Friday 3 March 2023

Huttons Parish Council - Minutes of Meeting - Wednesday February 22nd 2023




Wednesday, February 22nd at 7:30pm





1.    Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

a.    Cllrs. Simon Lealman, Clare Messer, Alan Sanders, Emma Samuel, Philip Barraclough, Andy Dorman and Anne Lealman Clerk

b.    Guests: Graham Milner & Rona Charles


2.    Approval of Minutes of meeting on 22 November 2022 – approved and signed off by the Chair


3.    Welcome New Councillors present – Simon welcomed both Clare and Alan to the PC


4.    Matters arising:


a.    Notice boards now Grant has been paid – Great news, Andy to see the frame maker in the next couple of weeks, we are looking at a 30 degree pitch frame. Boards are being prepared by Philip and Andy and the draft is available to view in the small hall at the Village Hall, should anyone wish to view. Still to look at adding a QR code to go to the HA website. Invoices to be sent to Huttons Ambo Parish Council.

b.    Constitution – All Cllrs. agreed to adopt the Constitution from Feb 2023, revisited bi annually.

c.    PC Rules & Responsibilities – Standing Orders & Code of Conduct

d.    Gardening Plan for 2023 – Danny & Highways Asset Management Team (HAM) – HAM to continue cutting the 5 areas as current – AD proposed, PB seconded, AS, SL, ES and CM agreed. Simon to send an email asking for the schedule and areas that fall under this remit. Danny to cut the village green 10 times per year as and when he feels it needs doing including the wildflower beds until the markers are installed. In the spring Rona will mark out the wild flower area on the green to leave wild until they have died off and markers removed. All other jobs will be bespoke and asked by a member of the PC when required.

e.    Potholes – reminder any potholes that need addressing to be flagged to Simon via the Parish Clerk –

f.     Phone Box in Low Hutton update and closure from agenda

g.    Culvert – cage is now in Bob’s barn, no financial charge for the cage, Graham will arrange installation in the next month.


5.    New Matters:

Village Hall Parking – to seek advice from Highways on the legal parking restrictions – Simon to seek advice from Area 4

Dog poo bags – Amazon/Ebay £25 for 1000 black bags – Anne to send Andy Kevin I email address

NYCC One Council

Defibrillator – to discuss with Richard potentially £100 for the filing cabinet and Defib then the PC will take over responsibility for the Defib, as we feel the cost for the filing cabinet is expensive when the same storeroom is used for drum kits etc and there is no charge for this. Andy to chat with Richard and see if we can agree a way forward to proceed


6.    Planning:

23/00040/73A Musley Bank Lindrick House Stables to Commercial Premises – no comments

23/00069/MFUL Mr Sean Harrison, Malton Industrial Estate – No comments


7.    Finance:

a.    Balance at 30 January 2023 is £5422.71 (funds received from Grant £1760.00)

b.    Ring fenced Funds of £300.00

c.    Committed spend

                                          i.    £250 clerk salary

                                        ii.    £2500 two Notice boards

                                       iii.    £0 Culvert – no spend so can be put back in to parish funds

                                       iv.    £25 1000 poo bags

d.    Balance as of now is £2347.71


8.    Any Other Business

Tree survey due 2024

Saturday 18th March Archaeology Open Day at Huttons Ambo Village Hall with food and drinks


9.    Date of next Meeting


Will be the AGM at 7pm – Wednesday 17th May 2023



Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2023

Huttons Ambo History Group - Open Day in the Village Hall - 11am-4pm 18th March 2023

Open Day

The Huttons Ambo History Group will be holding an Open Day on Saturday the 18th of March between 11am and 4pm in the Village Hall.

The aim of the day is to explain our plans for archaeology in the Parish, this year and hopefully in future years.

Our immediate aim is to under taken geophysical surveys of a number of areas over the Easter Holiday and depending on the results we envisage doing a number of trial excavations in the summer.
All these activities will be open to anybody to watch or take part in. 
The open day will explain what, where and how we intend to uncover the buried history of our village.
Tea and cakes will be available and any profits will go to the History Club.
Philip Barraclough
Huttons Ambo History Group (Chair)

© 2023