1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy
Dorman and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles. Apologies had been received from David Banks
and from Jessie Garnett who has reluctantly decided to resign on health
grounds. He also welcomed Grace Lawes
(NYCC) and Bridget Skaife (Community Officer, RDC) for Item 3f), and two
members of the public.
2. Approval
of Minutes
Minutes of the July
meeting and the May Annual meeting were approved and signed as being a true
3. Matters Arising
f) Community Emergency Plan (This Item was taken first)
Richard introduced
Grace Lawes and explained that the Council was considering whether the
preparation and adoption of a simple Plan would be appropriate and
valuable. Grace outlined the potential
rĂ´le such plans fulfil in facilitating communication between the community, the
emergency services and NYCC in emergency situations. The Plan can assist the emergency services by
providing local contacts, information about facilities and equipment available
within the community as well as access considerations. It can also highlight vulnerable properties
and residents. The value of the plan
lies in improving the reaction to an emergency in the short term. She offered
to send templates that Councils can use to help draw up a Plan.
Richard thanked
Grace and said that the Council will decide on how to proceed at the next
a) A64 junctions –
maintenance responsibilities
Richard reported on
correspondence he has had with Kevin Hollinrake’s office, Caroline Goodrick
(NYC Councillor) and NYC Highways. It was
stated, by NYC Highways, that there is agreement on the line at which NYC
responsibility ends and Highways England (HE) begins. Andy and Simon wondered whether the Highways
England Boundary Plan being used by NYCC was the same as that used by HE. Richard will try to gain sight
of, or preferably access to, the Plan and the name of the responsible
contact in HE.
b) Mobile Post Office
Jem reported on the correspondence and
conversations with Kevin Hollinrake’s office, Openreach, the Post Office and
others. The PO Area Manager has agreed
to raise the problem with her managers now that she is aware of its
nature. Jem will contact her again to ascertain whether any progress
can be made. The possibility of a
concerted appeal from affected residents may be considered.
c) Roads maintenance
The initial response from NYCC Highways had
been supplemented by further remedial work.
It was agreed that the Council would continue to submit reports of
damage warranting attention at, perhaps, six monthly intervals, if necessary. Jem
will write to NYCC to express the Council’s gratitude.
d) A64 pedestrian safety
Richard reported that an Action Group has
been established and that he has attended the first meeting. Richard
will circulate the minutes as well as a report of an analysis of the
vehicular/pedestrian traffic along this part of the A64. The Parish Council will contribute £100 in
two instalments.
e) Freedom of Information – Model
Publication Scheme
Preparation and publication of a scheme was
not thought necessary as the provisions of the legislation are being complied
with, or exceeded, already. Richard will check that a scheme
is not a legal requirement.
4. New
None raised
5. Planning
a) Hydramotion
A revised application is still awaited.
b) Barn West of Village Green – Walker Fold
Outstanding issues
have been successfully resolved. James
Morris said that he felt aggrieved that he had lost time and money as a result
of a query raised by the Council and stated that any concerns should have be
raised with him. Richard explained the
Council had always supported the application and the matter raised with RDC was
c) Unit 6 Malton Enterprise Park
6. Finance
a) Budget progress
report to 30th September was considered to show that the position
was satisfactory.
7. Any Other Business
a) TransPennine Express/Forestry Commission
This scheme was not considered appropriate
for any project currently contemplated.
b) Village maintenance
Pavement edges and kerb between High &
Low villages and from Carr Cottages to the pinfold have become overgrown and
covered in debris. Jem will ask the grass cutting contractor to clear them now
that grass growth has slowed.
c) Barneygate
Lane End
Simon reported that the vegetation on the
triangle at was restricting visibility.
It was not thought likely that Highways England would alter the routine
cutting programme.
d) Leader
Andy wondered whether community installation
of a fibre optic cable could be considered in this scheme. Richard
will contact Amy Walker to enquire.
e) Community Event - Hovingham
Richard drew attention to this event on the
19th of October.
f) Councillor Vacancy
will initiate
the prescribed procedure for appointing a new Councillor.
8. Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 28th
November and, provisionally, 30th of January 2018 at 7.30.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)
© 2017