Remembering the Fallen
by Sharon Jackson
Huttons Ambo War Memorial |
When the Village War Memorial was erected, the men, whose names are recorded upon it, would have been known and remembered by the community in which they lived, and by their families who lived in the houses we now live in. Many will have attended the village school and all will have been known to each other. Now, sadly, given the elapse of time, for most of us they are names from the past and no more. I am sure most of us think it is important that we should remember their sacrifice, and to know more about them, and how their lives parallel ours.
First World War 1914-1919
The Internet and census records have provided only limited information in relation to those who died in the First War.
The information I have gathered so far can be downloaded in this
word document -
but can you add any more information?
I can find little or no information relation to George Arundale, Wilfred Everett and
George Francis Bowes and I am not sure how accurate the information is about George Brown.
Any information at all would be helpful, particularly if you can identify any homes or addresses, for example the census records tend to refer to cottage numbers e.g. cottage 44 and it appears that the numbering varied between censuses.
In 2 years time it will be 100 years since the start of the First War it would seem appropriate for this village to try and make some record of the details of the lives of these men. Can you help?
Second World War 1939-45
Given that this war is somewhat closer in time, it may be that many of you know the families of, or are related to some of these young men. There are no census records available for this period in our history as yet; and so if you do have any information, which you would be prepared to share, in order to help us remember them, then that would be much appreciated.
Please Help
If you have any information in relation to anyone commemorated on the Village War Memorial, or any other information about Huttons Ambo during either war, which you are prepared to share, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Finally, can I ask to ask you to remember all of them on Remembrance Sunday.
“…. Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam
A body of England breathing English air
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home…”
Many thanks,
Sharon Jackson
Editor's Note:
If you have any information to help Sharon, please use the contact form below and I'll pass the details on. Thanks for any information you can share.
You can also see the Royal British Legion website here: