay garage and 2no. stables following removal of existing outbuildings with associated landscaping

LOCATION:The Rise The Green Low Hutton Malton YO60 7HF

Delegatable Decision 

© 2020

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Parish Council Meeting Agenda - September 15th at 7.30pm




Tuesday, September 15th 2020



1 Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

2 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 7th July 2020

3 Matters arising:

  1. Pot Holes
  2. Tree inspections
  3. Low Lane End/A64 - see new matters and new speed limits on A64
  4. Parish Portal
  5. Village noticeboard - update (re map work on Powerpoint)

4 New Matters:

    1. New speed limits on A64
    2. Removal of call box and adoption of phone box by parish council

5 Planning:

a) Planning application no: 20/00628/HOUSE - The Rise, for mention

6 Finance:

Budget progress to 31st August 2020

        Bank mandate

 7 Any Other Business

8 Date of next Meeting


Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

From September the new clerk will be Anne Lealman at the same email address

© 2020

Thursday 30 July 2020

Yorkshire Day - Open Gardens

Open Gardens

On Produce Show Day/Yorkshire Day (Saturday 1st August) the following villagers will be opening their gardens instead of displaying produce at their gates:

Nos 1 and 2 Low Hutton Park - Andy and Wendy, Jim and Avril
Netherby Hall - Susan Milward
Dalton House - Jess and Richard

Gardens will be open from 1pm

© 2020

From the Newsletter - July 2020

From the Huttons Ambo Village Newsletter - July 2020

Shop Opening Times:

Monday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7.45-10 am4pm to 6pm
Thursday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Friday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Saturday8.30am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Sunday 8.30am-10.30amCLOSED

Shop delivery Service.

If anyone is self- isolating or would prefer to have their shopping delivered please contact the shop during opening hours:

There is a small charge for this service. 

We have deliveries of fresh fruit and vegetables 3 times a week from Dales of Malton.  

If we can have orders for collection as follows:

Friday for Monday's delivery

Monday for Wednesday's delivery

Wednesday for Friday's delivery

Victory Japan Day -Sunday 15th August 2020

This is the day that Japan surrendered to the Allies 75years again the Far East 
The church bell of St Margaret’s Church for two minutes before 11am and again at 11.02am after a short silence. 

Should anyone wish to come to the Churchyard they will be very welcome to join us. 

Depending upon what the Covid rules are by then, it is unlikely that the church itself will be open other than for the bell ringer.

The Parish Council are still looking for someone to take over the role of clerk, full details of the posrt are available here:

© 2020

Monday 27 July 2020

Don't Forget - Low Hutton Village Green - Bring your own Picnic - Yorkshire Day 1st August 2020

Low Hutton Village Green

Bring your own Picnic,  rug or table and chairs

4pm Saturday August 1st

and celebrate Yorkshire Day

(and also celebrate the product show)

© 2020

Monday 20 July 2020

Don't Forget - Low Hutton Village Green - Bring your own Picnic - Yorkshire Day 1st August 2020

Low Hutton Village Green

Bring your own Picnic,  rug or table and chairs

4pm Saturday August 1st

and celebrate Yorkshire Day

© 2020

Saturday 18 July 2020


The Parish Council has been asked for comment on the above application by August 3rd 2020:


DESCRIPTION: Erection of single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation, 4 bay garage and 2no. stables following removal of existing outbuildings with associated landscaping 

LOCATION: The Rise The Green Low Hutton Malton YO60 7HF

Details can be found at and entering the reference(s) above, or by visiting Ryedale House.

If you'd like to comment please contact Ryedale District Council. You can copy in the Parish Council by emailing before the above date.

© 2020

Monday 13 July 2020

Parish Council Annual Financial Reports 2019/2020

The Annual financial reports for 2019/20 have now been completed, please find links to the online copies of these documents below:

1. HAPC Public Notice 2020

2. Certificate of Exemption

3. Annual Governance 1

4. Annual Governance 2

5. Audit Report 1

6. Audit Report 2

7. HAPC Accounts

8. Receipts and Payments

9. HAPC Accounts Reconciliation

10. HAPC Variances

© 2020

Church Services

Church Services

There is now good news in that we are allowed to hold ‘specially distanced’ services in the Church.

However, services of Holy Communion are not yet authorised by the Diocese and, when they are, probably only the celebrant will be permitted to partake of the host. It would seem that Communion for a whole congregation is a long way from being officially sanctioned and presumably not until the full implications of Covid-19 are known.

Canon Bob Rogers has let it be known that at present he only wishes to take Eucharist services.

It is therefore planned to hold a lay led service of Matins on Sunday 19th July at 10am, we hope that as many as possible will come to support ‘our new start’.

We shall have to take sensible precautions on 19th July as follows:

  • No singing (although we hope Michael Sessions will play the tunes of those hymn we might have sung)
  • Everybody will have to observe social distancing in Church;
  • Use hand sanitiser on arrival
  • Use of prayer/hymn books on a strictly controlled basis (to be explained on the day)
  • Collection centrally by the door
  • Doors left open during the service

Finally we shall be dependent upon Alison Hutchinson and our own three lay service takers to take our services. We would ask Simon and Juliet to confirm their agreement to continuing.

Plans are being made for the future pattern of services in the Benefice. It is hoped that we shall have two services a month in our Church – in all probability the first and third Sundays – usually lay led, although it is to be hoped that there will be a Communion service in one of the Benefice churches each Sunday. All to be confirmed in due course.

© 2020

Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show/Yorkshire Day Celebration - 1st August 2020

Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show/Yorkshire Day Celebration 1st August 2020

This year the Annual Flower & Product Show will not be able to take place in the Village Hall as usual.

Instead the plan is to hold a Yorkshire Day picnic on the Village Green.

However it is hoped that from 1pm on the day, would-be entrants would be willing to place the entries that they *would have made* on a table near their gate so that villagers can walk around Low & High Hutton and admire them before heading to the Green to picnic.

A copy of the schedule is attached and we look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it.

Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show Schedule.

Please remember to social distance.

© 2020

Sunday 12 July 2020

Parish Council Minutes from the July 7th general meeting

Huttons Ambo Aarish Council minutes 
From Meeting On July 7th 2020

  1. Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

 David Banks, Philip Barraclough, Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samual and Sarah Banks (Clerk). There were also four members of the public.

2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the January meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  1. Pot holes: There are still some potholes that need attention despite recent work. Councillors will email Simon to send via the Parish Portal.
  2. Tree Inspections: The three trees on the village green have been inspected by Waites Tree Surgeons, with no serious problems evident. Remedial work has been suggested to lift the crowns and remove dead wood. The cost is £270 for the report. The necessary work will cost £425 which councillors approved. This work will in fact be met by funds from reserves.
  3. Low Lane End: Following the postponed meeting on March 24th, due to Covid-19, Councillors will now wait and see what changes will be made in the light of the A64 works programme to decide if and when to hold a new meeting. An order has been made for the section of the A65 from Crambeck to Malton to become a 50mph limit. 

4. New Matters

  1. Covid-19: During the lockdown period the parish council funded the village newsletter, co-ordinated by Denise Doggett. with a grant for £60. David thanked Denise and volunteers for all their hard work during this crisis. He also thanked the village shop for the service provided so people didn’t have to travel far for grocery supplies.
  2. Parish Grants: The parish council has been able to fund a number of village grants due to the PC carrying a small surplus. This financial year it has funded the village newsletter during Covid-19 totalling £60. It also gave a grant to the village youth club to fund future activities which will roll on into next year due to lockdown. This grant was for £444.
  3. Footpaths: Rona Charles has continued with footpath monitoring that she began last year with a group of volunteers. David has been in touch with the estate regarding the list of issues identified by the group. He has since received a reply from the estate indicating that all the issues identified have already been remedied. Rona mentioned a book that was due to be published by Margaret Atherden that includes a woodland walk through Huttons Ambo.
  4. Grass verge cutting: Philip Barraclough noted that verges had been cut in parts of the village where the wild flowers had not yet finished flowering. It was suggested that a sign is placed where it is preferred that verge cutting takes place after flowering.
  5. Parish Chair and Clerk: David noted that both himself, as chair, and Sarah Banks, as clerk would be stepping down from these roles prior to the next meeting. Councillors discussed various possibilities for the chair role including a rotating chair role. The clerk role appears harder to fill. This has been advertised on the village noticeboard, Facebook site and village website. It will also be included in the village newsletter.

5.  Planning: 

a) Application No: 20/00327/HOUSE/The Reddings - For mention
b) Application No: 20/00336/ 3 Low Hutton Park - For mention
c) Application No: 20/00350/MFUL/DH Group, Malton

6. Finance: Budget Progress to June 30th 2020. The current balance is £7605. 
The Parish Precept for 2020 remains at £2800. Parish council grants have been given to the village newsletter (£60) and the youth club (444).

7. AOB: 

  1. Village Broadband: Simon mentioned that in conversation with a BT engineer, the engineer had said that the infrastructure was now in place for everyone in the village to receive fibre broadband.
  2. Cattle escapes: David mentioned that cattle had recently escaped from the field at the top of St Andrew’s track. The estate has already fitted a pedestrian gate which should prevent further issues. If gates are left open, please could villagers close them. David will speak to Richard Wainwright to see about publicising his mobile number should such incidents happen again. 
  3. Village Information Board: The preferred option is to work with RayMac in Malton to create a sign similar to that in Lockton village. This is a reasonable cost for a foam board. The council would then need to look at how to mount it. This may be something that someone in the village is able to do, otherwise there are options online to purchase a frame or lecture-style stand.

8. Date of next meeting
September 15th 2020 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council -

© 2020

Parish Council Minutes from the AGM July 7th 2020

Huttons Ambo Parish Council Minutes for the AGM

July 7th 2020

Welcome: David Banks (Chair) welcomed councillors Philip Barraclough, Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel and Sarah Banks (Clerk) and four members of the public. 

Chairman’s Report:

Chairman’s report

COVID19 and meetings
We would usually have met in March and May but for Covid19. While other councils have been permitted to hold online meetings, PCs were not and could not meet in person by law, until now.

After years of campaigning fibre broadband is now available in the village. Around half the village should be able to receive it. I’ve been in extended contact with SFNY for the rest. Assurances were given that we would be looking at this Autumn, but then Covid came along. It is hoped that the work to connect the rest of the village will resume shortly.

A64 Junctions
Councillors met with contractors to discuss safety of works being carried out at the low junctions and general issues with both junctions.
50ph limit is now being imposed on this stretch of A64. There is concern at how this will be signposted for HA and any impact on traffic speeds.

A tree inspection has been carried out and work identified – to be discussed in ordinary meeting.

The footpath footpath monitoring group carried out an inspection of rights of way in the parish. The estate carried out works to rectify any issues identified. This exercise has been repeated this year.

Grass cutting

The PC paid for grass cutting on the greens, some verges and general tidying of the village. The contractor continues to do a very good job on this work.

Planning applications
The PC has continued to publish planning applications to the HA website and comment on those it has received during the year.

Following the departure of Avril Monks, Richard Green stepped in as internal auditor and was extremely helpful and supportive of the chairman and clerk in this process.


This will be my final meeting as chairman and councillor and Sarah’s as clerk. The PC might want to consider a rotating chairmanship in future, but that is a matter for the PC to decide. Both chair and clerk will continue to fulfil their roles until replacements are in place prior to the next parish council meeting on September 15th 2020.

The PC’s expenditure was £2086 and income was £2800, resulting in an excess for the year of £714. The balance in the account at the end of the year, including reserves, was £7,324. Expenditure was less than budgeted owing to tree work not being completed until the new financial year. The excess carried over will be used to fund the tree work. 

Sarah Banks, Clerk:

© 2020