1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
Cllrs. David Banks, Andy Dorman (Chair), Jessie
Garnett, Richard Green and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present. Rona Charles was present for Item 3d.
2. Minutes of the January meeting were
approved and signed as being a true record.
3. Matters Arising
a) Copper beech
Andy, Simon & Jem have removed the
branches overhanging the road and causing problems for grass cutting. There was some debate regarding the need to
remove a further 2 branches to “balance” the appearance. The Council voted in favour of removal. Andy
will enquire whether David Bayes might do this free of charge.
b) Superfast Broadband
Boundless Communications are continuing to
work on improving the transmitter at Birdsall Bank and will consider installing
a repeater station in the village if there is sufficient demand. Jem
will draft a short piece for inclusion in the May Bulletin requesting
expressions of interest.
c) Good
Neighbours scheme
The imminent launch on Saturday 26th
was welcomed.
d) Kirkham Weir & Sluice engagement
Rona and Andy reported on the first 2
meetings. At this stage it is not clear
whether the consultation will be very productive and it was noticeable that
some contributions were much more partisan than Huttons Ambo’s in general. Rona
will place information to date on the village website and would welcome
any further feedback. The final meeting will be on April 20th.
e) Finger
Post & Village Signs
These are with the AONB contractor for
repair/refurbishment. Jem will ask when their
re-instatement might be expected.
f) Mud on Roads
RDC had sent a road sweeper, requested by
Andy, and pavement verges have been swept.
The verge on the bank side of Low Lane between the villages requires
more effective cleaning.
g) Footpath in front of Manor Farm
will ask
whether the grass encroachment could be cut back.
h) Barneygate Lane End blocked drain
NYCC Highways have been made aware but, until
wet weather returns, it will not be known whether action has been taken. At that time Jem will write again either to thank them for the work, or
to remind them of the requirement.
Jem will also write to accept Sharon
Fox’s offer of a visit to see the blocked drains along Back Lane and arrange a
All Councillors will
notify Jem
of potholes exceeding 45mm in depth so that this information can be passed to
Highways for action.
4. New Matters
a) Chairmanship 2016/17
Andy reminded the meeting that another
Councillor should be prepared to accept nomination at the next meeting as he
will not, though he will continue as Councillor.
b) YLCA membership
The subscription rate is set to rise to £112
as the concession granted for the last 2 years will not be extended. The value to the community was
questioned. Jem will contact RDC to check that notice of legislative
changes affecting Parish Councils will be passed on. A decision as to whether to renew membership
will be made at the next Council meeting.
c) Village Hall parking
Stephenson’s of Easingwold had raised the
issue of the bus finding difficulty passing the Hall on some occasions due to
parked cars obstructing the road. It had
been agreed with the VH management committee that they would issue guidance to
all who booked the Hall that a maximum of 6 cars may be parked and all should
face the same way and be parked on the left of the road, whether facing up or
down hill.
d) Donation of printer paper
A kind donation of 4 reams of A4 paper had
been received for Council use and for the Bulletin. The Council expressed sincere gratitude.
5. Planning
a) Land at Cherry Farm
The Council had withdrawn its objection after
revised plans were submitted. The
application has been approved.
had met representatives of Malton Town Council to continue discussion of preparation
of the Malton & Norton Town Plan. It
was agreed that the part of Huttons Ambo Parish at York Road industrial estate
already developed, or with permission for development, should be included in
the Plan and that the Parish Council will be involved in the development of the
Plan as it affects this area. Jem will confirm with the Clerk
of Malton TC.
b) Low farm Cottage – Approved
c) The Redings – Approved
d) Procedure
Jem requested that Councillors supply
comment, including “no comment”, whenever a response from the Council is
required. Coucillors confirmed that they would.
6. Finance
a) Budget Progress
Jem presented
income/expenditure data to date and the position is satisfactory.
7. Any Other Business
a) Appealing planning approval
At present the only right of appeal is for
the applicant against a refusal. With
Government planning guidance now dictating a presumption for approval some
councils have launched a petition asking that the right of appeal against
approval be returned to Parish Councils.
Jem will forward information.
b) Sledhow Cottage
A letter had been received giving advance
notice of proposals for alterations at Sledhow and Oak Lea Cottages. The Council expressed appreciation of this
positive engagement.
8. Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 10th
May after the Annual Parish Meeting and, provisionally, 20th of July
2016 at 7.30.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
© 2016 www.huttonsambo.com