Tuesday 7 February 2023

History Group Meeting - Meeting 15th February 2023

The next meeting of the History Group will be on the 15th February at 7.30, in the Village Hall.


  • Update on Archaeology
  • History Walks in Malton

  • AOB 

© 2023 www.huttonsambo.com

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Agenda for Meeting Wednesday February 22rd 2023




Wednesday, February 22nd at 7:30pm





1.    Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence


2.    Approval of Minutes of meeting on 22 November 2022


3.    Welcome New Councillors present


4.    Matters arising:


a.    Notice boards now Grant has been paid

b.    Constitiution

c.    PC Rules & Responsilibities

d.    Gardening Plan for 2023 – Danny & HAM

e.    Potholes

f.     Phone Box update and closure from agenda

g.    Culvert


5.    New Matters:

Village Hall Parking

Dog poo bags – Amazon/Ebay £25 for 1000 black bags

NYCC One Council


6.    Planning:



7.    Finance:

a.    Balance at 30 January 2023 is £5422.71 (funds revived from Grant £1760.00)

b.    Ringfenced Funds of £300.00

c.    Committed spend

                                          i.    £250 clerk salary

                                        ii.    £2500 two Notice boards

                                       iii.    £250 Culvert

                                       iv.    £25 1000 poo bags

d.    Balance as of now is £2097.71


8.    Any Other Business



9.    Date of next Meeting


Will be the AGM at 7pm – Wednesday 17th May 2023



Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2023 www.huttonsambo.com

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Minutes for Meeting Wednesday November 23rd 2022




Wednesday, November 23rd 2022 at 7:30pm





1.    Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

a.    Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel & Philip Barraclough

b.    Anne Lealman PC Clerk

c.    Rona Charles & Graham Milner


2.    Approval of Minutes of meeting of 5th October 2022


3.    Matters arising:


Ryedale Rural Grant has been sent in and decision expected February 2023. Stockdales in Pickering/Allerston for a quote for steel frames referencing due diligence for funds.


Permission requested for Archaeological Geophysics on the village green – Local land owners have given permission to conduct Geophysics on the village green land this may include the following non intrusive checks - Drones, Magnometers, laidodrone, Huttons Ambo Parish Council approve this request.


Parish Notice Board – PC approved the move of the board to Pinfold when the Lealman’s require it moving. Postbox from outside of the shop – agreed that being sited at a provate dwelling is not ideal, proposed move to Pinfold – near the information map, parish council notice board, phone box and post box. Simon to take forward a tenative request to Royal Mail regarding resiting the post box, once positive details recieved a reply a formal request to move the Post Box to be pput in from Parish Council Clerk.


Grants for Electric Charging Points – power to the current telephone box is not sufficent to take a charging point at this time. As the village does not have any designated car parking within its parish, it is felt that a Car Charging Point is not something of interest at this time.



4.    New Matters:

a.    Parish Precept – The request of the precept is based on the previous years known costs. £3950 requested for 2023-24 financial year

b.    Phonebox update – Ellie from RDC, struggling to gain information from BT, Andy getting in touch with BT to see if he can find out information. Further information to follow


5.    Planning:

a.    Two planning applications received and the PC has responded with support for both applications



6.    Finance:

a.    Update – Thank you for all your patience, all Parish Councillors as of 21/11/22 are now cheque signatories

b.    Balance at 28/10/2022 is £4072.71

c.    Ring-fenced amount of £300.00 for any all village activity

d.    Committed spend £120.00

e.    Balance as of now is £3652.71


7.    Any Other Business

Request to look at historic parish council minutes – details of request to be sent ot Parish Clerk

Grill for the Culvert not less that £30 but no more than £120 awaiting confirmation of price, but verbal conversation amounts above – spend approved 23/11/2022

40 – 50ft Willow Trees are causing significant flood risk at the Culvert


8.    Parish Councillor Elections –  Exercising our right to co-opt a new candidate if less than 10 applications. 2 candidates put their names forward. Individuals spoke to the Chairman in detail regarding the role a PC is expected to undertake. Each candidate submitted a biography. After discussions within the meeting with all councillors present a decision was made to recruit both candidates to Huttons Ambo Parish Council. The reasons being both candidates will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the PC and for succession planning for future years.

a.    The Parish Clerk is to contact in writing both applicants to co-opt them both to the PC


9.    Date of next Meeting


Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 7:30pm


Proposed Meeting Dates for the 2023

·         AGM 7pm Start – Wednesday 17th May 2023

·         7:30pm Wednesday 19th July 2023

·         7:30pm Wednesday 13th September 2023

·         7:30pm Wednesday 22nd November 2023



Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2022 www.huttonsambo.com

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Agenda for Meeting Wednesday November 23rd 2022




Wednesday, November 23rd 2022 at 7:30pm





1.    Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence


2.    Approval of Minutes of meeting on 5th October 2022


3.    Matters arising:

Ryedale Grant

PC permission to History Group – Archaeological on the Village Green

Parish Notice Board


Grants for Electric Charging Points

Election of new Parish Councillor



4.    New Matters:


5.    Planning:



6.    Finance:

a.    Update - All councilors now able to sign cheques, thank you all for your patience

b.    Balance at 30/10/2022

c.    Committed spend £

d.    Balance as of now is £


7.    Any Other Business



8.    Date of next Meeting





Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council
 2022 www.huttonsambo.com