Sunday 9 December 2018

Huttons Ambo Parish History Group - Minutes of Meeting 29th November 2018

Minutes of Huttons Ambo Parish History Group meeting held on Thursday  29TH November 2018
Present at meeting
Philip Barraclough (PB),  Pam Taylor,  Rona Charles, Joyce Parker (JP), and Diane Savage (DS) Andy Doorman (AD) Andy Jackson (AD)
1. Apologies for Absence
Denise Doggett, Ann Sanders  and Alan Sanders
2. The Exhibition
PB stated that he felt that January was the wrong time of year to hold the exhibition for several reasons but particularly because of the weather
The meeting agreed that the Exhibition should be postponed until the spring.
PB reported the Susan Milward had a considerable number of objects photographs etc that she would be prepared to copy and or lend for the exhibition.
3. Discussion
PB stated the Group had focussed too much on the Exhibition and had lost sight of the wider aims of the group which had been set out in the first meeting last year.
The group discussed the origins of the village and PB said he would produce a  version of the parish up to the Medieval Period using the available sources.
JP produced a map of the Low village which she had begun annotating with various pieces of data – such as occupation and building history. It was agreed that this was a basis for further work and that RC would try and obtain a large scale map for the whole parish as master map for this project.
The group and agreed to organise a number of history walks through the village in the summer.
The Group also discussed the possibility of undertaking some archaeological work in the village. SM was happy for some work to be done in the field immediately behind the Station Cottages. RC pointed out that this would need to be professionally supervised and that consent of the County Archaeologist would be required.

5. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is on Thursday 31st January in the Village Hall at 7pm.


© 2018

Pocket Panto - Tuesday 18th December

Don't forget, Pocket Panto present 
Dick Whittington
at the Village Hall on
 Tuesday December 18th. 6.30pm

Tickets on the door on the noght
or from
Herbies or the Village Christmas Fayre

© 2018

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 15th December 2018

Christmas Fayre
Huttons Ambo Village Hall
Saturday 15th December 1.30pm to 4pm

 Come and meet up with everyone and share the Seasons Greetings

Craft Stalls - Hazel Braimbridge - Willo's Woodcraft

Goods by - Fair Trade
Home made cakes by the village bakers

Entry £1.50 includes a free drink and a choice of cake
Free gift for each child under 12

Pocket Panto tickets also on sale

Choice of Cakes - mince-pies - meringue - trifle - vegan and vegetarian choices

Donations for the Tombola welcome - Please leave at Herbies or at Denise's at Netherby House.

New to the village? - please come, it would be great to see you

© 2018

Sunday 2 December 2018



19th NOVEMBER 2018

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
David Banks (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Richard Kershaw and Simon Lealman and, particularly Philip Barraclough to his first meeting as Councillor. He also welcomed two members of the public.

2.         Approval of Minutes
a)  Minutes of the July meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.
b)  Minutes of the Annual Meeting were also approved and signed.

3.         Matters Considered in advance
a)  30 mph speed limit
David has written again but still has yet to hear from NYCC Highways
b)  Footpath railing
Andy & Simon reported that they have repaired the railing beside Grange Farm.
c)  Council thanks to Village maintenance volunteers
Jem will write to the many members of the community who give of their time to help maintain the appearance and special nature of the village.
d)  RDC “Don’t be a waster” campaign
Agreed that promotion will continue by posting copies of posters considered appropriate.
e)  RDC Chairman’s charity appeal
Agreed not to donate but to review later in the financial year
f)   Monitoring of PRoW
Volunteers have identified a few issues that Rona will refer to NYCC as well as a number of minor ones that can be dealt with locally.  She will draft letters for the PC to send to landowners/managers.
g)  Tree inspections
Agreed that trees on the village green should be subject to biennial inspections and recommended safety work carried out.  Jem will identify 2 or more professionally qualified inspectors and obtain quotes.
h)  Parking & speeding – the Helmsley example
Agreed that surveillance and reporting would not be appropriate.

4.         New Matters
a)   Impact of York Road Enterprise Park on traffic at Low Lane End
Agreed this is a road safety issue, not necessarily resulting from any particular development.  Jem will write to Highways England and NYCC Highways, with copies to RDC planning, Kevin Hollinrake and Caroline Goodrick.
b)   PC comments to RDC planning
Agreed that representation about lack of recognition of PC comments not necessary
c)   Fracking exploration – proposed changes to planning regulations     
In the absence of an opportunity to discuss in Council in September, David had decided that no representation needed to be made as NYCC had been informed of the results of the village consultation.
d)  Councillors’ e-mail
Jem explained that response times to explicit queries were highly variable.  It was not considered that a fixed period should be set for responses but Councillors agreed to try to respond in a reasonable time.  Jem will annotate the subject line of e-mails requiring responses as appropriate.
e)  Other village maintenance
                      i.        Jem will ask Mark to clear the pavement edge between High & Low Hutton
                     ii.        Andy will confirm to Graham Milner that he can arrange for clearance of the culvert by the Swing Bridge and restoration of the grip below the railway embankment
f)   A64 Safety Action Group
Andy & Simon reported on the meeting with Highways England.  Unlit refuges in the centre of the carriageway at Welburn and Crambeck bus stops were proposed as well as road widening to accommodate the West bound bus stop at Crambeck.  The possibility of low-level kerbside pedestrian lighting would be considered.
g)  Broadband
An Openreach surveyor working in the Parish had been approached by a n umber of people.  There is a possibility that a fibre connection, possibly to each property, during 2019.  No information has been made available by Openreach or NYNet.
h)  War Memorial
The name Mark Armstrong, born in Huttons Ambo, has been noted in records in Belgium.  David will research whether his sacrifice is recorded elsewhere, or if his name should be commemorated on the HA memorial.  Sharon Jackson offered to assist.

5.         Planning
a) Extension at No.3 Station Cottages
b)  Old Methodist Chapel
Awaiting determination.  Parish Council had supported approval but had suggested some amendments to reduce infringement of neighbours’ privacy.
c)  Business Units at York Rd. Enterprise Park
Jem will write to object concerning proposed development on agreed landscape screening fringe.

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
The report to 31st October was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.  Jem pointed out that it was likely that funds would be available for other worthwhile works.  Councillors will endeavour to identify suitable projects.

7.         Any Other Business

9.         Date of Next meetings
Tuesday 15th January 2019 and, provisionally, 19th of March 2019 at 7.30pm.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council


Date: …………………………….

© 2018

Saturday 1 December 2018

St Margaret's Church - Services December 2018

Services December 2018

2nd December   11am Advent Carols   Juliet Bleasedale
11th December  11am Morning Prayer   Simon Jackson.
16th December   430pm Carol Service   Canon Bob Rodgers.
25th December   10am Holy Communion on Christmas Day  

The Carol Service will be accompanied by a full choir.

The choir is always looking out for new members, so if you'd like to join please contact Michael Sessions - no audition necessary!

© 2018

Friday 16 November 2018


A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take place in the Village Hall
on Monday, 19th November 2018 at 7.30.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1          Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

2          Approval of Minutes
a)      Council meeting on 24th July
b)      Annual meeting, 28th May 2018

3          Matters considered in advance:
a)      30 mph speed limit
b)      Footpath railing
c)      Council thanks to village maintenance volunteers
d)      RDC “Don’t be a waster” campaign
e)      RDC Chairman’s charity appeal
f)       Monitoring of PRoW
g)      Tree inspections
h)      Parking and speeding – an example from Helmsley

4          New matters:
a)    Letter to RDC/NYCC/Highways England about impact of York Road developments on vehicle movements at Low Lane End
b)    Presentation to RDC about lack of recognition of PC comments
c)    PC response to proposed change in planning regulations on fracking
d)    Councillors’ e-mail
e)    Other village maintenance
f)     A64 Safety Group meeting
g)    Broadband
h)    War memorial – additional name

5          Planning:
a)    18/00400/FUL Water production plant – Approved
b)    18/00479/HOUSE – High Gaterley Farm Cottage – Approved
c)    18/00158/HOUSE – Outbuilding at 2 Club Cottages - Approved
d)    18/00928/HOUSE - The Coppins orangery – Approved
e)    18/00951/HOUSE – Extension at No3 Station Cottages - Pending decision
f)     18/01011/FUL - Old Methodist Chapel – Active
g)    18/01107/FUL – Business units at York Rd. Ind. Est. - Active

6          Finance:        
a)    Budget progress to 31st October 2018

7          Any Other Business

8          Date of next Meeting

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2018

Tuesday 13 November 2018


The next meeting will be held on
at 7.30pm
in the Village Hall.

© 2018

Sunday 11 November 2018

We Will Remember Them

On a gently raining November day, nearly 60 villagers joined together at the War Memorial to remember the sacrifice of the fallen in war, on the 100th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice at the end of the First World War.

Simon Jackson led the ceremony and a cross was placed for each person remembered on the war Memorial. Finally a poppy wreath was laid by Andy Dorman

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

© 2018

Saturday 3 November 2018

Huttons Ambo War Memorial - Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2018


Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2018

The men below were from our village and they died in either the First or Second World War. Many more from the village all served in these conflicts and they should be remembered too.

Please remember those who died, either at the Remembrance Day service at Welburn Church at 10. 45am on the 11th November 2018, or at our WAR MEMORIAL AT 12.30 PM ON SUNDAY 11th November 2018, or in your own way, but do remember them.   

There will be a short service of commemoration at the War Memorial.  Afterwards there will be coffee at the Village Hall.


It is proposed to place 100 crosses close the War Memorial on the Low Village Green. 89 crosses will be put in place on the Saturday morning at 9.00am. 

The final 11 crosses, representing the individuals listed below, will be put in place at 12:30 pm on Sunday 11th.   

If anyone is prepared to volunteer to assist on the Saturday and/or Sunday, then please contact Andy Dorman in the High Village or Simon Jackson in the Low Village, as soon as possible.  

It would be particularly apt if anyone of the same or similar age as those set out below, would be prepared to place a cross on their behalf on the Sunday.  Their ages range from 17 to 40.   

Similarly, if anyone has any links of any sort to the individuals and/or, for example, near where they lived this would also be of poignant reminder of those who died and did not return.

Born 1893- Killed in action-10/10/1918 [Aged 25]
Born in the village to William and Mary. In 1913 he joined the Army Reserve at Sledmere and at that time worked on a farm at Tibthorpe.  He died in one of the final advances of the war in France. His body was never recovered and he is commemorated at the Vis en Artois Memorial. Vis-en-Artois is a village on the straight main road from Arras to Cambrai, about 10 kilometres south-east of Arras. The Memorial is the back drop to the Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery, which is to the west of Haucourt.

Born 5th July 1881- Died of wounds 27/10/14 [Aged 33]
Born in the village, the family lived at Quarry Cottages [where “The Reddings” now is] and latterly near the Old Post Office [now “West Croft”]. He was a “horseman” and enlisted at the outbreak of war. He was wounded in the first Battle of Ypres. He died of his wounds and is buried in Boulogne, his grave records him as being from Huttons Ambo.

Born 1880- Died 20/9/18 whilst a Prisoner of War [Aged 38]
Born in the village. Originally he was a quarryman, [probably at the Sand Quarry in the village], and latterly a gardener.  He was transferred to a Pioneer Battalion in 1918 [their work involved digging trenches and tunneling] Captured in one of the largest German offensives of the war. He was a POW and he died whilst captive of what was recorded as “cardiac weakness” A newspaper report of the time recorded that he had “virtually died of starvation” He left a widow and a son, George, aged 6

Born 1898- Died 4/3/15 [Aged 17]
Born in Huttons Ambo, his father was the woodman on Huttons Ambo Estate, and they lived at Wood House. He worked as a railway porter, but he died prior to embarkation. He died, aged 17, in Newcastle, of malignant measles and broncho-pneumonia. His father was with him when he died and they are buried together in Huttons Ambo churchyard

Born 1877- Killed in action 20/9/17 [Aged 40]
Born at Leavening but he was brought up at Roughborough Farm where his  father Frederick farmed. He was a joiner working on his own account in High Hutton and married to Gertrude who was also from Huttons Ambo. He died at Passchendaele, his body was never recovered and he is commemorated at the Tyne Cot Memorial to the Missingin Belgium. At the time of his death his widow, Gertrude Harrison was living at Netherby House in the Low Village

Born 1897-Died 12/1/15
Originally from near Kirbymoorside, it would appear that he was working at Huttons Ambo as a ‘carter” when he enlisted in the Reserve at Westow. He served as a Waggonerand he died in France of pneumonia. He is buried at Longuenesse [St Omer] Cemetery. [St. Omer was the General Headquarters of the British Expeditionary Force from October 1914 to March 1916.]

Born April 1894 Died of wounds 18/10/18 [Aged 24]
[NB the war memorial records “George” however there are no records of a George Bowes and it is clear this is an error.]
Born in Huttons Ambo, his family lived in Quarry Cottages [now “The Reddings”] but he moved to Water Lane, and then later to High Hutton. He served with the Machine Gun Corps and died during the Advance in Flanders in the latter stages of the war. Thomas Bowes, Benjamin Waterworth and John Kelsey all died within one month of each other. He is buried at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery near Ypres, but he is commemorated on his mothers gravestone in Huttons Ambo churchyard

Born 1900-Died accidentally 26/5/19 [Aged 19]
Employed as a “Horseman” in Huttons Ambo he enlisted in June 1918 [aged 18] and was sent to France in November 1918. He then served with the Army of Occupation in Germany and was killed in May 1919. He had been driving a wagon and horses when one of them was startled, fell and he was thrown onto a railway line running parallel to the road, where he was killed.

Born 1893 – Killed in Action 21/10/16 [23]
Born in Wakefield he was a footman at Huttons Ambo Hall. He enlisted in Malton and was a driver with the Royal Field Artillery. He was killed, along with 5 of his comrades during the Battle of the Somme in October 1916. All 6 are buried, side by side, at the Guards Cemetery Lesboeufs. [Lesboeufs (Somme region) was attacked by the Guards Division on 15 September 1916 and it was captured by them on the 25th. It was lost on 24 March 1918 during the great German offensive, after a stubborn resistance by part of the 63rd Bn. Machine Gun Corps, and it was recaptured on 29 August 1918 by the 10th Bn. South Wales Borderers.

Son of Colonel Wilson DSO, and of Diane Wilson, of Musley Bank. He was at Sandhurst when it was bombed on the 29/1/1941. He and four others were killed
He is buried, with his parents, in the rear churchyard in Huttons Ambo.

Born 1919- Died 28th May 1940 [Aged 21]
Son of Richard and Ada Fox of Huttons Ambo [possibly from Slip Inn cottages] Served with the Green Howards as part of the British Expeditionary Force, killed during the retreat to Dunkirk. Buried at Bus House Cemetery Belgium

A number of people have provided helpful information in relation to the research above. In particular, Peter Lealman, to whom I am very grateful.   

Sharon Jackson

© 2018