Tuesday 10 December 2019

Huttons Ambo Youth Club - Sessions 2019/2020

Huttons Ambo Youth Club

Next meetings: Monday 16th December 2019 and Monday13th January 2020 in the Village Hall

 Session run from 7pm to 830pm and are run by a paid youth worker and volunteers.

The cost is £2.50 per child and includes activites, games and refreshments.

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

St Margaret's Church - Services December 2019 - January 2020

Services December 2019

15th December1000 Holy CommunionCanon Bob Rogers
22nd December1630 Carol ServiceCanon Bob Rogers
25th December1000 Holy CommunionCanon Bob Rogers

Services January 2020

5th January1000 Holy CommunionCanon Bob Rogers
19th January1000 Holy CommunionCanon Bob Rogers

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Sunday 8 December 2019

Hambone’s Hogmanay Hootenanny - December 31st 2019

Hambone’s Hogmanay Hootenanny in the Village Hall

Tuesday December 31st 6pm to 9pm

(or later if we're having fun)

A warm up party for families to kick off your New Year Celebration.

Music from Hutton Ambo’s very own band, Hambone plus one or two local special guests !!!!!!
Bring Your Own Bottle,snacks and nibbles. 

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Village Panto - Mother Goose - Sunday December 15th

Village Panto – Sunday December 15th -1.30 for a 2pm start 

This year it’s Mother Goose

Early booking most welcome

To book please contact Denise:


Adults £6.50
Children £4.5

Drinks, snacks and ice creams available for purchase

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Monday 18 November 2019

Huttons Ambo Parish Council Minutes - November 2019

Huttons ambo parish council MINUTES

November 12th 2019

1.    Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

 David Banks, Philip Barraclough, Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman and Sarah Banks (Clerk). Apologies were received from Emma Samuel. There were also three members of the public.

2. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the September meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3. Matters Arising

a)    Call Box: The clerk had received a letter from RDC regarding a consultation process on the removal of the telephone from the phone box in Low Hutton. Following consultation with councillors and notices on village noticeboards and in Herbie’s, no objections were received to the phone’s removal. The PC has decided to adopt the call box. Plans for future use of the call box will be discussed once the BT consultation period is finished (December 15th 2019).

b)    Village Information Board: Since the last meeting Sarah has sourced two companies who create village information boards. The two costings for the project include a local company who are able to help with the design of the board as well as the creation. As Castle Howard has recently put up a similar information board, councillors were keen to get an idea of costings for this before the next meeting.

c)    Tree Inspections: David has asked Cundalls to carry out tree inspections and remedial work as already agreed. Their report will be circulated once it has been received. If it identifies any further works these can be discussed and approved by councillors.

d)   Low Lane End:

    David, Simon and Andy recently met with Highways England regarding current safety and access concerns at Low Lane End. Recent work on the A64 including new barriers appear to have caused traffic to speed up, making it difficult to exit and enter Low Lane safely. The problem of cars doing U-turns continues to be a hazard. There had also been an issue with overgrown foliage next to the new cycle path, causing visibility issues for cars coming off the A64. The increased foliage is due to the sowing of a wildflower mix. Councillors were sympathetic to this but wanted to be certain it would not cause visibility problems for cars getting onto the A64. Foliage has been cut back but may need to be monitored next spring and certain splays may need trimming back to enhance visibility.

    Future plans for the A64 following four fatalities near Crambeck village in 2017 include a reduction of the speed limit to 50mph between the Malton junction of the A64 and Crambeck village. This would reduce the speed of the traffic passing the Huttons Ambo lane ends. However, as a consequence of this Highways England are legally obliged to put an ‘end of speed limit/national speed limit applies’ sign at each lane end into the village to mark the transition between two speed limits. This potentially gives licence for cars to travel at 60mph through the village.

    Councillors and three members of the public present felt this was unacceptable and it was decided that a public meeting would be held in the village to discuss overall concerns with the A64. This would most likely take place in spring when the weather is better. This also gives time for good publicity and to invite officials and councillors from NYCC and Highways England to the meeting. There is clearly a strength of feeling amongst villagers regarding safety issues with getting onto and off the A64 at both junctions. It would be important to amass anecdotal evidence from villagers in preparation for this meeting.

e)    Superfast Broadband: Following work in the village by Superfast North Yorkshire, some residents have had cards through their doors to say they are now eligible for super fast broadband. However, not all houses have received a card meaning they are not yet eligible for connection despite the broadband spine being in place. David has spoken to SFNY who explained that houses are randomly grouped in ‘ponds’. Each pond needs activating before it is capable of being connected. This will happen in batches. Certain villagers have been told they will not be eligible for super fast broadband until spring 2021. Superfast was promised last year and subsequently moved to 2019 and now 2021. David has taken up the case as chair of the PC and is currently objecting to this piecemeal connectivity.

f)     Grass Cutting/Pavement edging: David has spoken to Mark Wilson who will cut the grass where needed and edge pavements through the village before winter.

4. New Matters

a)    Street Lighting: A member of the public approached the council regarding the possibility of street lighting down by the railway bridge. Over summer she had noticed visitors in unfamiliar cars parked here. The parish council is unable to be a lighting authority so this wasn’t something it could deal with. However, if residents got together they may be able to work out a solution to lighting the area. If there are any suspicions of drug use amongst visitors in this area, this should be reported to the police who will monitor the car park.

b)    Dog fouling: A number of residents had asked for the issue of dog fouling to be put on the PC agenda. This has been a particular problem in the field behind Station Cottages. A member of the public present explained that not only is dog mess unpleasant, it is also a serious issue for pregnant cows who may be exposed to a parasitic virus (Neospora) via the faeces causing them to abort calves. Another resident has had problems with regular dog faeces on the path to their house. The PC will invest in signs to put up reminding dog walkers to pick up, bag and dispose of their dog’s faeces. Notices will remind dog owners that it is important to pick up their dog’s faeces - even when walking across fields where it may be felt it doesn’t need picking up and bagging. There are a number of bins around the village and it is permitted to put dog waste bags in these. Councillors agreed to post some polite reminders on the village website/facebook sites and via notices in the village.

c)     Highway maintenance works - Low Hutton - road closure: NYCC Highways are currently filling in the pot holes along the lanes into the village. This means the roads being closed at each lane end in turn as they do the work. There is an issue with villagers only being able to use the top lane exit as it is a dangerous junction to turn right onto. David had spoken to NYCC about a solution. However, temporary traffic lights are not an option. It is therefore important to leave time for any journey and in order to keep safe, turn left onto the A64 and double back at the Welburn turn for journeys east on the A64.

5.  Planning: The clerk had received a letter from RDC regarding the refusal of planning application 19/00902/ADV Harrison Developments at Cherry Tree Close, Malton, for an internally lit sign.

The Clerk had also received a letter from RDC regarding a Certificate of Lawfulness for Holly Cottage, The Green, Low Hutton. Councillors had no evidence to submit with regard to the certificate.

6. Finance: Budget Progress to October 31st 2019. The current balance is £7967.34.

7. AOB: The clerk had received an email from NYCC regarding the parish precept for 2020 which councillors agreed should remain the same as the current year.

8. Date of next meeting

January 14th 2020

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council - huttonsamboparishclerk@gmail.com

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Parish Council Meeting Agenda November 12th 2019




Tuesday, November 12th 2019




1          Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

2          Approval of Minutes of meeting on 5th September

3          Matters arising:

a)     Village phone box

b)     Village Information Board

c)     Tree inspections

d)     Low Lane End

e)     Village broadband

f)      Grass Cutting/Pavement Edging

4          New Matters:

a)     Street lighting

b)     Dog fouling

c)     Highway Maintenance Works - Low Hutton - Road closure

5          Planning:

            Application No: 19/01206/CLEUD Holly Cottage, The Green, Huttons Ambo

6          Finance:

           Budget progress to 31st October 2019   

7          Any Other Business

8          Date of next Meeting

Provisionally January 14th 2020

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting September 5th 2019

Huttons ambo parish council MINutes

From Meeting On September 5th 2019

1.    Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

David Banks, Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel and Sarah Banks (Clerk). Apologies were received from Philip Barraclough.

2. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the July meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3. Matters Arising

a)    Village Road Markings:  Simon Lealman has reported the issue regarding worn road markings and pot holes throughout the village to the Parish Portal. With regard to the road markings, these should now be scheduled in the system and repainted in due course.

b)    Renewal of Bus Services: The Parish Clerk has forwarded the views of the councillors onto Integrated Passenger Transport regarding renewal of the 181 bus service through the village from April 2020. Councillors had stressed the importance of the service for villagers.

c)    History Group Workshop: Philip will attend the workshop organised by the Council for British Archaology (CBA) Yorkshire as it may offer opportunities for funding that would benefit the village.

d)    Village Information Board: Sarah has been in touch with one of the members of Lockton Heritage Group regarding an information board they have in their village. This style would work well in Huttons Ambo, potentially sited in Low Hutton and High Hutton and to include village information, walks, photos and possibly a QR code linked to the village website. Initial costings look positive so Sarah will now get a detailed breakdown of costs.

e)    Tree Inspections: David has asked Tom Cundall to carry out inspections of the main trees in the village. It is hoped his report will be available for the next meeting.

f)     Low Lane End: David suggested meeting with Highways England regarding current safety and access concerns at Low Lane End. There is also an issue with overgrown foliage which is causing visibility issues for cars pulling out onto the A64. David will raise this with Highways England and ask for the foliage to be cut back.

g)    PoW Thanks: The PC has written to thank Rona Charles for all her work in mapping and organising walks and collating information gathered to address any issues on the routes.

h)    Parish Liaison Meeting: September 18th: One of the parish councillors will aim to attend this meeting at Ryedale House.

4. New Matters

a)    Drug Litter in High Hutton: David said he had noticed drug litter in High Hutton which he has reported to the police who will monitor the situation.

b)    Village Broadband: Work is progressing on installing fibre optic broadband in the village. Although there is no set date for completion as yet, work is certainly progressing through the village. There had been a delay due to blocked ducts. Current work involves linking the fibre on the poles to the houses which should be completed in the near future.

5  Planning: Councillors had no comments regarding a planning application 19/00902/ADV Harrison Developments at Cherry Tree Close, Malton, for an internally lit sign.

6. Finance: Budget Progress to August 31st 2019. Sarah gave a break down of budget to date.

7. AOB: Grass cutting: The branches on the oak tree on the village green are causing difficulties with grass cutting. It was agreed to ask Cundalls to look at trimming some of the lowest branches.

Councillors also discussed tidying up the edges of the pavements throughout the village before winter. David will ask Mark Wilson if this is something he would be available to do.

8. Date of next meetings

November 12th 2019

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council - huttonsamboparishclerk@gmail.com


© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Saturday 31 August 2019

Parish Council Agenda, Thursday, September 5th 2019




Thursday, September 5th 2019





1          Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence


2          Approval of Minutes of meeting on 16th July


3          Matters arising:


a)     Village road markings

b)     Renewal of bus services

c)      History Group workshop

d)     Village Information Board

e)     Tree inspections

f)       Low Lane End

g)     PoW thanks

h)     Parish Liaison Meeting Sept 18th


4          New Matters:


a)     Drug litter in High Hutton

b)     Village broadband


5          Planning:


           Planning application 19/00902/ADV Harrison Developments - Cherry Tree Close, Malton.


6          Finance:


           Budget progress to 31st August 2019    



7          Any Other Business


8          Date of next Meeting


Provisionally 12th November 2019



Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Forthcoming Events from the Bulletin

Forthcoming Events from the Bulletin

17th (Saturday)
Village Show
See show schedule
Village Hall
25th (Sunday)
Boat Trip
Suspension Bridge
Book Club
Mukiwa by Peter Godwin
Youth Club
Village Hall
Book Club
The Garden of lost and found-by Harriett Evans
6th (Sunday)
Village Café
Village Hall
12th (Saturday)
Village Quiz
Village Hall
Book Club
Holy Fools by Joanne Harris
Book Club
Golden Hill by Francis Spufford
1st (Sunday)
Christmas Fair and Village Café
10am -4pm
Village Hall
15th (Sunday)
Village Panto
Mother Goose
Afternoon -time to be confirmed
Village Hall

© 2019 www.huttonsambo.com