Flower & Produce Show – new committee members are required due to some of the current group standing down after this years show.
If the show is to continue we need to replace those leaving and expand the team by a couple of extra members too. There are around 3 meetings a year, tasks to complete between meetings and a commitment of time over the show weekend.
If you are interested please contact 01653 699 769 info@huttonsambo.com The first meeting will be in February 2017 so please come forward by the end of January.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
BT is planning to disconnect and remove the red phone box in Low Hutton and is consulting the local authority. This is part of an ongoing national programme reviewing usage, and hence "need" for, public payphones. Apparently the telephone was not used at all during the 12 month monitoring period.
If you have any views or concerns, or would like to know more, please contact one of your Parish Councillors as soon as possible.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
If you have any views or concerns, or would like to know more, please contact one of your Parish Councillors as soon as possible.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Huttons Ambo Youth Club - November Report
Vince led a great night at Youth Club on Friday
11th with plenty of practical fun tinkering with engines and tools
assisted by Jonathan, and Beth led hedgehoggy crafts
This is the final Youth Cub session before the hall is refurbished but don’t forget the panto on December 14th.
If you have over 12’s who are not currently youth club members but who would be interested in new special sessions for the over 12s due to start in the Spring – get in touch to be involved in the planning session which you young people are holding in the new year. info@huttonsambo.com
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
This is the final Youth Cub session before the hall is refurbished but don’t forget the panto on December 14th.
If you have over 12’s who are not currently youth club members but who would be interested in new special sessions for the over 12s due to start in the Spring – get in touch to be involved in the planning session which you young people are holding in the new year. info@huttonsambo.com
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Ruth & Neil Hannah Community Awards
More congratulations to our own Ruth & Neil Hannah who were awarded a Highly Commended at the North Yorkshire Community Awards in the Best Project category.
Here they are at one of their Musical Memories sessions at the RVS in Pickering.
Musical Memories is a social enterprise working with Rural Action Yorkshire and other organisations to offer singing sessions to community buildings across the Ryedale district. Musical Memories sessions provide local residents, especially older people, the opportunity to get together in a social setting, to make new friends whilst having a good sing and reminisce about past times. Well done Ruth & Neil !
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Joseph Banks Community Award Winner
Congratulations to our own Joseph Banks who has won a North Yorkshire Community Award as Young Volunteer of the year for his contributions to our village life – in particular the work he undertook in initiating the Youth Club but also raising money for the defibrillator and for the past 2 years keeping the scores and entry details for the Flower & Produce Show.
Joseph wins £1000 to be donated to a charity or group of his choice and he has opted for this to be The Huttons Ambo Youth Club – specifically for the deveopment of activities for the over 12s. Well done and thank you Joseph !
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Don't forget - Jack & The Beanstalk - Wednesday 14th December 6pm - Village Hall
Jack & The Beanstalk – Huttons Ambo Village Hall.
Rural Arts & Pocket Panto present a professional, small but perfectly formed family panto for one night only. Running time approx. 1.5 hours.Tickets £6 adults and £4 children (16 & under.)
Light refreshments available. info@huttonsambo.com or from Liz 01653 699769.
Tickets limited. Please support this event– bringing small children is not compulsory - grown up children welcome – encouraged even – and there will be mulled wine !!
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Church Services - December 2016
St Margaret's Church - Church Services
Sunday December 11th, 11am | Morning Prayer, Murray Naylor |
Sunday December 18th, 630pm | Carol Service, The Rector |
Sunday December 25th 11am | Christmas Holy Communion, The Rector |
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Christmas Meeting Point - December 2016
Christmas Meeting Point, Saturday 10th December, 12 noon to 2pm
Light lunches of homemade soup, sandwiches, paninis and CAKES.
Free trade stall and books.
Come and enjoy the opportunity for a lovely lunch and some great company.
Carols will be sung and festive cheer available in abundance.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Thursday, 24 November 2016
1. Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present along with one member of the public. Apologies had been received from Cllr. David Banks
2. Minutes of the July PC meeting
These were approved and signed as being a true record
3. Matters Arising
a) Broadband flier
David had reported that he’d held off drafting a flier because of current developments in a possible wireless service from Beeline.
b) Back Lane gulleys & soakaways
The work promised has yet to be carried out though the contractor has, apparently, been instructed. Richard will write to James Malcolm at Highways, North Yorkshire to try to ascertain when it might be completed so that consideration can be given to the possibility of some interim work by volunteers.
c) Pavement edges in Low Hutton
Simon and Andy had completed the section from the ‘phone box to The Redings. Simon suggested that another section would benefit from similar attention. Simon will undertake this if other(s) volunteer to assist.
d) Condition of pavement surfaces
These have been inspected by NYCC but no feedback has been received. Jem will write to ascertain whether any work is planned.
e) Potholes in Low Lane
Simon has assessed these and concluded that, at that time, they did not quite meet the criteria for emergency repair. A watching brief will be kept on these, and other, potholes so that NYCC can be alerted to any that require, and qualify for, attention.
f) Road names
No further work has been carried out on possible rationalisation.
4. New Matters
a) Beeline broadband
Richard presented a detailed summary of the work that has been carried out by the Council in terms of meetings, correspondence and discussions with providers. He outlined the current position with phase III of the Superfast North Yorkshire project and the other, wireless, options that may become available, as well as the consideration of a community funded option which was not felt realistic. He also explained how efforts had been made to keep the community informed through articles in the Village Bulletin and the Howardian and the preparation of minutes of meetings which have been published on notice boards and the village website.
He concluded by saying that there was very little further that the Council could reasonably do and suggested that individuals who were dissatisfied with the broadband they have might liaise one with another to put together a co-ordinated case.
It was agreed that the David and Richard will now go ahead and draft the flier noted above.
b) Low Hutton phonebox
It had been reported in the press that BT are proposing to close and remove this phonebox, along with many others nationally, and had entered into consultation. The Council had received no notification. Jem will contact BT to find out the position.
c) Minerals & Waste Joint Plan
A further consultation on the adoption of this Plan is underway but the terms are restricted to legal matters. The Council did not consider further representation appropriate.
5. Planning
a) Cherry Farm
b) Hydramotion
Awaiting determination.
7. Finance
a) Budget progress
The report to 31st October was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.
b) Parish Precept for 2017/18
Income from the precept and associated grants has remained at the current level since 2013/14. It was agreed that an increase of 1.8% should be made, equivalent to an annual increase since 2013/14 of 0.5%, to take the precept from £2750 to £2800.
8. Any Other Business
a) Bus service 181
A revised timetable has been introduced and copies posted in bus shelters.
9. Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday17th January at 7.30 at Dalton House and, provisionally, 14th of March 2017 at 7.30. Venue to be announced depending on availability of the Village Hall once the refurbishment plan has been put into place.
Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)
Date: ……………………………..
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Thursday, 10 November 2016
A Meeting of Huttons Ambo Parish Council
will take place in the Village Hall
on Tuesday, 15th November 2016
at 7.30 pm.
Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.
1 Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence
2 Approval of Minutes
3 Matters Arising:
a) Broadband flier
b) Back lane gulleys and soakaways
c) Grass cutting
d) Pavement edges in Low Hutton
e) Condition of pavements – High & Low Hutton
f) Potholes on Low Lane
g) Road names
4 New matters
a) Beeline broadband
b) Low Hutton phonebox
c) Minerals & Waste Joint Plan
5 Planning:
a) Cherry Farm
b) Hydramotion
6 Finance:
a) Budget progress to 31st October
b) Parish precept
7 Any Other Business
8 Date of next Meeting
Provisionally 17th January 2016 at 7.30pm
Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Monday, 7 November 2016
Jack & The Beanstalk – Huttons Ambo Village Hall.
Jack & The Beanstalk – Huttons Ambo Village Hal
On Wednesday 14th December 6pm Rural Arts & Pocket Panto present a professional, small but perfectly formed family panto for one night only. Running time approx. 1.5 hours. Tickets £6 adults and £4 children (16 & under.)Light refreshments available. info@huttonsambo.com or from Liz 01653 699769.
Tickets limited and 25% gone already.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Meeting Point Update
Meeting Point Update
The Meeting Point on October 1st was – as usual a lovely occasion with great food and opportunities to catch up and spend time with others. The next Meeting Point will be November 5th and after that dates as to be decided after the hall refurbishment is complete.One of the original founders is stepping down and everyone would like to say a huge thank-you to Sara Swindells for all her work and input into making the Meeting Point – the much valued event that it has become – also for amazingly good quiche and cake.
The team intend to continue with the Meeting Point but as you can appreciate it’s a huge commitment of time and energy to prepare for and deliver the event so we are appealing for some help.
We are looking for anyone who can bake (all costs covered), wash up, help setup/clear up or wash up – either regularly or on an ad hoc basis.
Volunteer bakers and washers up please contact Sarah Clark or Alison Dobie in person, or text 07737785178
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
The Village Hall Refurbishment - Update
The Village Hall Refurbishment
The new purpose-built storage room build will happen in November and take around 2 weeks. During this time the hall will remain in use.
The main refurbishment work will start in January and is planned to take around 4 weeks. During this time the hall will be out of use and the site will be closed to the public.
The plan is to store all equipment and furniture which we are going to retain in the new store room and the 2 existing sheds on site during the refurbishment. All other equipment and furniture that we may deem as obsolete or not needed shall be disposed.
If you have items in the hall they will need to be removed or Andy Dorman, who is coordinating the removal/storage process, should be advised so he can make arrangements.
IMPORTANT Items not identified, claimed or removed by December 14th may be disposed of either through sale, tip or donation.
The skip, material storage and welfare facilities will be sited behind the hall and vehicular access to them will be via the paddock as required but managed by the estate office and the onsite project manager.
Inevitably there may be a little more traffic for deliveries, more people around and potentially noise during the periods of work but we do hope you will be understanding and thank you for your patience.
For further information regarding the refurbishment logistics and works, contact Andy Dorman 01653 694412. (hall clearance ) or Michael Leighton (construction) qs123@btinternet.com
Colours and Décor – we are now planning the décor and colour schemes for the hall post refurbishment and some options will be on view at Herbies in the coming weeks. If you wish to support one scheme over the other or have comments or opinions then please make your views known – 01653 699769 info@huttonsambo.com by December 1st.
Obviously it will be impossible to please everyone but we would welcome feedback before the final decisions are made. Thanks
Cleaner – the hall will also need a cleaner – weekly or bi-monthly – hours to suit from Feb 2017. Contact Liz 01653 699769 if interested and if you know anyone who might be interested.
Liz Ellis
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Huttons Ambo Good Neighbours Scheme Closing Down
Huttons Ambo Good Neighbours Scheme
It is with mixed feeling that the Good Neighbours Scheme Committee has decided to close down the scheme. We have been operational for a year and had no calls to the helpline. This does however show that we have amazing support networks within the village and people help each other informally all the time.We hope that everyone in the village knows someone they can call on locally if they need help and if not then please make this known at the Meeting Point and we can make sure you have someone who would be ready to help if needed.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Huttons Ambo Youth Club
Vince is bringing some engines to take apart and learn about – so it will be a hand on sessions plus the usual crafts, activities, squash/jammie dodgers and running about !!
Further updates with dates for 2017 season will appear in future Bulletins and if you are a YC member or parent then you will receive an email update.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Meeting Point - November 2016
Meeting Point in the Village Hall, Saturday November 5th 12 until 2
Light lunches of homemade soup, sandwiches, paninis and CAKES. Come and enjoy the opportunity for a lovely lunch and some great company© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
St Margaret's Church - Church Services
St Margaret's Church - Church Services
Sunday 6th November 11am, Morning Prayer -Simon JacksonSunday November 20th 11am, Holy Communion – The Rector
Sunday December 4th 11am, Advent carols – Juliet Bleasdale
Taize Meeting at All Saints Terrington on Tuesday November 15th 7.30pm.
For further details contact Michael Sessions
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
The Council has received notice of
an application for the erection of a two storey linking extension at
Hydramotion, Seven Street, Malton. Comments have been requested by the 4th
of November.
The application can be inspected at
Ryedale House or at http://www.ryedale.gov.uk/residents/planning/view-a-planning-application.html by
entering the application number.
If you have any comment please
submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
The Parish Council has received notice of
an application for change of use at Cherry Farm to equestrian, and construction
of stabling and other facilities. It is, in part, retrospective, to
regularise work already carried out. The
works proposed are on or adjacent to a public footpath. Comments have been requested by the 31st
of October 2016.
The application can be inspected at
Ryedale House or at http://www.ryedale.gov.uk/residents/planning/view-a-planning-application.html by
entering the application number.
If you have any comment please
submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish
Saturday, 8 October 2016
British Heart Foundation Training Resources
Just a reminder that the village has a British Heart Foundation training kit with dvds and a resuscitation doll and all the kit for anyone or any group to borrow and learn with.
It's a community resource so please contact me if you would like to borrow it for your group or family or if you would like to arrange a training event . 01653 699769
Liz Ellis
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
It's a community resource so please contact me if you would like to borrow it for your group or family or if you would like to arrange a training event . 01653 699769
Liz Ellis
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Friday, 7 October 2016
1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. David
Banks, Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles
were present. Three members of the
public were also present.
2. Minutes of the July PC meeting
These were approved and signed as being a
true record
3. Matters Arising
a) Superfast Broadband
Richard summarised detailed responses that had
been received from BTOpenreach and NYNET to letters sent by Simon and Jem. The Council’s only means of expediting the
availability of superfast would be by organising a community led project to
provide, or significantly contribute towards, the required infrastructure. It was agreed that this was neither realistic
nor feasible for the number of potential subscribers.
Both High and Low Hutton are being considered
for possible upgrade in Phase III of the Superfast North Yorkshire programme
with tenders due to be opened in April 2017 and completion of agreed works by
December 2020. There is no guarantee
either will be covered by the service offered by the accepted bidder.
A subsidy is available for subscribers whose
broadband service does not reach certain minimum standards. If there is sufficient demand these could be
pooled and Boundless Communications has indicated that they would then be able
to install a superfast wireless broadband service. Other wireless providers may be in a similar
and Richard will
draft a flier, for distribution door to door, explaining the current situation
and the options available.
b) Back Lane gulleys & soakaways
The work promised has yet to be carried
out. Richard will write to Neil Jefferson at Highways, North
c) Regular item in The Howardian
will submit
articles whenever there are appropriate matters on which to report.
d) Giant Hogweed
The treatment this year has been very
successful but another follow up treatment in Spring or early Summer will be needed.
e) Barneygate Lane End bus shelter
The missing pane of glass has been
replaced. Jem will write to thank NYCC.
f) Pavement in Low Hutton
and Andy will clear the encroaching grass, possibly next week.
4. New Matters
a) Grass cutting contract
Cutting of the village green and the roadside
strip by the church has continued to be erratic despite the contractor being
reminded on 2 separate occasions. It was
agreed that this was not satisfactory. The
Council will take steps to ensure that the grass is cut, possibly including
action by volunteers. Graham Milner
kindly offered to do this, if necessary, on condition that he had assistance.
b) Parish Liaison meeting
Richard reported on the meeting of PC members
from the Derwent Ward convened by Mike Potter, Cllr. RDC. It was a useful meeting as an opportunity for
councils to share experience. HA
appeared to be the most active of the council’s represented.
c) Parish map
A small company had contacted the council to
seek interest in preparing a map. This
was not though worthwhile. Jem will decline the offer.
d) Community led housing
Councillors supported the principle of local
communities being actively involved in the provision of affordable/social
housing. It was not thought appropriate
in HA, at least for the time being, both because of the lack of suitable land
and the existing preoccupation of many active members of the community in the
Village Hall project and other community beneficial projects.
e) RAY Conference & AGM
will write
to indicate that HA will not be represented and will submit the voting proxy
5. Planning
a) Gledhow Cottage & Oaklea
b) Malton Enterprise Park
7. Finance
a) Budget progress
report to 31st August was considered to show that the position was
b) External auditor’s report
This report on the annual accounts had been
received and was satisfactory.
8. Any Other Business
a) Condition of pavements
Those from Herbie’s shop to Orchard
Cottage and from the church to the ‘phone box are in a very poor state and are
treacherous for those with impaired walking ability. It was thought not to be worthwhile raising
this issue again with NYCC Highways.
b) Road names
Some road names used officially are thought
by at least one parishioner to be unhelpful.
Simon will investigate.
c) Potholes on Low Lane
will measure
two he had identified as serious to determine whether they meet the criteria
for attention. He will contact Jem to
write to Highways if appropriate.
d) Correspondence
Jem reminded Councillors that it is useful to
have a record of all official correspondence between Councillors and
outside bodies or agencies to be held centrally.
9. Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 15th November
and, provisionally, 17th of January 2017 at 7.30. Venue to be announced depending on
availability of the Village Hall once the refurbishment plan has been put into
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Saturday, 17 September 2016
27th SEPTEMBER 2016
A Meeting of Huttons Ambo Parish Council
will take place in the Village Hall
on Tuesday, 27th September 2016
at 7.30 pm.
Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.
1 Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence
2 Approval of Minutes
2 Approval of Minutes
3 Matters Arising:
a) Broadband
b) Back lane gulleys and soakaways
c) Regular item in the Howardian
d) Giant hogweed
e) Barneygate Lane End bus shelter
f) Pavement in Low Hutton
4 New matters
a) Grass cutting contract
b) Parish liaison meeting
c) Parish map
d) Community led housing
5 Planning:
a) Gledhow Cottage and Oaklea
b) Malton Enterprise Park
6 Finance:
a) Budget progress to 31st August
b) External audit
7 Any Other Business
8 Date of next Meeting
Provisionally 15th November 2016 at 7.30pm
Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Huttons Ambo Harvest Festival - Correction
The Harvest Festival Date is Sunday 18th October at 630pm and not September as previously stated.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Huttons Ambo Village Hall wins Big Lottery funding
Huttons Ambo Village Hall wins Big Lottery funding for an extensive refurbishment.
After a long and extensive application process Huttons Ambo Village Hall has been awarded £164,400 from The Big Lottery Fund towards the refurbishment of the village hall. Work will start soon and it is hoped the project will be completed by early 2017.
The planned work includes the installation of a new heating and hot water system and 21st century insulation to keep the heat in and to keep the cold out there will be new doors and windows. At the back of the building there will be small extension providing a storage room accessed directly from the hall. Additionally there will be much needed new toilet facilities and a brand new kitchen with a large serving hatch to make events with food far easier to deliver.
A spokesperson said :
We are thrilled to have been successful in our application and that this will enable us to develop our much loved hall into a real community asset for the future.
Many of our residents have known the hall since their childhood and feel a strong connection with it.
These improvements will make it more functional, accessible, warm and efficient to run.
We intend to keep the welcoming and homely feel of the building by retaining and reinstating some features. Bringing the facilities into the 21st century will create a place our community will enjoy and be proud of for years to come.
The hall is currently used by many village groups such as The Meeting Point, the Youth Club, popular Quiz & Supper Nights and the Art Group as well as being home to the annual Flower & Produce Show. With better facilities and a warmer environment the hall management committee hope to attract a wider usage, increasing the number and variety of the activities available in the village.
The bid team are still working to securing some additional funding for extra fittings and equipment but this significant award from the Big Lottery Fund will transform the much-loved hall and make it fit for the future and many more years of community use.
If you would like more information then contact
Liz Ellis
M: 07968 981296
Visit www.huttonsambo.com
Follow on @huttonsambo
Via the Facebook group Huttons Ambo Village
• The Big Lottery Fund is the largest funder of community activity in the UK. It puts people in the lead to improve their lives and communities, often through small, local projects.
• It is responsible for giving out 40% of the money raised by National Lottery players for good causes. Every year it invests over £650 million and awards around 12,000 grants across the UK for health, education, environment and charitable purposes.
• Since June 2004 it has awarded over £8 billion to projects that change the lives of millions of people.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
After a long and extensive application process Huttons Ambo Village Hall has been awarded £164,400 from The Big Lottery Fund towards the refurbishment of the village hall. Work will start soon and it is hoped the project will be completed by early 2017.
The planned work includes the installation of a new heating and hot water system and 21st century insulation to keep the heat in and to keep the cold out there will be new doors and windows. At the back of the building there will be small extension providing a storage room accessed directly from the hall. Additionally there will be much needed new toilet facilities and a brand new kitchen with a large serving hatch to make events with food far easier to deliver.
A spokesperson said :
We are thrilled to have been successful in our application and that this will enable us to develop our much loved hall into a real community asset for the future.
Many of our residents have known the hall since their childhood and feel a strong connection with it.
These improvements will make it more functional, accessible, warm and efficient to run.
We intend to keep the welcoming and homely feel of the building by retaining and reinstating some features. Bringing the facilities into the 21st century will create a place our community will enjoy and be proud of for years to come.
The hall is currently used by many village groups such as The Meeting Point, the Youth Club, popular Quiz & Supper Nights and the Art Group as well as being home to the annual Flower & Produce Show. With better facilities and a warmer environment the hall management committee hope to attract a wider usage, increasing the number and variety of the activities available in the village.
The bid team are still working to securing some additional funding for extra fittings and equipment but this significant award from the Big Lottery Fund will transform the much-loved hall and make it fit for the future and many more years of community use.
If you would like more information then contact
Liz Ellis
M: 07968 981296
Visit www.huttonsambo.com
Follow on @huttonsambo
Via the Facebook group Huttons Ambo Village
• The Big Lottery Fund is the largest funder of community activity in the UK. It puts people in the lead to improve their lives and communities, often through small, local projects.
• It is responsible for giving out 40% of the money raised by National Lottery players for good causes. Every year it invests over £650 million and awards around 12,000 grants across the UK for health, education, environment and charitable purposes.
• Since June 2004 it has awarded over £8 billion to projects that change the lives of millions of people.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Friday, 9 September 2016
Huttons Ambo Harvest Festival 2016
Huttons Ambo Harvest Festival - Sunday 18th October 630pm - St Margaret's Church
All welcome
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
Dates for Your Diary - September 2016
Forthcoming events:
Friday 9th September - Youth ClubSaturday 10th September - Quiz Night & Supper
Tuesday 23th September - Parish Council Meeting (please note new date)
Tuesday 20th September - Taize - Welburn Church
Saturday 24th September - 'Everest Climb' followed by Himalaya Party at Terrington Village Hall
Wednesday 28th September - Book Club at Alison Hewitt's home, 'Wanting' by Richard Flanagan
Church Services:
Sunday 18th September Holy Communion - The RectorSunday 2nd October Morning Prayer - Murray Naylor
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Quiz Night & Supper, Saturday September 10th
Just a reminder that it's time for the quarterly quiz night and supper on Sat Sept 10th (7pm doors open for 730pm first question)
Food order forms went out with the last Bulletin and food order deadline is Monday 5th Sept (not November !- typo on food order sheet). Spare forms at Herbies or email me.
It's BYO drink's and please order food in good time so we can cater efficiently.
If you don't have a full team (up to 6 adults) the let me know and we can make up some teams by joining couple or singles.
For those of you who have never attended - it's a very relaxed, fun and sociable event so if you are not a hardened quizzer don't worry.
Liz Ellis
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Food order forms went out with the last Bulletin and food order deadline is Monday 5th Sept (not November !- typo on food order sheet). Spare forms at Herbies or email me.
It's BYO drink's and please order food in good time so we can cater efficiently.
If you don't have a full team (up to 6 adults) the let me know and we can make up some teams by joining couple or singles.
For those of you who have never attended - it's a very relaxed, fun and sociable event so if you are not a hardened quizzer don't worry.
Liz Ellis
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Huttons Ambo Produce Show 2016 - Report
Saturday August 20th was the 62nd Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show.
Despite the autumnal weather there were almost 400 entries in classes as varied as the heaviest marrow, the best compost, pasta jewellery and even a Tweet about our village. There was a fabulous tea with plenty of cake and home-made elderflower cordial.Thanks to all entrants, judges, helpers and attendees
You can download a copy of the final results here.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Monday, 15 August 2016
Huttons Ambo climbs Everest!??!
Huttons Ambo climbs Everest!
On Saturday the 24th September 2016 there will be a fund raising event for our Church by “climbing Everest”.
The Church only receives funding through the generosity of those who live in Huttons Ambo (There is no external funding support from the Church or Government) and, as it is used by many in the Village for marriages, christenings, funerals as well as services on Sundays, if the Church is not supported by the Village it is possible that it would have to close and we could lose our Church.
The Plan: The Rector is going to lead us by climbing in all five parishes in the Benefice. In simple terms, 300 people, or equivalent, walking from the war memorial to the Church will have climbed collectively the height of Everest. Cycle attempts count, dogs having four legs count twice, humans count once.
Each “climber” should obtain sponsorship or make a donation, so funds will be raised. Tea, coffee and cake will be available at St Margaret's at a modest cost to all who partake and of course the organ and bells will play for 5 minutes as each 10,000 feet are reached.
The Route: The direct route is straight up the road, but any route is acceptable, for instance, up Rakes Lane from the Old School to the top of the immediate ridge, turn right around the fields towards the Hall and thence to the Church.
Timings: The Rector will “climb” in Huttons Ambo between 0900 and 1015, so the Church will be open from 0900 to 1200.
Evening Party: There will be a party in the early evening for the whole Benefice organised by Welburn. It will be on a Nepalese theme and tickets will be £10 for adults and £5 for children. Sponsorship forms will be available, and are likely to be available from Herbie’s and on the web site – to be confirmed.
Questions should be directed to Jeremy Bleasdale on 01653 – 690344
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
On Saturday the 24th September 2016 there will be a fund raising event for our Church by “climbing Everest”.
The Church only receives funding through the generosity of those who live in Huttons Ambo (There is no external funding support from the Church or Government) and, as it is used by many in the Village for marriages, christenings, funerals as well as services on Sundays, if the Church is not supported by the Village it is possible that it would have to close and we could lose our Church.
The Plan: The Rector is going to lead us by climbing in all five parishes in the Benefice. In simple terms, 300 people, or equivalent, walking from the war memorial to the Church will have climbed collectively the height of Everest. Cycle attempts count, dogs having four legs count twice, humans count once.
Each “climber” should obtain sponsorship or make a donation, so funds will be raised. Tea, coffee and cake will be available at St Margaret's at a modest cost to all who partake and of course the organ and bells will play for 5 minutes as each 10,000 feet are reached.
The Route: The direct route is straight up the road, but any route is acceptable, for instance, up Rakes Lane from the Old School to the top of the immediate ridge, turn right around the fields towards the Hall and thence to the Church.
Timings: The Rector will “climb” in Huttons Ambo between 0900 and 1015, so the Church will be open from 0900 to 1200.
Evening Party: There will be a party in the early evening for the whole Benefice organised by Welburn. It will be on a Nepalese theme and tickets will be £10 for adults and £5 for children. Sponsorship forms will be available, and are likely to be available from Herbie’s and on the web site – to be confirmed.
Questions should be directed to Jeremy Bleasdale on 01653 – 690344
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Village Hall Fundraising Update

There are now 12 other applications in progress to various funders to support the purchase of equipment for the proposed village hall refurbishment so we are hoping for some success with at least a couple of them.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Grass Raking at St Margaret's Church - Saturday 3rd Spetember 10am
Help needed at St Margaret’s Church.
Can anyone spare an hour or so to help rake up the cut grass in the back churchyard flower meadow?This area is really beginning to take shape, in particular with the yellow rattle now doing its job in weakening the growth of the grass. However, it is very important to keep on top of the job of making the churchyard better and better by raking up the grass once it has been cut. In time this annual task will hopefully become less demanding. Any help on Saturday September 3rd from 10am for an hour or so will be very much appreciated. If you can bring a rake or a wheel barrow so much the better.
Thank you.
Contact: Rosa Naylor. 01653 695008 or minster.hill@btinternet.com
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Don't forget - Huttons Ambo Annual Flower & Produce Show 2016 - Saturday 20th August
Huttons Ambo Annual Flower & Produce Show 2016
Schedules and further details are on the website and available at Herbies. Entry forms have also been delivered to each house. Volunteers always needed on the day together with raffle prizes and your entries.
You don’t need to be green fingered to enter – there are lots of different classes including plenty of children so do take a look and try and enter something to put on a good show and support this annual village event – which has now been running for over 60 years !
Even if you don’t feel like entering yourselves – then come along and see all the exhibits and the prize winners and enjoy tea and refreshments from 4pm
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Thursday, 11 August 2016
The relevant pages of the Annual Return may be viewed here. Registered voters in the Parish may examine the original by application to Jem Charles (parishclerk@huttonsambo.com).
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Kirkham Weir and Sluices Options Appraisal Project – revised notes
Kirkham Weir and Sluices Options Appraisal Project – revised notes
The Environment Agency has revised the notes of the last (April) meeting of the community engagement group, you can download the revised notes here.© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
French Night - Pictures
A fantastic French Night tonight (Saturday 30th July) with wonderful entertainment from Jayne O'Ehley and Anita Topp, beautiful beef bourguignon from Fletchers of Norton, donations of lavender from several sources and stirling work in the kitchen from the Castletons.
There was much conversation, singing and a little dancing. It was alovely village event and raised more funds for hall refurbishment.

Thanks to everyone who supported and attended.
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com
Friday, 15 July 2016
1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. Andy
Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were
present. Apologies had been received
from Cllr. David Banks. One member of
the public was also present.
2. Minutes of the 2015/16 Annual
Meeting and the May PC meeting
These were approved and signed as being a
true record
3. Matters Arising
a) Copper beech on
Village Green
No further work has been carried out. Andy
will contact Tom (Cundalls Tree Surgeons) to ascertain when he may be
able to undertake the work.
b) Superfast Broadband
Richard, David and Simon had attended a
discussion event organised by Kevin Holinrake.
Representatives of several service providers and NYNET were present and
it was considered very useful.
III of the NYNET superfast broadband project, to make a connection available to
the remaining 25,000 properties in North Yorkshire, is due to go to tender in
September 2016 for work to start in April 2017.
BTOpenreach wins the contract Huttons Ambo will be connected by fibre optic
cable during the contract period. The
Council had heard from BT that the estimated cost would be £60k. Simon
will contact BT to seek a breakdown of this sum to help assess
alternatives and also to ascertain whether a cheaper option, which might enable
connection as part of normal commercial activity, would be feasible by
installing a spur from a cable along the A64 at High Lane End. Andy
will investigate whether there are any BT manhole covers or boxes in
the vicinity.
the contract is awarded to a provider reliant on wireless technology that
company would become the sole ISP for superfast broadband. However households would no longer require a
landline telephone connection if they transferred to VOIP for the telephone
Community funding option is available but it was not considered worth pursuing
at least for the time being as the cost, relative to the probable uptake, would
be likely to be prohibitive.
appears that NYNET consider that the Parish already has access to superfast
broadband with Boundless Communications.
Jem will write to NYNET
to disabuse them of this misconception and inform them that broadband speeds
often fall well below 1mB/s or even fall to zero. He
will also ask that access to their coverage map be granted and to be
kept informed of the progress of Phase III and how high on the priority list HA
sits, given the size of the community and its proximity to Malton.
c) Potholes
Jem had sent a list of those greater than
40mm in depth to NYCC Highways. These
had (almost) all been filled within days.
d) Back Lane gullies & soakaways
Richard had written to NYCC Highways and had
met the local engineer who, after inspecting the gulleys, promised that the
necessary work would be undertaken.
e) Give and Gain
Two staff members from the Racing Welfare
charity had volunteered to carry out some work to benefit the community. They, with assistance from Andy, had cleared
the pavement between the High and Low villages.
The Council had made a small donation in appreciation. The remainder of Back and Buck Lanes
pavements were cleared by Andy and Andy Clarke.
The Council expressed its thanks.
f) Marie Curie tea party
The Meeting Point team had agreed to host
this and to make the regular event a fund raiser. They, very generously, donated the day’s
takings to the charity and these, added to the donations by the community at the
event and subsequently, provided a total of £132 which was gratefully received
by the charity.
4. New Matters
a) Giant Hogweed
Jem had assisted John Shannon to treat the
remaining infestation. Treatment last
year had been very successful but complete clearance might take one, or more,
further follow-up treatments. Andy & Jem will monitor the
effectiveness of the treatment.
b) Regular item in The Howardian
Richard had submitted articles about the PC
in the past but this had lapsed. It was
agreed that this would again be worthwhile.
Richard will resume.
c) Village bulletin
The Council agreed to contribute to the cost
of printing by periodically reimbursing the cost of printer cartridges.
d) Queen’s Awards for Voluntary Service
will forward
information to the Meeting Point team and the Village Hall refurbishment
committee for information,
5. Planning
a) Gledhowe Cottage & Oaklea
Awaiting determination.
b) Malton Enterprise Park
Awaiting determination.
7. Finance
a) Budget progress
report to 30th June was considered to show that the position was
8. Any Other Business
a) Sweet chestnut on Village green
Simon suggested that the lowest
branches should be removed to improve access for mowing. Andy suggested that the fence could also be
removed. All Councillors will
look at the tree to agree any action at the next meeting.
b) Finger Post
The AONB has erected a sign indicating their
contribution to the recent restoration. Andy will consider how the
Parish Council might similarly record its contribution.
c) High Lane End bus shelter
Andy reported that a pane of glass has been
missing for some time. Jem will discover who is
responsible for maintenance and request replacement.
d) Hedge at Railway Cottages
Andy had received notification of an issue
regarding the height of a hedge. It was
agreed that this was not a matter of public interest and therefore outside the
competence of the Parish Council. Andy will inform the resident of
the name of a RDC officer who may be able to help.
e) Pavement in Low Hutton
Simon reported that the vegetation in the
accumulated debris had been sprayed which he considered pointless. This was not part of the village maintenance
contract. Simon will arrange for the clearance of the debris by
volunteers, himself included.
f) Grass cutting
It was noted that the grass on the green and
roadside edges along from the church were again rather long. Only one invoice had yet been received, and
settled. Jem will contact Kevin asking for work to date to be
invoiced and suggesting that another cut should be made soon.
9. Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 13th
September and, provisionally, 15th of November 2016 at 7.30.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com