Thursday 28 June 2012

Jubilee in Black & White

As you probably know, your hapless editor is a bit of a camera nut, so here are some black and white pictures of the Jubilee Party shot with a suitably vintage film camera:

The party's over, time to call it a day.
You can see the colour pictures of the day here.

And prints are still available of  the group photo, you can see the prices here and order them from Herbies shop.

All material © Philip Stone 2012

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Don't Forget - Produce Show 4th August

Don't forget, it's the Produce Show on the 4th of August 2012.

Read the schedule here and start planning your entries now!

All material © Philip Stone 2012

Wednesday 20 June 2012

The June Gap

Gardeners are familiar with the June Gap, that time of the year when the bright flowers and exuberant growth of spring dies down and the mainstream shrubs and perennials of summer have yet to make their mark. At this time the garden looks relatively quiet and green.

Greater Stitchwort
Something similar happens to the hedgerows as well, May is dominated by white: the tiny stars of the greater stitchwort cluster in the long grass, clumps of hawthorn flowers daub the hedgerows and clouds of hogweed and cow parsley hang over the the verges.

Hogweed & Cow Parsley

Hawthorn & Cow Parsley

Now, in mid-June, after a few days of rain followed by hot weather, the flowers have bloomed and blown and the hedgerows are green again.

Back to green again

But there are still gems to be found, wild roses are flowering in the hedges and the humble clover is making an appearance.

Briar Rose

Backlit Clover

We don't usually think of grasses as flowering, but the delicately coloured tufts at the end of grass stalks actually are flowers and they drop pollen into the air with every gust of wind. The pollen grains are very light because they may have to travel miles before they land on a grass of the same species. For the same reason grasses produce vast qantities of pollen and as a side effect make hay fever sufferers lives a misery.

Grasses - 1

Grasses - 2

Many of these grasses have fine, subtle colours of purple and russet which tint fields and meadows. A good place to see this is in the meadow at the side of Menethorpe Beck in Low Hutton, a fine if small example of a classic meadow, with purple grasses, sedges, buttercups and clover.

So 'Mind The Gap Please', there's more in there than meets the eye.

All material © Michelle Stone 2012

Thursday 14 June 2012

Jubilee Group Photograph

We’ve decided to offer two different versions of the Jubilee photograph for sale.

Group Photo - Version A

Group Photo - Version B

I’ve printed two examples of each version in A4 and 10 inch x 15 inch sizes and put them in Herbies shop, but other sizes are available:

Size (inches)
5 x 7.5
6 x 9
10 x 15

The example photos and the order list is in Herbies shop, please put required quantities and your contact details on the list below, by Sunday 15th July. I will then order a batch.

All material © Philip Stone 2012

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Huttons Ambo Diamond Jubilee Party

Group photo at the War Memorial
The day started with traditional games for the children - a sack race, obstacle course and an egg and spoon race. The weather was kind: sunny with occasional clouds.

At lunch time we loaded our plates from the buffet in the village hall and repaired to tables laid out in the lane in front of the hall. Rain briefly threatened but undaunted, waterproofs and umbrellas were produced and it soon gave up and moved on.

During lunch Andy Dorman & Malton Town Crier  (a former Huttons Ambo resident) announced that commemorative jubilee mugs would be given to the children.

Afterwards we decamped down to the war memorial where the Malton Town Crier read out a proclamation, Murray Naylor proposed a toast to the Queen and your humble editor took the group photograph.

We then returned to the Village Hall where a number of residents made a brave attempt to drink the bar dry, while the more energetic took part in a rounders match between High & Low Hutton. I’m told that Low Hutton won.

A great vote of thanks must go to the Jubilee Committee for their energy and hard work which made the day such a success and will provide happy memories for many years to come, especially for the younger members of the village.

The Jubilee Committee
Murray & Rosa Naylor, Judith Bray, Sue Hide, David Banks, Martine Green, Alison Hewitt,
Sarah Swindells, John Jenyns, Clare Jenyns, Edward Hide, Carol Haigh and Maggie Stone.

And thanks to Sarah Swindells, Ian Aconley, Sarah Mahon and Jenny Johnson for organising the games.

I don't understand this at all
Keen competition in the Sack Race
Intense concentration in the Egg & Spoon Race
Space Hoppers form part of the Obstacle Course
Buffet Lunch in the Village Hall

Not put off by a few spots of rain!

Andy Dorman announces Jubilee Mugs for the children
A happy streetful of party-goers - 1
A happy streetful of party-goers - 2
Cutting the Jubilee cake

Pictures by Murray Naylor:

If you have any photos of the event you would like me to feature here, please get in touch or send me an email.

These and more pictures can be seen as a slideshow here.

Or as an album here.

You will need the password to view the album, this is HuttonsAmboJubilee

PS: If you're not happy with your picture appearing on the website or album, please let me know and I'll take it down.

All material © Philip Stone 2012