Wednesday 9 February 2022
Plant Sale in aid of St Margaret's Church - Huttons Ambo Village Hall - Saturday 7th May
'A Suitable Demise' - Debut Novel by Huttons Ambo Author Andy Clarke
© 2022
Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Minutes of Meeting Wednesday 19th January 2022
Wednesday, January 19th 2022 at 7.30pm
1 Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence
Andy Dorman
(Chair), Philip Barraclough, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel & Anne Lealman
Approval of
Minutes of meeting on 17 November 2021 – approved with minor wording amendments
as per email from Andy Dorman. Electronic signature to be added as approval
Pot Holes – Simon to report via the portal –
i. Outside
Howe Cottage vehicle entrance.
ii. Pot
hole on the Low Lane near the clearway and hedge
iii. Another
one 20-30 yards further towards the low village
iv. The
Rise Cul de Sac Low Hutton
v. Outside
R Green House – road seems to be sinking – advice needed
vi. Watch
the pot hole outside the vicarage house, not currently meeting the criteria for
Simon also to chase the white lines missing in
the village since the recent chipping last summer, Buck Lane, Netherby Lane,
Water Lane
Gritting Policy
i. Bus
routes are covered by NYCC Highways as advertised by the weather stations.
ii. The
two salt bins in the village with shovels and hi-vis jackets
iii. Philip
to discuss location of a potential grit bin with Richard and if a suitable
location can be source, Andy to arrange installation once a site is identified
Information Boards – Simon brought an A2 sized
map to the meeting showing footpaths and bridleways. Parish Boundary and a
small display of neighbouring villages.
to go back to NYCC and ask for a bigger copy with enhanced colour at A0 size.
i. More
contrast of colours as if in the sun, the current format would soon fade.
ii. Ask
Raymac if they can enhance the colour of the boundary and inside the boundary
and leave the outside areas subtle.
iii. Title
across the top left, information notes for each of the items
iv. Philip
to write something about the hall/church
v. QR
code to have on the maps – how to create one, what does it link to? Andy to speak
to Philip Stone about adding a new tab to including links to relevant websites
within the village website
vi. Once
happy pass to Sarah Banks for final edit
Grass/Kerbs & Work for Danny
i. Andy
spoken to Danny re the village path edges and a reminder to cut/edge these to
widen and make safer
ii. Danny
expecting his new mower shortly
iii. Hourly
rate is to be increased to £15.00 per hour from 1st January 2022. Do the PC
approve the increase in hourly rate? Yes unanimously approved
New Matters:
a. Banking update – money
ringfenced for approved spend of £1300.00. Estimated balance on the PC bank
account at 31/3/2021 is £6500
Any Other Business
Recycling pick up at 06:35am,
no notice to residents, many missed the collection due to the sudden change of
time. Lots of villagers complained to RDC.
Northern Powergrid requesting
permission from the Parish Council to allow them to dig up the footpath from
The Redings gateway to the front of The Rise to allow for upgraded electricity
supply to this property. Wayleave from NYCC state it is the Parish Council as
it is the Parish Council as it is classed at the village green. Anne to write a
letter stating the Parish Council are happy for the excavation and that the
path is to be restored to its orginal state. Andy to sign the letter.
TPO at The Redings Low
Hutton. All disappointed that a tree surgeon had not been asked to report on
the state of the tree prior to TPO being approved. The PC felt the tree needed
some work to make sure it was fit and healthy for the future.
Headed Paper for PC approved for use.
8 Date of next Meeting
Wednesday 16th March 2022 at 7:30pm
Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council