Monday 25 November 2013

Meeting Point - Saturday 30th Nov Flower & Produce Show Fundraiser

Don't forget the Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show fund raiser at Meeting Point on November 30th 2pm - 4pm

This month, in addition to the usual stalls and activities, the Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Committee are running a Toy & Jumble Stall as a fundraiser for next years 60th show celebrations.

If you have any items you'd like to donate for sale they can be left at Herbie's after the 25th, or you can leave them at the village hall between 1 and 2 on the day. If you have anything that needs collection please give Liz a call on 699769

Come to buy and support the show and there is always great cake and company too!

After the Meeting point there is now a Kids Roller Disco running 4.30-5.30pm in the Village Hall straight after each meeting point.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

December Services at St Margaret's Church - 2013

We have some different services for you during December, when we prepare for Christmas.

Sunday 1st December ADVENT CAROL SERVICE AT 11 a.m.

This will be taken by Juliet Bleasdale and will consist of readings and Advent Carols, with the Choir and the lighting of the First Candle in the Advent Ring.  Do join us for some great singing followed by coffee and cake! 
8th December HOLY COMMUNION from the Book of Common Prayer at 11 a.m. taken by the The Rector
The lighting of the Second Candle in the Advent Ring

15th December ADVENT TAIZE SERVICE AT 4.30 p.m.

This will consist of sung prayer, readings and meditative silence with the lighting of the Third Candle in the Advent Ring.  It will be an opportunity for quiet reflection to focus our thoughts on the coming of Jesus Christ.

22nd December CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE AT 6.30 p.m.

We promise that you will be able to sing all your favourite carols, lead by the Choir.  The children will place the figures in the Crib Scene.  Afterwards we welcome you to stay and enjoy some seasonal bites and a glass of wine.

25th  December CHRISTMAS DAY HOLY COMMUNION AT 11.00 a.m. taken by The Rector.

29th December  BENEFICE SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION at 10 a.m. taken by The Rector

Anita Topp

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Taizé for All - November 2013

Taizé Meeting

Taizé, St Margaret's Church, Huttons Ambo

A Taize meeting is a quiet service of contemplation, prayer and song, if you'd like to come and join in a meeting, the program for Novembers meeting at St Margaret's Church is as follows:

(Please remain seated throughout and optionally join in with the singing and the Lord's Prayer)

No. 38 in book - Psallite Deo - sing in English

No. 1 on sheet - Sing praises all you peoples

No. 14 on separate sheet - Nada te turbe

READING from Psalm 96


No. 24 in book - Sing to God

No.12 on sheet - I am sure I shall see



The Lord's Prayer

No.10 on sheet - Holy spirit come to us

No. 53 in book - Give peace O Lord

If you would like to sit, listen and reflect you do not have to sing, just enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.

Anita Topp

Monday 4 November 2013

Meeting Point - November 2013

Don't forget Huttons Ambo Meeting Point on November 30th 2pm - 4pm

This month, in addition to the usual stalls and activities, the Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Committee are running a Toy & Jumble Stall as a fundraiser for next years 60th show celebrations.

If you have any items you'd like to donate for sale they can be left at Herbie's after the 25th, or you can leave them at the village hall between 1 and 2 on the day. If you have anything that needs collection please give Liz a call on 699769

Come to buy and support the show and there is always great cake and company too!

After the Meeting point there is now a Kids Roller Disco running 4.30-5.30pm in the Village Hall straight after each meeting point.

Next months Christmas Meeting Point will be held on the earlier date of the 21st of December and Father Christmas has promised to call in...

Sara Swindells

Saturday 2 November 2013

WI Annual Meeting & Workshop - 11th November

The next WI meeting will be on Monday 11th of November and will take the form of an Annual Meeting followed by a workshop.

For more information call Daphne Stead on 01904 670300.

New members are always most welcome.

All material © Philip Stone 2013