Monday 15 February 2016

Derwent River Restoration Plan June 2010 - extracts re Kirkham weir and sluices

Kirkham Weir and Sluices: Options Appraisal Project

The Environment Agency (EA) is responsible for these structures in the River Derwent and is considering what should be done with them in future. Apparently the sluices no longer work reliably, are not required for flood defence and would be expensive to replace. Following the trial lowering of the river in September 2014, the EA has been assessing the effects that occurred then and is considering all the options. They range from:
•    Do absolutely nothing
•    Minimal maintenance (more or less as at present)
•    Various different types of weirs and sluices at different levels, with fish passes to help fish travel up and down the river more freely
•    Complete removal of the weir or sluice or both.
The EA is also looking into alternative sources of funding for any of these. Some more detail can be found in Kirkham Weir and Sluice Presentation, although note that the photos on slide 10 are from Wales, not Kirkham!

The EA’s consultants, Jacobs, have taken on the task of assessing all of the options ‘long list’ against a wide range of criteria, including ecology, landscape, geomorphology, geotechnical risk, cultural heritage, economics, etc. As part of this Appraisal Project the EA wants to know what local residents think too and will take our views into account. They will incorporate our views into a workshop that all their specialists will be having in a week or two’s time.

If you’d like to find out more about the background to this project, look at these extracts from the
 River Derwent Restoration Plan (link)
or the full document 
If any relevant information is received from the EA, it will also be posted on this website.
Or please contact Rona Charles at Ambo Cottage (High Hutton), 696070,

If you have any views that you’d like the EA to consider,
please let Rona know, ideally by Saturday 20 February.

Rona Charles

© 2016

Saturday 13 February 2016


The Council has received a notice of an application for replacement of the flat roof with a pitched roof on the garage at The Redings, Low Hutton.  Comments have been requested by the 4th of March.

The application can be inspected at Ryedale House or at by entering the application number.

If you have any comment please submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

© 2015

Youth Club Report - February 5th 2016

Youngsters danced the night away at the Huttons Ambo Youth Club party night on Friday, February 5th.

Joseph Banks was DJ for the evening. Sara Swindells led the party games including a furiously competitive game of ‘splat’ duelling game.

The children rounded off the evening by making fondant sweets with the help of Sarah Clarke which they got to take home. 

The next youth club session will be on Friday, March 4th. 

The youth club is open to children age 5-17 years. Subs are £2.50 a child. Email to get on the list.

© 2015

Sunday 7 February 2016

Iridescent Clouds

Michael Leighton of Low Hutton captured these beautiful images of iridescent clouds on Tuesday 2nd February

Michael says:

I took them on Tuesday morning at sun rise and later on in the day at about 15.00

The effect is called cloud iridescence and is produced by high winds causing the water vapour in the cirrus clouds to freeze in small droplets and the sun light refracting through them.

Many thanks to Michael for sharing these remarkable pictures of a rare phenomenon!

© 2015