Saturday 8 October 2022

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Minutes of Meeting October 5th 2022



Wednesday, October 5th 2022 at 7:30pm


  1. Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

    1. Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel & Philip Barraclough

    2. Anne Lealman PC Clerk

    3. Clare Messer, Jem & Rona Charles & Graham Milner

  1. Approval of Minutes of meeting of 20th July 2022 and Nomination of Vice Chair

    1. Vice Chair position Andy Dorman supported Emma Samuel self nomination.

    2. 2 year cycle as Chair and Vice Chair roles starting May 2023

    3. Received resignation from Janice Hanslow

  1. Matters arising:

  • White Lining at Low Hutton – white lining completed by Highways on 4/10/2022. Simon to email Highways to say thank you

  • Overnight Lorry Parking at Low Lane End – Councillors concerned this is becoming more the normal situation. During the night hours it’s not too much of an issue, but should it happen more frequently or during the day, this needs flagging as a potential issue to the villagers and traffic who use the Low Lane junction. Simon to email Highways informing them of our concerns.

  • A64 Dual Carriageway Consultation Hopgrove to Barton le Willow – Simon attended the consultation event and gave a brief update of his visit, nothing has been decided and no decision will be made in the near future. Consultation is now closed.

  • Rural Community Grant (funding for the information boards at both the High and Low village) – deadline is 21st November 2022 with decisions being made 9th February 2023. Simon to action with Clerk support. No formal quotes received, but printed maps approx. £150 each from Rymac. Jem and James to be contacted to look at costs for frames in both wood/stainless steel. Andy to look at sourcing specs for quotes for printing and frames etc to share with James and Jem.

  1. New Matters:

  • Fracking – After landowner were approached after requests regarding seismic survey taking place 2018. Jem Charles was involved at the time and confirmed the villagers being approached by the PC for their thoughts. This survey of the village was related to the seismic survey within the village boundary and not fracking. The Parish Council have not been approached or are aware of any proposed sites with the Huttons Ambo Parish at this time.

  • Recruitment to Parish Council – Clerk to put add on facebook and update the village notice boards inviting candidates to apply for the position. Dependent on the numbers applying will determine if the role can be filled by nomination or by election.

  • Daniel Pickering Autumn Work – Single strip of strimmer work along all kerb edges and overhanging long vegetation. Keep an eye on and cut back line of site at road junctions – Back Lane, High Lane End. Nothing to do over winter to look after the wildflower beds other than what he is doing currently. Rona and Jem will continue to plant and look after the wildflower beds over winter.

  • Precept at November 2022 meeting to be discussed.

  1. Planning:

    1. No planning applications have been received

  1. Finance:

    1. Update - All councilors to complete Barclays Mandate at the meeting, and verify documents via Barclays Verify or by visiting the branch in Malton

    2. Balance at 30/08/2022 is £4608.92

    3. Committed spend £608.31

    4. Balance as of now is £4000.61

  1. Any Other Business

  • Notice boards at Low Hutton/High Hutton needs to replace the glazing as the glass/window as it is now opaque rather that clear – Jem and Andy taking this forward

  • Grill for the Culvert by the river still to be taken forward – Andy and Graham Milner

  • Village Shop formally known at Herbies is closing on Christmas Eve 2022 forever.

  • The PC on behalf of the village would like to ‚Thank you to Anne & Simon & Laura, Emma & Hazel for keeping the shop opening for so long‘

  • Proceeds from Jubilee event to be held in the PC account circa £300. Andy Dorman to pay in the exact funds by Bank Transfer once the funds are checked. These funds are to be ring fenced to another full village event.

  1. Date of next Meeting

Wednesday 23rd November 2022 at 7:30pm

Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2022

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - AGM Minutes - 20th July 2022



Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, July 20th 2022 at 7:30pm


  1. Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

    1. Simon Lealman (Chair), Andy Dorman, Janice Hanslow

    2. Apologises: Philip Barraclough & Emma Samuel

    3. Guests: Andy Pack, Graham Milner & Rona Charles

  1. Approval of Minutes of meeting on 18th May 2022 and Nomination of Vice Chair – To roll over to next meeting due to Councillors missing at this meeting

  1. Matters arising:

Grass Cutting and plan for Danny – all

SL expressed his opinion of the grass cutting look so much better than previously, especially between the crossroads to the Estate Farm. Complaints received from a couple of villagers regarding the shortness of grass. Thank you to Jem and Rona strimming the wild flowers between the High and Low villages.

Andrew Pack was saying that grass on the corners must be cut back for safety reasons

2023 year will need to be tidied up but not totally stripped back like this year.

Danny to keep the grass cut at the High Lane triangle and to Slip Inn cottages, but he must wear Hi Vis when working for the Parish Council

Tender was 7/8 cuts of the village green per annum. Extra jobs we agreed on a as and when basis.

Schedule of works

7/8 cuts of the village green per year.

Andy Pack left the meeting after a disagreement regarding the Parish Council lack of financial planning in his view.

Parish Councillors to generate a list of jobs that Danny maybe required to undertake, in future years and add to the schedule wish list.

Area Grounds Maintenance throughout the village – Landowners are responsible for cutting PROW on their land. Rona said legally the PROW only needs to be passable. Huttons Ambo Estates tend to cut twice a year. The section near Michael Session’s is becoming overgrown with Brambles between the railway bridge and station bridge.

Simon mentioned other ways of trying to get areas cut, is by speaking directly to the landowners or reporting these privately via PROW team in the Local Authority.

Rona – Wildflowers on the Village Green update. The patches have been cut by Rona and Jem. Can Danny be asked to cut the patches but leave longer than the remaining village green grass cutting. Jem and Rona to liaise with Danny on when to stop and start cutting.

(August to March). The hay was given to a villager (VC) rather than been thrown away.

SL, AD and JH all approved this plan.

Update on previous actions –

White Lines – have been reported, awaiting on NYCC

Broken bus shelters – have been replaced now, Mary Welsh. FOI has been withdrawn

Bus shelter re-roofing – has been completed Low Hutton has had foliage removed, by Andy Dorman

New salt bin – Highways for 2 x Salt Bin, 1 to be located at Richard Green’s corner 1 to be located on Water Lane before hill (parsons Yard) once sourced.

  1. New Matters:

Ryedale Grant – Request Grant for Preparation and Installation of Notice Boards for both High and Low Hutton. Contact Rymac once grant requested to ask if they can do the layout as well as making of the boards. AD, SL, PB and JH all approve the grant. SL to progress with Grant Application with Clerk.

Karen Hood, was previous liaision forHA.

A64 Dual Carriageway Consultation Hopgrove to Barton le Willow

SL, AD is in favour of supporting anything that improves travelling between York and Barton le Willowsespecially dualling the road between said locations.

Serious safety concern. Bus Stop on the East Bound side of the A64 at High Hutton junction. If any works were going to happen on the A64, then illumination of this bus stop would have to be a necessaity.

  1. Planning:

  1. Finance:

    1. Review balance sheet for 2022/2023

    2. All councilors to complete Barclays Mandate at the meeting, and verify documents via Barclays Verify or by visiting the branch in Malton

    3. Precept plan in September, spending on Clerk Salary and Grass Cutting and SALT. Historically the MASA was recommended to be 1.5 to 2.5% of our Annual Precept in funds in the bank.

  1. Any Other Business

The Culvert (pipe under the bridge) near Water Lane, keeps blocking. Both Graham and Bob ahve cleaned the blockages out in the last few months. To stop this happening, it would need a 8 ft x 3ft cage (Wellmesh) High grade is £75 a sheet £300 for a box. 50mm holes are too small. 75mm holes would be better. Should we support the box, it will stop flooding in the car park and of public right of way. Graham to price up a box for the required purpose and come back to the Parish Council with cost. SL, AD and JH in support in theory. Just require and price to make a decision to proceed.

  1. Date of next Meeting

Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 7:30pm

Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2022

Friday 7 October 2022

Vacancy for Parish Councillor


Might you be interested in helping to enhance and protect our community?

It doesn’t need to take up much time and no special qualifications are needed.

Please put forward your interest by email or letter to:

Anne Lealman

By Friday 14th October 2022

© 2022