Saturday 24 October 2020

Armistice Sunday - 8th November 2020

Armistice Sunday 8th November.

This year the annual commemoration will take place at the War memorial in Low Hutton. This is because singing in church is still not permitted because of the Covid 19 restrictions. The commemoration will be short one and will culminate with the laying of a wreath in memory of those in Huttons Ambo who died in both World Wars. Please assemble by 1050hours.

Should the weather on the 8th be very inclement it may be necessary to hold this short service at the Church. If this looks likely, please check with the Churchwardens - Rosa Naylor (01653 695008) and Steven Dunning (07975 852589). However, it will need to be raining or snowing very hard for us to abandon the War memorial!

© 2020

Thursday 8 October 2020

Parish Councillor Vacancy

© 2020

Parish Council Parish Council Minutes

HUTTONS AMBO PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, September 15th 2020 7.30pm Agenda 1 Welcome Councillors present – Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samuel, Philip Barraclough Parish Clerk - Anne Lealman No apologies for absence received No members of the public present at this meeting Discussions were had regarding the best way to decide on a Chairperson for the meeting and future meetings. Suggestions proposed included a different chair at each meeting, a nominated chairperson on a rotating basis of a couple of meetings, or a rotation of the chairperson on a 12-month basis. A decision was reached that the chairperson should be on a rotation every 12 months, running April to March each year. Andy Dorman was proposed to be the chairperson by Simon Lealman and was seconded by Philip Barraclough 2 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 7th July 2020 - Approved & signed by Andy Dorman 3 Matters arising: a) Pot Holes – these are being repaired once reported via the NYCC Parish Portal. It was noted that there are potholes near Dalton House in the Low Village and on the corner of Home Farm gate in the High Village. Simon Lealman to check the dimensions and report via the portal if necessary. Can any member of the village who wishes to report a pothole please contact any member of the Parish Council to allow reporting via the NYCC Parish Portal. b) Tree inspections – completed c) Low Lane End/A64 - see new matters and new speed limits on A64 d) Parish Portal – Simon Lealman is in charge of the Parish Portal e) Village noticeboard - update (re map work on Powerpoint) – Jem Charles has kindly agreed to make a wooden frame to go around the foam noticeboards. Philip Barra-clough to take the lead on this matter as he has the history content complete but will need graphics and maps. Philip to speak to Rona re her friends’ book. Sites for mounting agreed as: a. the wall on Bob Mansell’s barn in the Low Village and, if approved b. on the grass near the seat outside the church in the High Village. Andy Dorman to contact Steve Dunning to gain permission for the board to be angle mounted at this location. 4 New Matters: a) New speed limits on A64 – the new speed limits have made no difference to the speed of the vehicles approaching the Low Lane. It appears to have made things worse as drivers seem shocked at the new speed limit. The Parish Clerk will write to Highways about the speed limit signs on the Low Lane and dangers around vehicles not taking heed of the new speed limits on the A64. b) Adoption of phone box by parish council and removal of telephone – Andy Dorman to lead on this matter. Plan is to relocate the Defibrillator from the Village hall to the tele-phone box to maximise the availability to villagers. Simon offered assistance. 5 Planning: a) Planning application, no: 20/00628/HOUSE - The Rise – approval of amended plans b) Planning application, no: 20/00547/FUL - DH Group - approval 6 Finance: Budget progress to 31st August 2020 – Discussion regarding cheque signatories on the account and the issue of time taken to bank cheques in Malton. It was unanimously agreed to investigate Internet banking, including opening a new account at the Yorkshire Bank to allow for multiple/dual signatory aspect. Parish Clerk to take this forward. 7 Any Other Business Fibre Broadband available to all by March 2021 – Everyone is encouraged to log their interest for fibre broadband at A64 overnight road closures - Thank you to David Banks for sorting out issues faced by residents due to A64 improvement works and associated closures. Parish Councillor vacancy – all agreed to advertising the current vacancy on the village notice boards and bus shelters. Parish Council Funding Ideas - suggestions were: Children‘s play ground – Andy to discuss with Clare Jenyns to see if there would be a possibility to buy or hire land to the right of the hall (nearest the hall small room). A community event – e.g. a BBQ after village show – All agreed to look at this option again once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. 8 Date of next Meeting Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 7:30pm Anne Lealman, Clerk to the Parish Council ; 2020