Saturday 6 December 2014

Services in St. Margaret's Church during December 2014

Services in St. Margaret's Church during December

7th December 11 a.m.Advent Carol Service
Juliet Bleasdale
Favourite Advent hymns and children's songs
14th December 4.30 p.m.Taizé Advent Service
Short, peaceful service of readings and sung prayers.
21st December 6.30 p.m.Carol Service
The Rector with The Choir
All your favourite readings and carols.
Please stay for seasonal refreshments afterwards.
25th December 11 a.m. Christmas Day Holy Communion BCW 11 a.m. The Rector

Anita Topp

© 2014

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movember - please support MoBro Howard Wallis

You may remember that in back in 2012, upstanding citizen and fellow photographer Howard Wallis undertook the Movember challenge and grew an alarming moustache for charity.

Well this year the fine fellow is at it again:

About Movember

The Movember Foundation is the leading global organisation committed to changing the face of men’s health.
The Movember community has raised £346 million to date and funded over 800 programmes in 21 countries. This work is saving and improving the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.
The Movember Foundation challenges men to grow moustaches during Movember (formerly known as November), to spark conversation and raise vital funds for its men’s health programs. To date, 4 million moustaches have been grown worldwide, but we won't stop growing as long as serious men’s health issues exist

© 2014

Christmas Fayre 2014 - Pictures

A few pictures from this year's Christmas Fayre:

The Fayre seemed to be very well attended, the small room was packed and your humble editor was nearly trampled in the rush for Father Christmas.

© 2014

Saturday 22 November 2014

Trial Lowering of River Derwent - Environment Agency asks for evidence to help with computer modelling

Following the recent trial lowering of the River Derwent the Environment Agency has asked for any objective evidence about the effects of the trial that the public can provide:

 From the EA:

What is this about?

During September the Environment Agency carried out a trial to lower the level of the River Derwent
between Kirkham and Malton. We did this by opening our sluice gates at Kirkham. The aim of the trial was to see if the river behaved in the way our computer modelling predicted, so that we could understand what might happen if we were to make any changes to our structures at Kirkham in the future. We gathered a large amount of data during and after the trial and are now in the process of reviewing and interpreting that. To ensure any future decisions are based on the most comprehensive information we also want to ask the local community for any observations they might have from the trial.

How can I get involved?

At this stage we are only looking for factual information - not opinions about what should happen to the
weir and sluices. We are encouraging local people to share any information they have about what
happened to the river during or since the trial.

For this information to be useful we need you to tell us:

• What you saw
• Where you saw it
• It would also be helpful if you can say when you saw it

Any photographs or video you have of what you saw would also be useful.

Please send any information to:

Mark Reid
Environment Agency
Coverdale House
Aviator Court, Amy Johnson Way,
Clifton Moor,
York YO30 4GZ

Please send your responses to us by 30 November

What will happen next?

Before the end of the year we will share a summary of the key findings from the trial with the local
community. We will then begin the technical process of developing possible future options for the weir and sluices. We know that people along the River Derwent are passionate about the river and its future so we will ensure that we explain this process clearly and give the local community the opportunity to put forward their comments and opinions at each stage of the options development.

You can download the original EA pdf document here.

© 2014

Thursday 20 November 2014

Huttons Ambo Christmas Fayre - Saturday November 22nd 2014, 2pm to 4.30pm

Don't Forget the Christmas Fayre this coming Saturday, 2pm to 4.30pm:

Stalls – crafts, gifts, new children’s clothes, games, carols

big prize raffle, fair trade, refreshments

Carol singing and lots more festive fun.      

Santa has been invited


Just in case you missed it you can read the recent Gazette & Herald article here.

© 2014

Sunday 9 November 2014

Remembering the Fallen - Huttons Ambo War Memorial Research by Sharon Jackson

In Recording The Lives of Huttons Ambos Fallen, Sharon Jackson asked for help to identify details of the service and lives of the men recorded on the Huttons Ambo War Memorial.  We're delighted to be able to host the results of her researches, which you can download either as a Word document or as an Adobe pdf file from the links below:

 Huttons Ambo War Memorial (Word Document)

 Huttons Ambo War Memorial (Adobe PDF)

© 2014

Monday 3 November 2014

Services in St. Margaret's Church during November

Church Services during November

2nd November - 11 a.m.Morning Prayer - Simon Jackson
9th November - 12.00Ceremony at the Memorial after Remembrance Service at Terrington
16th November - 11 a.m.Holy Communion BCP (Book of Common Prayer)

© 2014

Saturday 1 November 2014

Taizé Meeting - November 2014

Taizé Meeting Thursday 13th November, 730pm - at Watermeadows, 6 Station Cottages, Huttons Ambo, the home of Michael & Lesley Sessions.

All are welcome to attend, join with the singing and enjoy quiet reflection.

© 2014

Friday 17 October 2014

Huttons Ambo Book Club - October 2014

Huttons Ambo Book Club Next Meeting - Wednesday 29th October 11am

The book will be Elizabeth is missing by Emma Healey.

If you are not a regular member but would be interested in coming call Alison Hewitt (Tel.692918) for more information.   

© 2014

Huttons Ambo Meeting Point - October 2014

The next Meeting Point will be on Saturday 26th October from 12.00 noon to 2.00pm.

Come along for coffee, tea and cake, books, Fairtrade and Childrens activities.

Light lunches of homemade soup, quiche, salad and sandwiches will be added to the menu, to go with the already renowned cake section!

© 2014

Thursday 16 October 2014

Christmas Fayre Saturday November 22nd Huttons Ambo Village Hall

Christmas Fayre
Saturday November 22nd
2.00pm to 4.30pm
Huttons Ambo Village Hall

Proceeds in aid of the Village Hall Refurbishment Fund
Usual Stalls including :
Cakes, White Elephant, Crafts, Fair Trade, Gifts & New Toys

Plus a great opportunity to get ahead with your Christmas Shopping

Artist - Anne Pilgrim – pictures, mugs, tea towels and other gifts
Hearts & Stripes by Karen Campbell – home dĂ©cor and gifts
Captain Tortue - French designer children’s clothing 

Games & Big Prize Raffle 

Prizes include Special Nestlé Gift Hampers, Family Day at Castle Howard
and a Voucher for treatment at Number 1 Heath & Beauty
Many Festive Refreshments

Carol Singing

And Santa said he might just drop by for a mince pie
 Come Along & Join Us  

Happy Christmas

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Huttons Ambo Village Hall Refurbishment Fund and Committee

Announcement regarding the establishment of the
Huttons Ambo Village Hall Refurbishment Fund and Committee

Thursday October 9th 2014

This was the first meeting of the committee formed to manage the Village Hall Refurbishment Fund and
the improvement works and associated fundraising.

The Committee has the following members:
Andy Clark, Sarah Clark, Andy Dorman, Liz Ellis,
Clare Jenyns (representing The Estate), Sara Swindells, Jayne O’Ehley (Treasurer)

The initial work to be completed by the committee will be:

  • to scope out the work required to refurbish and improve the kitchen and toilet areas of the hall
  • to prepare a costing to deliver the above
  • to prepare a realistic – phased timeline to complete each stage of the programme
  • to investigate the potential sources of funding to support this refurbishment work and apply for such funding
  • where appropriate
  • to deliver a set of fundraising activities to raise cash for the plan
  • to encourage support, donations and potentially volunteer labour to work with us to create a functional and
  • comfortable village facility

The bookings and the day to day hall management will continue to be carried out by the Village Hall Management Committee.

The Refurbishment Committee’s remit and the associated fundraising will purely be towards the modernisation and improvement of facilities – not running costs.

For those of you who are unaware of how the relationship between The Estate, the Village Hall and The Community works – Clare has advised us that:

“there is an agreement between the existing village hall committee and the estate. The lease dates back to 11th
October 1960 and is for a term of 99 years which takes us to 2059. The Estate is keen to keep the village hall running and has done what it can in order for this to happen and will continue to support the Village Hall.”

As you are aware the Village Hall and the village social activities generally are recognised, valued and featured as a high priority on your initial feedback to the Parish Plan questionnaire earlier this year.

Whilst the Parish Plan development and consultation process is on-going and because providing a more functional environment to produce the events and particularly catering, is becoming essential to the success of future events – we are progressing this now. We ask that you continue to reflect your recognition and the value placed on this facility and the activities it enables through the Parish Plan consultation process – particularly as this may assist us with any grant funding we find we are eligible for.

So, we promise to keep you updated on the progress on fundraising, funding applications and the actual refurbishment work – both via The Bulletin, the website and The Howardian.

We look forward to your support going forward and that in the short term you enjoy the fundraising activities we arrange and in the longer term you will benefit from a much improved village facility.

Many thanks

Liz Ellis

All enquiries should be addressed to or through letterbox of 1 Carr Cottages Low Hutton (green door)

Monday 13 October 2014

Andy from Hutton runs the York Marathon

Andy from Hutton runs the York Marathon in aid of the Lamplighters Charity:

Total time 3hrs 58mins, well done Andy.

The sponsorship form is in Herbies until the 5th of November so please contribute if you can.

Friday 10 October 2014

Smudge Is Missing - Can You Help?

Smudge, pictured above on the right, is a 14 month old  long-haired Jack Russell.

Smudge has gone missing from Bar Farm - if you've seen him or got any information about his whereabouts, please get in touch with Karen James at Bar Farm on 07969 125884.

© 2014

Sunday 5 October 2014

QUIZ NIGHT & SUPPER - Saturday November 29th from 7pm


Saturday November 29th
From 7.00pm (first questions 7.30pm)
Huttons Ambo Village Hall
Proceeds in aid of the Village Hall Refurbishment Fund

Other dates for your diary:
Saturday November 22nd – Christmas Fayre 2.00pm-4.30pm
January 24th 2015 - Burns Night Celebration

© 2014

Services in St. Margaret's Church during October

Services in St. Margaret's Church during October:

5th October 11 a.m.Morning Prayer - Simon Jackson
19th October 11 a.m.Holy Communion BCP (Book of Common Prayer)- The Rector
26th October 11 a.m.Holy Communion BCW (Book of Common Worship) (for Welburn and Bulmer parishes)


There will be a Taizé Meeting in the church at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 15th October.

All are welcome to join us for sung prayer and meditation, or just to listen and relax in our beautiful Lady Chapel.

Give it a try - we guarantee you will enjoy it.

Anita Topp

© 2014

Monday 15 September 2014

Life is full of surprises - A Follow Up

In March of this year Arthur Flounders Brown kindly shared the results of his family research in 'Life is full of surprises',  as a result of that Paul Gray got in touch with us to tell us the result of his own family investigations which turned up a link with Arthur. Paul explains in his own words:

Hello, my name is Paul Gray.

I read Arthur Flounders Brown's story “Life is full of surprises” with great interest, please allow me to explain why.

A few years ago I became interested in my family history. At the outset I knew of only one great great grandparent called Sarah Jane Smith.

I discovered that her husband Thomas Smith (1856-1935) was a farmers son born near Stape. Thomas alternated between farming and ironstone mining resulting in his family living at many places around the moors, Rawcliffe, Loftus, Saltersgate, Rosedale and finally at Great Ayton.

Luckily for me Sarah Jane's granddaughter had a box of family photo's which had been passed down from Sarah Jane. Amongst the photo's of the Smith family there was one of an old man wearing a dishevelled railway uniform but his identity was a mystery.

Further investigation revealed that Sarah Jane, the youngest of ten children, was born near Levisham in 1858 and her maiden name was Harrison. Her father Charles spent his working life as a labourer and plate layer on the Newtondale railway line. This identified the old gentleman in uniform as my GGG grandfather Charles Harrison. I put together a good record of Charles's life going back to 1851 but I was unable to find much information about him prior to that date.

Now we come to the Huttons Ambo connection.

I knew that Charles was born in Westow in 1816 and the fact that his first three children where born in Huttons Ambo between 1840 and 1843 strongly suggested that he should be there in 1841. He had a wife Sarah and young son William but I found no sign of them. Neither could I find any birth or baptism records for Charles Harrison. Charles was missing and the trail had gone cold.

Eventually after much fruitless searching I noticed a family in High Hutton closely matching Charles's family but with the surname Hepton. A few doors away was another family of Hepton's which looked likely to be his parents and siblings. If I was correct then Charles's parents were William and Charlotte Hepton but there was a problem. I had reliable information that Charles's father was called John and this potential father was called William. I gave up on this line of enquiry for a while but eventually returned to it. I noticed that Charlotte's daughter Emma Hepton was calling herself Emma Harrison from 1851 onwards, despite being unmarried, this was intriguing and supported the idea that she was the sister of Charles Hepton/Harrison. Investigating Charlotte I discovered that she did not marry William Hepton until 1843 and her name on the day of marriage was recorded as a Harrison and also that her mother was called Mary. I was now feeling confident that I had found my GGGG grandmother Charlotte Harrison.

I discovered that William Hepton's first wife, Jane Walker, was the daughter of a John Walker. Jane gave birth to a son John Walker Hepton in 1794 only four months after her marriage to William. John Walker Hepton, being the same age as Charlotte, is possibly the father of Charles Harrison. With the Walker surname in mind I discovered that Charles Harrison was baptised in Westow as Charles Walker, his mother named as Charlotte Walker.

It was at this point that I found “cousin” Arthur's very interesting and informative article which gave me the links between John Walker, Mary Harrison and their daughter Charlotte.

So I believe that my GGG grandfather Charles is the eldest son of Charlotte. He was baptised as a Walker in 1816, recorded as a Hepton in 1841 and called himself Harrison in 1851.

I am still hopeful that I may discover the identity of his father. If he turns out to be John Walker Hepton then that might explain why Charlotte did/could not marry him.

Paul Gray

As before, if you can shed any more light on this story or any of our other requests for family history information, please get in touch either via email  to 'updates' at or the website contact form and we'll be happy to put you in touch.


The Zambo Pantry

The Zambo Pantry

The Zambo Pantry is a farmers cart venture by Joanne Castleton of Low Hutton. Zambo Pantry sells a range of delicious sweet and savoury treats: homemade cakes, pastries,  biscuits, soup, pickled onions - the selection changes from day to day.

Zambo Pantry - Saturdays menu
I took a stroll down the hill for a quick sample, I was particularly looking forward to trying the pork and apple sausage rolls but alas too late, they had been polished off, so I contented myself with some very nice iced lemon slice, a square of excellent chocolate cake and some refreshing Zambo apple juice.

Zambo Pantry works on an honesty box system and Joanne kindly provides plastic bags to put your goodies in as well as disposable plastic forks. Dog walkers will also find free pet treats and a water bowl.

If you want to keep up with the latest offerings from The Zambo Pantry, drop Joanne an email here:

- and ask to be added to her mailing list.

© 2014

Sunday 14 September 2014

Trial Lowering of the River Derwent - 8-24th September 2014

 Lowering The Derwent?
River Derwent, Upstream from Swingbridge, Low Hutton
It comes as a surprise to hear that the Environment Agency are undertaking a trial to lower the level of the River Derwent by opening the sluice gates at Kirkham Weir. This trial is already under way and the sluice gates will gradually be opened until the 24th September when they will be fully open. They will be returned to their normal position by the 3rd October when the river will start to recover its normal level.

Why are they doing this?

Apparently 'in-river structures' such as the Kirkham and Howsham Weirs cause the flow rate of the river to decrease and makes water 'pond' upstream. This has the effect of reducing the range of habitats that the river would normally support and decreases amount and variety of wildlife that the river could support. The whole of the Derwent from Ryemouth to Barmsby on Ouse is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), however the river is considered to be in an unfavourable condition resulting from a combination of agricultural run-off pollution and silting which is caused in part by the presence of weirs which reduce the flow rate.

So the Environment Agency are undertaking this trial with a view to collecting data on how the flow rate of the river changes as it reduces to its natural level and to assess the state of the river banks and river bed when the water reaches its lowest level.

Derwent and Meadowsweet, Low Hutton

What happens next?
Once the trial is complete the gates will be returned to their normal position and the level of the river will be restored. The Environment Agency will then look at the data and present several options for managing the river level.

One of these options may include the complete removal of the Kirkham Weir.

The Environment Agency say they will undertake public consultation about the options but some concerns have already been expressed about the possible effects on fish populations, river bank erosion and flooding, as well as long term changes to the character of the river.
How can I find out more?
You can download copies of the Environment Agency's materials here:

Kirkham Weir

Q&A Document_27 August 2014-1

(note that these are hosted via as I have been unable to locate any publicly accessible materials about this on the Environment Agency website)

River Derwent from Swingbridge, Low Hutton
Who can I contact?
If you have any questions or concerns about the trial and its possible outcome, then you can contact the project manager Rosa Foster on 0113 819 6939 or email
or Ben Hocking

And if you have got any concerns then it's probably best to express them to your Parish Councillor as well.

© 2014

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Huttons Ambo Photographers - Can you help fundraise for the Village Hall Refurbishment?

Are you a bit of a snapper?

Have you got some good quality photographs of the village (particularly snow scenes)?

Would you be willing to give permission to the Village Hall Refurbishment project to turn them into cards to sell for fundraising?

If so, please get in touch with Liz Ellis no later than September 28th.

Electronic images (hi res) can sent to Liz on:
© 2014

Monday 1 September 2014

Laysike House and Ferry

We've received an enquiry for any information about Laysike House and Laysike Ferry:

I am looking for information about Lay Sike ferry. Thomas Wilson (1806) of Menethorpe was a 
wheelwright, coal merchant and ferryman in 1840. Jane Wilson was a miller 
there and her daughter Mary married James Strangeway. Do you have any 
information please?

Can you help? I know that the house and ferry were demolished some time ago but that's all. Any information greatly appreciated!


© 2014

Sunday 31 August 2014

Services in St. Margaret's Church during September

Services in St. Margaret's Church during September

7th September 11 a.m. Morning Prayer Simon Jackson
17th September 7.30 p.m.Taizé Meeting
21st September 6.30 p.m. HARVEST FESTIVAL The Rector with The Choir
28th September 11 a.m.Holy Communion BCW for joint parishes (Welburn and Bulmer) The Rector

© 2014

Saturday 23 August 2014

Raking the grass at St Margaret's Church - Can you help?

The rear churchyard has recently been cut and because it is the intention to create a wild flower garden there, the grass will need to be raked up.

If anybody could spare an hour on Saturday 30th August to help with the raking up it would be greatly appreciated. We intend starting at the Church at 10am.

Many thanks.

Rosa Naylor. 01653 695008.

© 2014

Produce Show 2014 - Malton Gazette & Herald Report

You can read the Gazette & Herald's report on the Huttons Ambo Produce Show here:

And the link to their mobile site for phones & tablets is here:

© 2014

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Produce Show 2014 - In Pictures

 A short picture report from the 2014 Produce show:

© 2014

Sunday 17 August 2014

Produce Show 2014

The 60th Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show took place on Saturday 16th August.

Entries were particularly good – particularly the younger children who produced some really imaginative and colourful entries.

We were not popular with the swallow family who had taken up residence above the door and for whom our comings and goings just disrupted the stream of food to the brood (see pic).

The Rector Taff Morgan presented the prizes and Andy Dorman took his usual role of MC.
Teas were tasty and gorgeous as ever – provided by Sarah Clark and her team and it was a really great day.

Thanks to the committee and all helpers.

Particular thanks to Howard & Tara Wallis who are standing down from the committee and welcome to Ruth & Neil Hannah who are joining us for 2015.

Finally a HUGE THANK YOU to Denise & Noel Savage who have organised their final village show raffle after decades of great service and now retire to enjoy the show as spectators for many years to come we hope.
We will not be having a post show public meeting due to availability of committee members but if you have any comments or suggestions about ways to improve the show or classes we could add then please contacts or drop a note in at Herbie’s.

Then followed our Hoe Down Evening – with tasty supper and line dancing led by the fantastic Sarah Swindells.

Participation was high and the dance floor was filled with around 35 keen stompers and many spectators comfortably enjoying a beer or a Pimms looked on. 

Cowboy boots and hats and much laughter were a plenty and if you imagine Village People meets Toy Story with food and beer – you get the picture. 

Men of Huttons Ambo in particular – you did us proud!!!

It was a fantastic night and everyone really enjoyed the opportunity to socialise even if the dancing wasn’t their thing. I am sure we will look for some further opportunities for such nights going forward.

Thank you to everyone who supported and attended the evening.

Download the show results as a Word file

Download the show results as an Adobe pdf file

 Liz Ellis

© 2014

Sunday 3 August 2014

A Black & White meander round the hillsides

No story, just some pictures from a walk around the hillsides with a camera loaded with black and white pixels :-)

Oh yes, don't forget the produce show!!!

© 2014