Tuesday 21 January 2020

Minutes from Parish Council meeting on January 14th 2020

Huttons ambo parish council MINutes

From Meeting On January 14th 2020

1.    Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

 David Banks, Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel and Sarah Banks (Clerk). Apologies were received from Philip Barraclough. There were also four members of the public.

2. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the November meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.


3. Matters Arising

a)    Dog Fouling: Following residents’ concerns about the issue of dog fouling, councillors are keen to ensure that the village paths and fields are clear of dog faeces. Councillors agreed to speak to Bob Mansell and Richard Wainwright regarding any concerns about dog faeces in fields where cattle graze. The PC has been offered free dog bag dispensers and bags from a local company. These will be sited in appropriate locations. A note has gone in the village newsletter and there are already notices on the village noticeboards reminding dog owners to pick up after their dog.

b)    Tree Inspections: The chair is following up the issue of tree maintenance with the appropriate contractor and it is hoped a date can be set for this.

c)    Village Information Board: The preferred option is to work with RayMac in Malton to create a sign similar to that in Lockton village. This is a reasonable cost for a foam board. The council would then need to look at how to mount it. The board is primarily aimed at villagers who may not be familiar with the village history or local walks.

d)    Call box: The consultation period ended on December 15th regarding the village call box. Councillors decided to adopt the box with the option of siting the defibrillator inside as it is a more central location and the phone box would provide the equipment with extra shelter.

e)    Broadband Update: There is no update since the last meeting. Councillors feel it is unreasonable for some houses to be connected to Superfast Broadband when others are waiting until Spring 2021. It is possible to register an interest with Superfast North Yorkshire and the more people sign up, the better. Councillors are encouraging villagers to contact SFNY via the following fibre checker link: https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband# to register their interest. The clerk will publicise this link on the village facebook site as well as asking Denise to add it to the newsletter.

4. New Matters

a)    Pot holes: There are still some potholes that need attention despite recent work. Councillors will email the clerk to collate this information and forward it to Simon to send via the Parish Portal. The clerk will also resend the email with the information about white lines as these also need re-painting.

b)    Low Lane End: Councillors feel it would be useful to hold a public meeting with regard to villagers’ concerns about the junction with the A64 and the proposed speed limit of 50mph along the A64 passing both lane ends. The consequence of this is that there will be an end of speed restriction/national speed limit applies on entry to Huttons Ambo, potentially leaving cars to travel at high speed. The meeting is for villagers to raise any concerns so councillors are able to put these to Highways England in any forthcoming meetings. The clerk will create flyers and distribute these in Huttons Ambo to encourage attendance. The meeting will take place immediately prior to the next PC meeting on Tuesday, March 24th from 7pm-8pm at the Village Hall.

5.  Planning:

a)    The Methodist Chapel (19/01280/FUL) For mention. Councillors have already responded to this plan to support it but noted observations about privacy

b)    Holly Cottage, Huttons Ambo (19/01206/CLEUD) - Withdrawn

c)    DH Group Ltd, Malton Industrial Estate (19/01234/73A) - For mention. Councillors have responded with no comments to make.

6. Finance: Budget Progress to December 31st 2019. The current balance is £7885.34.

The Parish Precept for 2020 is £2800.

The PC is now carrying a small surplus. It is prudent to keep some reserves for emergencies but the PC is now in a position to offer small grants to community groups or villagers thinking of setting up such a group. Those running such groups are invited to make an application to the PC clerk explaining how much they need and what it is for. The PC is keen to support specific activities or purchases rather than general running costs.

7. AOB: The clerk had received an email from Rona Charles regarding upkeep of footpaths in and around the village. Rona will liaise with the chair regarding any repairs that may need doing having been walked more recently by volunteers.

8. Date of next meeting

March 24th 2020 at 8pm following public meeting at 7-8pm regarding Low Lane End to take place at the village hall.

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council - huttonsamboparishclerk@gmail.com
© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Huttons Ambo Parish Council January 14th 2020 Agenda




Tuesday, January 14th 2020





1          Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence


2          Approval of Minutes of meeting on 12th November


3          Matters arising:


a)     Dog fouling

b)     Tree inspections

c)     Village information board

d)     Low Hutton call box

e)     Broadband update


4          New Matters:


a)     Pot holes

b)     Low Lane End - public meeting tbc



5          Planning:     


            a) Application No: 19/01280/FUL - The Methodist Chapel - For mention

            b) Application No: 19/01206/CLEUD - Holly Cottage - Withdrawn

            c) Application No: 19/01234/73A - DH Group Limited - For mention


6          Finance:


           Budget progress to 31st December 2019

            Parish Precept for 2020     


7          Any Other Business


8          Date of next Meeting


March 2020 tbc

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com