Monday 30 March 2020

Huttons Ambo Newsletter- March 29th 2020

Huttons Ambo Newsletter- March 29th 2020

The shop remains open at the following times:

Monday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7.45-10 am4pm to 6pm
Thursday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Friday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Saturday8.30am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Sunday 8.30am-10.30amCLOSED

These are the opening times for the foreseeable future. If you have any ideas on changes to what we provide  please let us know. Simon, Anne & Hazel.

Shop delivery Service.

If anyone is self- isolating or would prefer to have their shopping delivered please contact the shop during opening hours:

There is a small charge for this service.

We just wanted to share with you that we will have deliveries of fresh fruit and vegetables 3 times a week from Dales of Malton.  

 If we can have orders for collection as follows:

Friday for Monday's delivery

Monday for Wednesday's delivery

Wednesday for Friday's delivery 

In addition Turners Butchers in Rillington are willing to do a weekly meat delivery to the shop
This would be for confirmed orders only made through the village shop. 

If you would be interested please email Denise:

or contact the village shop above 

If there is enough interest we can look at starting this service. 


See next weeks newsletter about our Village Easter Sunday Singalong from your window, garden or wherever it is safe on April 20th .

Village Hall Events remain postponed for the foreseeable future.

© 2020

Monday 23 March 2020

Updates from the Village Bulletin

Village Hall Events – All postponed until further notice

Parish Council & Newsletter

The costs of the Village newsletter is now funded by the Parish Council and produced and circulated by volunteers.

If you prefer to receive the newsletter by email please let Denise know by email:

Preventing Social Isolation.

We have a team of volunteers covering all areas of the village who would be happy to chat with you over the phone or just to check in with you that you are ok or if you need anything.

Phone Denise on

and she can link you up with a volunteer.

Covid-19 Latest Advice

Click here to download Public Health Englands easy to read guide

© 2020

Fruit & Veg Deliveries

The Village Shop will be able to have fruit and vegetables delivered to them from Paley's if there is 
enough interest . 

Please email your orders or phone the shop during opening hours on:

Village Shop Opening Hours:

Monday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7.45-10 am4pm to 6pm
Thursday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Friday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Saturday8.30am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Sunday 8.30am-10.30amCLOSED

© 2020

Tuesday 17 March 2020

***Church Meeting Postponed ***

The Church Council, taking heed of the advice from the government regarding the Coronavirus, COVID-19, have POSTPONED
 the Church Annual General Meeting which was due to take place on the 28 March 2020


© 2020

Monday 16 March 2020

Volunteers - Thank you

We have had a brilliant response to the newsletter for volunteers to help 
if people need shopping etc. 
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered or let me know who they are 
making sure are ok. 
© 2020

Sunday 15 March 2020

*** Village Bulletin Update *** Event Cancellations ***

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - Special Newsletter

Due to the current situation and high risk of cross infection we have decided to cancel the events that we would normally hold in the Village Hall .

The following events have been postponed –

March 22ndCommunity CaféPostponed
March 24thVillage Road Safety MeetingPostponed
March 28thYouth Club Fundraiser QuizPostponed
April 2nd History Group Postponed
April 26th Community CaféPostponed

Please note the Plant Sale in Aid of St Margaret's Church will still take place on Saturday 2nd May. The sale will run from 1pm to 5pm at St Margaret's Church and tea & coffee available.

Village Community network

Whilst the virus remains active and people may choose to self -isolate we would like volunteers who might be available to help anyone in the village who is vulnerable or in need of support.

The type of support we think people might need is;
    • Shopping
    • Collecting prescriptions
    • Cooking a hot meal
    • Phone call checks to make sure there is contact with the outside world. 

    • If you would like to be on the list of volunteers OR If you feel you are vulnerable and need support please contact Denise or Philip on:

Coronovirus or COVID -19 as it is also known is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways.

Signs and Symptoms

  • A high temperature (above 99.5f or 37.5c)
  • A NEW continuous cough that isn’t going away.

What to do:

DO NOT go to a GP Surgery , pharmacy or hospital

If you are self- isolating you do not need to call 111 to tell them.

Tips for staying at home

  • Try to keep at least 2 metres (3 steps) from other people in your home, particularly older people or those with long term health conditions.
  • Ask friends and family and delivery services to deliver things like food , shopping, and medicines – but avoid contact with them.
  • Sleep alone if possible
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds
  • Try to stay away from older people and those with long -term conditions
  • Drink plenty of water and take everyday painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, to help with your symptoms.


  • Do not have Visitors (ask for shopping and deliveries to be kept outside )
  • Do not leave the house , for example to go for a walk, to school or public places

If you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home 


Your condition gets worse


Your symptoms do not get better after 7 days

NHS telephone number -111 

Government Covid-19 Stay At Home Advice 

© 2020

Friday 13 March 2020

Huttons Ambo Annual Church Meeting - Saturday, 28 March 2020

To Discuss: 

The Future of the Church
Who will run the Church 

An important meeting which concerns anyone who wishes to use the Church for any reason or wishes it to stay open 

Saturday, 28 March 2020
In the Village Hall

***POSTPONED Due to COVID-19***

© 2020

Friday 6 March 2020

Plant Sale - Date Correction - Saturday May 2nd - St Margaret's Church

Plant Sale - Date Correction

Please note the Plant Sale in Aid of St Margaret's Church will take place on Saturday 2nd May, not the 4th as previously stated.

The sale will run from 1pm to 5pm at St Margaret's Church and tea & coffee available.

Please donate plants or seedlings via Rosa or you can leave them with Denise and Philip at Netherby House. This is a fundraiser for the Church so if you can donate or buy this will be very much appreciated.

© 2020

Wednesday 4 March 2020


A BIG THANK YOU – To everyone who celebrated Herbies Life on February 5th.

Especially to all of those who helped with the service and church flowers and bakers who made the day a fitting tribute to a special man.

The shop remains open at the following times ;

Monday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7.45-10 am4pm to 6pm
Thursday7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Friday 7.45-10.30 am4pm to 6pm
Saturday8.30am-10.30am4pm to 6pm
Sunday 8.30am-10.30amCLOSED

These are the opening times for the foreseeable future. If you have any ideas on changes to these please let us know. Simon, Anne &Hazel.

© 2020

Parish Council Notices

Parish Council Notices

Parish Grants

After several years of prudent financial management, the parish council has a modest surplus in its budget and is inviting applications for small grants from community groups.

There are rules on what we can give funding to, but in general we can spend a limited amount on things that will benefit the community, or a section of it.

We would like to receive applications for a particular item, event or activity, rather than general running costs or upkeep. We would also like to hear from anyone who would like to set up a new community group, to see if we could help with that.

All applications will have to be approved by the council at our regular public meetings and will be itemised in our accounts as is our normal practice.

Village road safety meeting - March 24, 7pm

A number of parishioners have expressed concern about safety on the A64 junctions. Councillors have met with representatives of Highways England to raise our concerns.

We will be holding a public meeting on March 24 to discuss ongoing changes to the roads around Huttons Ambo and their impact on life in the village.

We will look at:

  • Safety at both A64 junctions after recent works
  • Traffic speed in the village and a petition for a 30mph speed limit
  • Other possible traffic calming measures
  • The new 50mph limit on the A64 and other safety works being carried out.

It is very important that anyone concerned about these issues attend the meeting so the parish council can hear your views and reflect them in our communications with highways authorities.

The meeting will run from 7pm before our regular parish council meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to raise any issues, you can email Sarah Banks, parish council clerk at:

or drop a note in at the Old School.

***POSTPONED Due to COVID-19***

© 2020

Future Events

Other Events from the Bulletin

Plant Sale

On Saturday May 2nd there will be a Plant Sale at St Margaret’s Church with tea and coffee available. 
Please donate plants or seedlings via Rosa or you can leave them with Denise and Philip at Netherby House. This is a fundraiser for the Church so if you can donate or buy this will be very much appreciated. 

Gliding at Wolds Gliding Club Pocklington 
It has been two years (yes time flies!) since the last trip from the Village to Pocklington Airfield to experience gliding. If anyone is interested in going this year please get in touch:

© 2020

Yoga Group


A very small yoga group has started at the Hall on Thursdays at 11.30 to 12.30.

This class s limited to 5 people and will remain this small. It costs £10 for the hour and is for individuals of all capabilities.

There is one place left. If you want more information telephone or email Denise. 

© 2020

Fundraiser for Village Youth Club - March 28th

 Fundraiser Quiz Night for Village Youth Club - March 28th

There will be a fundraiser Quiz Night on March 28th for the Village Youth Club.

Up to 18 children associated with the village attend the club each month.

Currently our only income is through subs paid on the night.

The Quiz night will follow our usual format with food provided and a raffle.

Donations for the Raffle gratefully received.

Please leave at Herbies or Netherby House or phone me and I will collect.

Please support if you can.

***POSTPONED Due to COVID-19***

© 2020

Village Cafes

Village Cafes

Sunday March 22nd - Mothering Sunday 
Special Lunch -12.30- 2 -Carvery style 
2 Courses £11 per adult ,16 and under £6, Under 5’s free
Chicken or Beef, Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free catered for. 
Special Afternoon Tea 4pm – A formal afternoon tea 
Lovely Sandwiches and cakes

£12.50 per adult, Children 16 and under £6,under 5’s 1.50 

April 26th
Special Lunch 12.30-2 -Carvery Style 
Pork or Beef, Vegan ,Vegetarian and Gluten Free catered for.  
2 Courses £11 per adult ,16 and under £6, Under 5’s free 
Usual drop in café from 2.30- 4 
Teas coffees, soup and sandwich, cakes etc
Booking Essential please for the Carvery Lunches and Afternoon Teas

May 31st
Menu to be confirmed based on the success of previous dates. 
To book:


***POSTPONED Due to COVID-19***

© 2020