Saturday 9 December 2017


1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman and David Banks and Clerk, Jem Charles.  He also welcomed Cllr. Caroline Goodrick (NYCC).  No members of the public attended.  Cllr. Simon Lealman was detained but joined the meeting during discussion of Item 3d.

2.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the October meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Matters Arising
a)  Councillor vacancy
Jem reported that there had been no requests that an election be held and that notices had been posted asking for anyone interested to contact the Council.  No Councillor, nor the Clerk, has been contacted, so Richard asked all Councillors to raise the subject with anyone they feel might be interested.
b)  Community Emergency Plan 
It was agreed that a brief plan might be of benefit.  Richard will begin preparation making use of templates supplied by Grace Lawes (NYCC).
c)  A64 junctions – maintenance responsibilities
Richard presented copies of road plans supplied by NYCC Highways depicting the limit of maintenance responsibility as they understand.  Caroline Goodrick undertook to raise the issue, and to seek agreement between Highways England and NYCC Highways at the next Ryedale Area Committee meeting on 11th December.
d)  Mobile Post Office
Jem reported that the van was to be equipped with a new system which should make it better able to cope without a usable broadband connection.  The Post Office is also trying to set up a meeting, on site, with engineers from Openreach and TalkTalk as well as themselves and Jem.
e)  A64 pedestrian safety
Richard said that the report drawn up by the Action Group has been submitted to Highways England who have stated that it will be considered.  They will not begin to look at the issues until reports from the police and coroner have been received.
f)   Village maintenance
Jem has asked Mark to clear the pavement and gutter along Back Lane between the Low and High villages.
g)  Freedom of Information – Model Publication Scheme
Richard said that a publications scheme was a legal requirement.  He will start work drafting a scheme and forward it to Jem to review.
h)  Leader Grant
Richard has established that funding for broadband is not available.

4.         New Matters
a) War memorial
A request for cleaning has been received.  Councillors will inspect and consider the most appropriate means of returning the monument to an appropriate condition.
A suggestion has also been made that thought should be given to marking the centenary of the end of the Great War in 2018.  This was considered worthy of support but it might be organised by others rather than the Parish Council.
b)  Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan
A consultation paper has been received.  General dissatisfaction was felt that the Parish Council had not been involved, despite previous discussions and agreement.  Jem will draft a response for consideration by Councillors.

c)  Ryedale Local Plan
It was noted that no extension of the York Road Industrial Estate was proposed.  Councillors will study the Plan and let Jem have any comments by 14th December.
d)  Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
Central Government funding for IT equipment to enable Councils to comply with legislation will come to an end in March 2018.  Jem explained that he was happy to continue to use his own computer but that any future clerk may not be able or willing to do so.  Jem will investigate the funding available and prepare an application.
e)  Ryedale Action Yorkshire
The Council will renew subscription.  Jem will arrange the necessary payment.

5.         Planning
a)  Hydramotion
Revised plans have been submitted but the Council has yet to be consulted.  Jem will ascertain the current position.
b)  Unit 6 Malton Enterprise Park

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
            The report to 31st October was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.
b)  Precept
It was agreed that the precept should remain unchanged for 2017/18.  David will look at the implications of new data protection regulations.

7.         Any Other Business
            No matters raised

8.         Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 30th January 2018 and, provisionally, 27th of March at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2017

Friday 8 December 2017

Father Christmas to visit Meeting Point?

Meeting Point 9th December

Meeting Point with Roast Turkey from 12 noon this Saturday in the Village Hall.

And Father Christmas paying a visit around 1.30pm, it is rumoured!!!

Accompanied Carols too!

© 2017

Tuesday 5 December 2017


The Parish Council has received notice of a revised application for alterations at Hydramotion on Seven Street, York Road Industrial Estate.  Comments have been requested by Ryedale District Council by the 19th of December 2017.

The application can be inspected at Ryedale House or at by entering the application number.

If you have any comment please submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

© 2017

Thursday 23 November 2017


A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take  place  in  the  Village  Hall
on Tuesday,  28th November  2017 at 7.30.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1 Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

2 Approval of Minutes

3 Introduction of NYC Councillor Caroline Goodrick

4 Matters Arising:
        a) Councillor vacancy
        b) Community Emergency Plan
        c) A64 road junctions 
        d) Mobile Post Office
        e) A64 pedestrian safety
        f) Village maintenance

5 New matters:
        a) War memorial
        b) Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan
        c) Ryedale Local Plan consultation
        d) Transparency code for smaller councils – grants
        e) RAY

6 Planning:
        a) Hydramotion
        b) Unit 6 Malton Enterprise Park - approved

7 Finance:
        a) Budget progress to 31st October 2017
        b) Precept 2018/19

9 Any Other Business

10 Date of next Meeting
Provisionally 30th January 2018 at 7.30pm

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2017

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Pantomine - Tue December 19th 2017 - Huttons Ambo Village Hall

Pantomine - Tue December 19th at 6pm - Huttons Ambo Village Hall

Cinderella by Pocket Panto - same company as last year
Adults £7.50 and Children (16 and under) £5.50
Tickets bookable in advance or 01653 699769
VOLUNTEERS to provide refreshments at panto required....... maybe mince pies and mulled wine.
Any profits after hall, expenses and panto paid for will for to Huttons Ambo Community Collective to support village groups.
If you can help please contact
© 2017

Village Bulletin - Volunteer wanted

Village Bulletin
Liz will be standing down as editor/producer for The Bulletin as of November 2017.
Volunteer required to take this on. Job involves collating content and printing 130 copies once a month. 
Distribution is taken care of currently by Sarah Clark. 
Template and other details available from liz via
© 2017

Saturday 21 October 2017


10th OCTOBER 2017

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles.  Apologies had been received from David Banks and from Jessie Garnett who has reluctantly decided to resign on health grounds.  He also welcomed Grace Lawes (NYCC) and Bridget Skaife (Community Officer, RDC) for Item 3f), and two members of the public.

2.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the July meeting and the May Annual meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Matters Arising
f)   Community Emergency Plan  (This Item was taken first)
Richard introduced Grace Lawes and explained that the Council was considering whether the preparation and adoption of a simple Plan would be appropriate and valuable.  Grace outlined the potential rôle such plans fulfil in facilitating communication between the community, the emergency services and NYCC in emergency situations.  The Plan can assist the emergency services by providing local contacts, information about facilities and equipment available within the community as well as access considerations.  It can also highlight vulnerable properties and residents.  The value of the plan lies in improving the reaction to an emergency in the short term.   She offered to send templates that Councils can use to help draw up a Plan.
Richard thanked Grace and said that the Council will decide on how to proceed at the next meeting.
a)  A64 junctions – maintenance responsibilities
Richard reported on correspondence he has had with Kevin Hollinrake’s office, Caroline Goodrick (NYC Councillor) and NYC Highways.  It was stated, by NYC Highways, that there is agreement on the line at which NYC responsibility ends and Highways England (HE) begins.  Andy and Simon wondered whether the Highways England Boundary Plan being used by NYCC was the same as that used by HE.  Richard will try to gain sight of, or preferably access to, the Plan and the name of the responsible contact  in HE.
b)  Mobile Post Office
Jem reported on the correspondence and conversations with Kevin Hollinrake’s office, Openreach, the Post Office and others.  The PO Area Manager has agreed to raise the problem with her managers now that she is aware of its nature.  Jem will contact her again to ascertain whether any progress can be made.  The possibility of a concerted appeal from affected residents may be considered.
c)  Roads maintenance
The initial response from NYCC Highways had been supplemented by further remedial work.  It was agreed that the Council would continue to submit reports of damage warranting attention at, perhaps, six monthly intervals, if necessary.  Jem will write to NYCC to express the Council’s gratitude.
d)  A64 pedestrian safety
Richard reported that an Action Group has been established and that he has attended the first meeting.  Richard will circulate the minutes as well as a report of an analysis of the vehicular/pedestrian traffic along this part of the A64.  The Parish Council will contribute £100 in two instalments.
e)  Freedom of Information – Model Publication Scheme
Preparation and publication of a scheme was not thought necessary as the provisions of the legislation are being complied with, or exceeded, already.  Richard will check that a scheme is not a legal requirement.

4.         New Matters
None raised

5.         Planning
a)  Hydramotion
A revised application is still awaited.
b)  Barn West of Village Green – Walker Fold Barn
Outstanding issues have been successfully resolved.  James Morris said that he felt aggrieved that he had lost time and money as a result of a query raised by the Council and stated that any concerns should have be raised with him.  Richard explained the Council had always supported the application and the matter raised with RDC was administrative.
c)  Unit 6 Malton Enterprise Park
Awaiting determination.

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
The report to 30th September was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.

7.         Any Other Business
a)  TransPennine Express/Forestry Commission grants
This scheme was not considered appropriate for any project currently contemplated.
b)  Village maintenance
Pavement edges and kerb between High & Low villages and from Carr Cottages to the pinfold have become overgrown and covered in debris.  Jem will ask the grass cutting contractor to clear them now that grass growth has slowed.
c)  Barneygate Lane End
Simon reported that the vegetation on the triangle at was restricting visibility.  It was not thought likely that Highways England would alter the routine cutting programme.
d) Leader grants
Andy wondered whether community installation of a fibre optic cable could be considered in this scheme.  Richard will contact Amy Walker to enquire.
e)  Community Event - Hovingham
Richard drew attention to this event on the 19th of October.
f)   Councillor Vacancy
Jem will initiate the prescribed procedure for appointing a new Councillor.

8.         Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 28th November and, provisionally, 30th of January 2018 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2017

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Harvest Festival - St Margaret's Church - Sunday 15th October 2017

This Sunday, the 15th October, is Harvest Festival at the Church.

It starts at 6 30pm and there will be light refreshments afterwards.

Everyone in our community is welcome to come and celebrate our good fortune for where we live and what we are fortunate enough to have, as well as  the work of those who make it possible.

© 2017

Monday 9 October 2017

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop - Viilage Hall - 14th December 2017

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop

Thursday 14th December 2017 Huttons Ambo Village Hall, 7pm to 9pm

Create your own bespoke Christmas wreath, using natural materials.

All you need is a good pair of gloves and your imagination!

£25 per person.

Light refreshments will be served.

Please email:

for a booking form!

© 2017

Friday 22 September 2017


The Parish Council is required to post this notice 
along with the audited Annual Return. (Click to view)

© 2017

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Yoga Classes - Village Hall from Thursday 7th September

Huttons Ambo Yoga

From this Thursday, 7th September, Nestor Portnoy will be running Yoga classes in the Village Hall

The class starts at 7pm and runs for 1hr 15min.

Cost is £10 per class or  £40 for a five class block (£8/class)

Please contact Nestor (details below) or simply turn up on Thursday evening.

M: 07503 157356
H: 01904 613 962

© 2017

To the Summit - Sponsored walk, ride, cycle swim - Saturday 9th September 9am-12noon

To the Summit - Sponsored walk, ride, cycle swim
War Memorial to the Church

Saturday 9th September 9am-12noon

Celebratory Supper 7pm Terrington Village Hall £10.00 per person

© 2017

Friday 1 September 2017


The Parish Council has received notice of an application for the erection of one business starter unit at Malton Enterprise Park.  Comments have been requested by Ryedale District Council by the 15th of September.

The application can be inspected at Ryedale House or at by entering the application number.

If you have any comment please submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

© 2017

Monday 28 August 2017

Family Fun Night - Friday October 6th

Family Fun Night
Friday October 6th
From 7.30pm
In the Village hall
Games. Activities. Music.
Open Mic. Time to chat. Refreshments.
Families and accompanied children welcome.
This event is the re-launch the Youth Club and  a taster evening.
There will be professional youth leaders on hand for your ideas and also running activities during the evening.

The first sessions of the newly formed Youth Club will be Nov 3rd and Dec 1st.
Youth Club will have one professional leader and we have at least one regular volunteer who has agreed to attend every session.

The Youth Club will run longer on a Friday evening to allow older children to join the session and its will be extended to a later finish with the session for the younger children ending around 830pm


© 2017

Monday 14 August 2017

Huttons Ambo Gliding Evening

Huttons Ambo Gliding Evening

22 Huttons Ambo villagers and friends gathered at the Wolds Gliding Club in Pocklington on a fine clear Friday evening but with rain threatened later. Following the safety briefing, flying got under way with former villager David Jackson being first into the air. The flights followed quickly with the last flight being taken by David Green. Rain was now very close and the last two gliders were flown in to land adjacent to the hangers. Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening and there have been requests to do it again.

Jim Monks

Firstly, a big thank you to David for organising this splendid event;  fortunately the weather was excellent, enabling it to be a huge success.
It was indeed an exhilarating experience being hauled up at high speed,  at an angle of 45 degrees to well over 1,000 ft.,  and then to circle in silence around the airfield.   Being able to take control for a while was marvellous.   The site was an old RAF station and it all took me back to my service days, especially when strapping on the parachute.
It was impressive to see club members giving freely of their services,  and many thanks to the young pilots,  so  extremely accomplished, and competent.
I personally hope to have another trip;  perhaps even have a try in the simulator.
Thanks too to Carol in the control cabin, logging each flight.
So,  all in all,  a very memorable and enjoyable evening.

Susan Milward

I had not been in a glider before.  What an amazing experience it was!  The high speed pull by winch along the grass and the surprisingly steep and fast ascent.  Very exciting circling round and looking down on the countryside below, sitting in the front and feeling like the pilot.  It was so silent and peaceful, unlike being in an aeroplane.  All too soon the gradual descent to earth.  Thank you David for arranging it.

Simon Lealman

David had mentioned about open days at the gliding club to me before, but they had always fallen on days when I had other things to do. When he said that he was organising an evening for the village it seemed an ideal opportunity to go. Laura is 9 years old now, and had really enjoyed it when we flew on holiday a couple of years ago, so I asked her if she would like to come with me, leaving Anne to look after Emma at home. On the Friday evening I picked her up from school and we drove straight to Pocklington, and sat and had a picnic in the car. When David and Carole arrived he took us to the hangar where the winch tractor was. It was really simple, having two big spools of metal cable linked to a big V8 engine. It proved to be very effective when pulling the glider up into the air, as we all found out later on.

After the demo of the glider and its controls, followed by the safety video in the clubhouse we started to line up for our flights. Murray Naylor and David Jackson were the first two in. Their flights seemed to be over in about the same time it took to get the parachute strapped on their back and safely installed in the cockpit. Laura and I were due to be the next two, but this meant we would be in the air at the same time. I had promised to film her flight so Anne and Emma could watch, so swapped with the next person in the queue. The parachute was only slightly smaller than Laura’s torso and was much bigger and heavier than either of us were expecting. She seemed to be a little bit frightened, but was mainly excited about the impending flight in a glider. Laura got in to the back seat, the cockpit closed and a minute or so later the rope started to move very rapidly quickly followed by the glider. I had trouble keeping the camera trained on it because of the speed and in a few seconds the glider was up and only a tiny shape was visible in the sky. I was then putting my parachute on and getting ready for my own flight. Laura’s descent and landing looked smooth. I went over and when the cockpit opened she had the biggest smile imaginable on her face. Laura had really enjoyed the experience, telling me she had flown it for a while and was asking if she could go up again.

My flight was in the same glider, so after she got out of the back and was safely with the rest of the group, I climbed in, but being slightly heavier than Laura, at the front. I like flying in a normal aeroplane, but I don’t particularly like take-offs, so was expecting something similar. I wasn’t disappointed. The acceleration was tremendous. However, this only lasted about five or ten seconds, which was as long as the winch was pulling the glider up in the sky. Once up there, the view was fantastic and I was able to see for miles in every direction. I could have spent all evening just looking at the countryside around Pocklington and beyond. I was given control for a few seconds, moving the joystick slightly and trying to feel the effects. Then, after circling round for a while we came in to land within a few yards of where we had taken off from. The landing was very smooth, with only a slight bump as the back wheel of the glider hit the ground. Like Laura, I also had a thoroughly good time and would definitely repeat my gliding experience another time. However, David has since told me that the glider flights pulled by an old crop-sprayer they have at the club are probably more my thing if I’m not keen on the winch take-offs.

Laura Lealman

On Friday 14th July we went to the Wolds Gliding Club with David. We got there first and he showed us the winch which pulls the gliders up into the air. We saw lots of gliders kept in a garage called a hangar. Other people from the village started to arrive and David told us about the history of the airfield and how it was used in the war. Then he showed us a glider that looked like the one we would be flying in and explained how the controls worked. We went inside the clubhouse to watch a safety video. After that we walked out to a van where Carole was recording who was flying. Before we went in a glider we had to wear a parachute. It was really heavy. We had to have an instructor with us, mine was called Bob. He went in the front seat and I went in the back because of weight balance, everyone else’s instructor went in the back.

When I took off it was bumpy and steep going up. I was expecting a cloudy, foggy sky but once I was up there it was clear. Up in the air I could see buildings and fields a long way away. I enjoyed looking out of the window and seeing the view. Bob let me have control of the glider up in the air. When we landed it was a smooth bounce.

I enjoyed gliding very much and if David organised another evening I would gladly go.

Eleanor Green

I’ll admit I was a little…apprehensive about being launched into the air in a small vessel only big enough for two people, especially when I saw how quickly the gliders shoot up into the sky. However, everyone who had been up said how brilliant it was and they were totally right, I loved it! It was really great to be there with a group of familiar faces – not your usual village outing!

Tim Green

It was a very fun and exhilarating experience, something totally new that I’d never thought to try before. Everybody was kind, professional and reassuring which made it all the more enjoyable!

David Green

With ominous clouds approaching, I found myself on the last flight of the evening which made it all the more exciting.
After the release of the launch cable and the slight stomach dropping sensation it was a great experience to be handed control and given the chance to make a few turns and to realise how sensitive the controls were. It was over all too quickly and the landing was made almost to the doors of the hangar. Ten minutes later, still on a high, the rain arrived.

© 2017