Monday 26 February 2018

Village Hall Booking Calendar Available Online

To help you to plan your village events you can now view the Village Hall Booking Calendar on the website, click the link at the top of the right sidebar or click on the 'Village Hall Booking Calendar' tab above or follow the link below:

Booking Calendar

© 2018 email problems solved

I'm happy to say that the email issues with appear to have been resolved at last.

If you have an email address and you don't appear to be getting any email through it, please let me know and I'll go back to the hosting company.

© 2018

Wednesday 21 February 2018 email problems

If you use a email address then you might not be receiving any email through it.

Last Wednesday the hosting company who maintains the domain 'upgraded' to a new platform. Since then all email sent via email addresses appears to have stopped working. I've placed a support request with the hosting company but not heard anything back yet.

If you're expecting anything critical it might be worth getting in touch with the sender and ask them to use your ISP email account instead.

At this point I don't even know if the forwarded email will eventually filter through or will simply have been discarded at the hosting company's end.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

If you know someone who uses an email address, can you please pass this on, as I can't even access the list of users at the moment.

It's a mess folks, please be patient...

Edit: 26/02/2018 this now seems to be sorted.

© 2018

Friday 9 February 2018



30th JANUARY 2018

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, David Banks and Simon Lealman and Clerk, Jem Charles.  He also welcomed one member of the public.

2.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the November meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Co-option of new Councillor
It was unanimously agreed that Richard Kershaw should become Councillor and he was welcomed as he duly took his seat.

4.         Matters Arising
a)  Community Emergency Plan
Richard presented a draft plan based on a template provided by NYCC.  Concerns were expressed about the amount of personal data that appeared to be required particularly in light of the new General Data Protection Regulations.  There was also uncertainty regarding the intended target audience for any Plan and where copies would be kept.  Councillors will study the draft and submit suggestions to Richard G. by the 2nd of March.
b)  A64 road junctions 
County Councillor Caroline Goodrick had raised this issue with Highways Agency and NYCC Highways but a substantive response is still awaited.  Jem will write to Cllr. Goodrick on 15th February if nothing further is heard. 
c)  Mobile Post Office
Jem outlined communications with the Post Office Network Area Manager and explained that the problem appears to have been recognised and action being taken.  Jem will continue to liaise with the Post Office.
d)  Freedom of Information – Model Publication Scheme
Richard presented a draft based on the model scheme published by the Information Commissioner’s Office.  In order to shorten the length of the Huttons Ambo scheme, Richard will investigate whether information which is included in the model scheme, but which we do not hold, is required to be referenced.  As above it was felt that personal data should be kept to a minimum.  Councillors will study the draft and submit suggestions to Richard G. by the 2nd of March.
e)  War memorial
Councillors had inspected the monument, studied advice from bodies such as English Heritage and sought advice from a monumental mason.  It was considered that the condition probably did not warrant the damage caused even by gentle cleaning at present but that Andy will arrange for an inspection by the mason.
f)   Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan
            It was much regretted that the Council had only been asked to comment on a draft plan despite having agreed that it would be involved in plan preparation as a condition of any part of the parish being covered by the plan.  It was also unacceptable that only 6 weeks over Christmas had been allowed for feedback.  There was a general feeling that the preparation of the plan had been so mismanaged that the Council should not be involved and the part of the York Road Industrial Estate within the parish should not be covered by the plan.
It was agreed, however, that Jem will write to the M&NNP committee chair requesting that the Council be given sufficient time for meaningful input and that the public consultation be postponed until any agreed amendments to the plan are made.  It will be made clear that the alternative is that no part of the parish will be included in the plan.
g)  Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
Jem reported that the grant application had been approved.  Jem will purchase the equipment approved and arrange any training.

4.         New Matters
a) 30mph speed limit
It was agreed that many vehicles were driven at excessive speed, particularly along Back Lane and Buck Lane and that measures to calm traffic were desirable.  Installation of drive-over kerbs had exacerbated the problem.  David will write to NYCC Highways to explore what options might be achievable.

5.         Planning
a)  Hydramotion
Awaiting determination
b)  New House at Musley Bank
Awaiting determination
c)  Change of use of unit at Malton Enterprise Park
Jem will respond that the Council has no observations and is happy for approval to be granted.

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
            The report to 31st December was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.
b)  Draft budget 2018/19
It was agreed that the proposed budget was appropriate.  A number of suggestions were made for modest additional expenditure on items that residents will notice including planting native spring bulbs, road sweeping and installation of a bench beside the Public Footpath overlooking the Derwent.  Councillors will prepare costed proposals for consideration at the next meeting.
c)  Implications of new data protection regulations
David reported that, as the only relevant data held is that pertaining to the Clerk and that it is under his control, the regulations will not affect the Councils obligations.

7.         Any Other Business
a)  Richard G reported that Mike Potter, RDC Councillor, had suggested that he might hold a Ward meeting and asked for items for the agenda.  Councillors will tell Jem by 16th Feb. if they might be interested in attending, or to suggest items.

8.         Date of Next meetings
Tuesday 27th March 2018 and, provisionally, 22nd of May 2018 at 7.30pm.  The Annual Parish Meeting will also be held, provisionally, on the 22nd of May at 7.00pm.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2018