Monday 31 July 2017

Plein-Air Paintings ofHuttons Ambo - Lesley Seeger - Staithes Gallery

 Local Artist Lesley Seeger has completed these Plein-Air paintings in the Huttons Ambo Area.

They will be exhibited at Staithes Studios Gallery in Staithes for the month of August.

Buttercup - acrylic on gesso on board

Homage to Bruce Chatwin's Englands Green Bowl - acrylic on gesso on board

Land Song. acrylic on Gesso

The Road less travelled - acrylic on gesso on board

© 2017

Thursday 27 July 2017

CAFE CHURCH - with Dr John Sentamu Archbishop of York - St Margaret's Church - Sunday 30th July

Benefice Service at St Margaret's Church
Huttons Ambo
with the Archbishop of York
Dr John Sentamu

Sunday 30th July

 Do come and join us for coffe, cake 
and a short service 
with the Archbishop

© 2017

Monday 24 July 2017

Church Services - August 2017

St Margaret's Church - Services August 2017

Sunday 6th August 11am Morning Service - The Rector
Sunday 20th August 11am Holy Communion – Canon Rogers
Sunday 27th August 11am Three Parish Holy Communion – The Rector

© 2017

Village Hall Relaunch Night - Pictures

A Village Hall Re-Opening Celebration was held on Friday June 16th with invitations to the whole community to come and celebrate and enjoy our refurbished hall and new facilities.

John Jenyns said a few words to mark the event, Councillor William Oxley the Chair of  Ryedale District Council and his wife joined us along with around 70 villagers.

 The weather was lovely so chairs and tables were outside as well as inside the hall, the jazz band played and everyone enjoyed Fletchers bourguignon beef and a drink. It was a really lovely evening.

© 2017

Village Hall Update

Village Hall Update

We are now wi-fif enabled thanks to Beeline Broadband and we also have PA, projector, screen, hearing loop, basic staging as well as a clean and cosy environment. The hall is cleaned weekly to make sure that its kept in good condition.

Residents and village groups get a discount on rental and all we ask in return is that everyone leaves the hall in the state they would like to find it.

If you are looking for a venue for a party, a club, a meeting or social – please get in touch.

Please make use of our wonderful hall to make sure we can cover our running costs going forward.

© 2017

The 63rd Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show - Saturday 5th August 2017 - Don't Forget

Don't forget, the 63rd Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show is on Saturday 5th August 2017 at the Village Hall

ADMISSION Adults 50 pence   Children Free

DOORS OPEN 4:00 pm 

RAFFLE TICKETS 4.00 - 5:00pm


 PRESENTATION of Cups and Trophies 5:00 pm 

 Raffle draw  - At the end of the presentations 

Schedule and Entry form Available at Herbies


Friday 21 July 2017



1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles.  He also welcomed Bridget Skaife, Community Officer, RDC and Michael Cleary, District Councillor, Derwent Ward.

2.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the May meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Matters Arising
a)  A64 junctions
Richard reported that he had not followed this up because of the elections.  Simon confirmed that both junctions have a short stretch of highway officially designated as “In dispute”.  It was agreed that Simon will make a formal request to the Land Charges Registry for a statement of the legal position regarding these two parcels.  Bridget Skaife offered to search the Land Registry to check the recorded status.  Richard thanked her and accepted.
Richard will re-engage with Kevin Hollinrake MP and contact Caroline Goodrick, new NYCC Councillor, to seek their support.
b)  Potholes at The Rise and elsewhere
Jem had thanked NYCC Highways.
c)  Mobile Post Office
Jem reported that there have been no further developments and that the problem appeared to be lack of commitment on behalf of Post Office Counters Ltd.  Jem will re-establish contact with our MP to seek further assistance.
d)  Net covers for kerbside recycling boxes
Jem has acquired a small supply and posted notices advertising their availability.

4.         New Matters
a)  RDC Community Team
Bridget Skaife outlined the functions of the new team including the rôle of Community Officers, including as support for specialist staff undertaking field visits and site inspections.  They are also the point of contact for accessing Community Grants.  Richard thanked her and welcomed the availability of a single initial point of contact for all District Council departments.
b)  N Yorks Community messaging
Richard and Jessie said that they have signed up and have found it potentially useful.  Individuals can subscribe and select topics of interest on which to be sent messages.  Jem will post notices advertising the availability of this service.
c)  Trees adjacent to 2 Low Low Hutton Park
Jessie reported that this issue has been satisfactorily resolved.
d)  Cycle Lane for A64 at Low Lane End
Confirmation has been received that construction is still planned for 2018.  This was welcomed but Simon expressed concern regarding subsequent maintenance.
e)  Roads maintenance
i.       The white line at Barneygate Lane End prioritising traffic at the triangle has all but disappeared.  This creates a significant risk of accident.  Jem will write to NYCC Highways pointing out this serious safety issue and requesting repainting.
ii.      Simon had compiled a list of potholes requiring attention which should meet the repair criteria.  Richard will review the list to check whether there are others to add.  Jem will write to NYCC Highways on 21st July.
f)   A64 pedestrian safety
Richard, Jessie and Andy had attended a recent meeting at Welburn regarding pedestrian safety on the A64 between the Welburn junction and Musley Bank.  It had been agreed that an A64 Road Safety Action Group (RSAG) would be established to focus specifically on pedestrian safety to sustain pressure on Highways England.  Jessie and Richard attended the first meeting of the RSAG and will remain involved it in the future.  Andy stressed that priority should be given to practical measures that could be implemented soon. Richard will forward the minutes of the first RSAG meeting to Council members.
In addition Jem will write to Highways England to repair the flattened “Keep Left” sign on the central refuge near the Barneygate Lane end junction.

g)  Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
Richard reminded Councillors of the legal requirements.  Jem confirmed that these have been met for 2016/17, as in previous years.  Jem will forward the Code to Councillors for information.
h)  Freedom of Information Act 2000 & Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Richard reported that the Council has received FoI request which had prompted some background research.  He informed Council that it is legally bound by the provisions of the statutes and must respond appropriately to such requests:
i.       There is a requirement to make public how the Council will publish certain information.  Jem will forward the Model Publication Scheme paper prepared by the Information Commissioner’s Office for consideration at the next meeting.
ii.      The FoI request, from Friends of the Earth, concerned communication between the Council and certain bodies and companies concerned with fracking.  A response was sent stating that none had occurred.
i)   Community Emergency Plan
Richard outlined the scope and purpose of a plan.  Councillors agreed that it might be worthwhile preparing a simple plan for the village.  Jem will forward a short guidance note, which contains links to a suggested template etc.  Preparation of the Plan will be discussed at the next meeting.  Jem will invite Grace Lawes, NYCC Emergency Planning Officer to attend.

5.         Planning
a)  Hydramotion
A revised application is anticipated which will address concerns raised by RDC.  It was agreed that the Council strongly supports the modest expansion on this site.
b)  Barn West of Village Green – Walker Fold Barn
Some issues have been raised by RDC which are currently under discussion.
c)  Unit 7 Malton Enterprise Park
Approved.  Again RDC did not notify the Council.  Jem will raise the lack of communication with RDC and supply Michael Cleary with details so that he can also seek to ensure prompt notification of planning decisions in future.

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
The report to 30th June was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.

7.         Any Other Business
a)  Donation
Andy had been given a generous cash donation to help with tidying of the surrounds to the Village Hall after the recent building works.  Richard will thank the donor.

8.         Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 10th October and, provisionally, 28th of November 2017 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2017

Thursday 6 July 2017


The end of year report has now been prepared and audited by the internal auditor.

The  Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities requires that this information is made publicly available on a free to use website.

The following documents can be viewed via these links:

Parish Councillors for the year were:

Andy Dorman
David Banks
Jessie Garnett
Richard Green (Chairman)
Simon Lealman

Jem Charles, Clerk to Huttons Ambo Parish Council

© 2017

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Lunch at Minster Hill - in aid of Church Funds - Saturday 8th July

Lunch at Minster Hill - in aid of Church Funds

Please come and join us at Minster Hill on Saturday 8th July at 12 Noon for a lunch of pate and cheese.

We shall be out of doors in the garden if the weather permits but it probably won’t in which case we shall be in the house!

Cost £5 (to include a first glass of wine) with children free of charge.

Proceeds will all go to St Margaret’s Church to assist with maintenance.

We shall be delighted if you can be with us and would ask that you let us know if you can come by either e-mailing minster (dot) hill (at) or by calling 01653 695008.

Rosa and Murray Naylor.

© 2017

Village Hall Quiz Night - Saturday 15th July

Quiz Night Saturday 15th July

7pm for first question at 7.30pm

Teams of 6 max

£2.50 per person to enter

Food - jumbo homemade sausage roll with spicy beans or veggie option followed by lemon drizzle cake and ice cream or cheese and biscuits.

Booking in advance ( by Thursday 13th) essential if you want food, email Info (at) or leave a message at Herbies.

Liz Ellis

© 2017

Tuesday 4 July 2017



A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take  place  in  the  Village  Hall
on Tuesday,  11th July 2017 at 7.30.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1        Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

2         Approval of Minutes

3        Matters Arising:
a)      A64 road junctions
b)      Potholes at The Rise and elsewhere
c)       Mobile Post Office
d)      Net covers for kerbside recycling boxes

4       New Matters:

a)      RDC Community Team - Bridget Skaife (Community Officer)
b)      N Yorks. community messaging
c)       Trees adjacent to 2 Low Hutton Park
d)      Cycle lane for A64 at Low Lane End
e)      Roads maintenance – various
f)        A64 pedestrian safety
g)      Transparency Code for Smaller Councils compliance review
h)      Freedom of Information Act 2000 & Environmental Information Regulations 2004
a.     Model Code for Publication
b.     Response to Friends of Earth enquiry
i)         Community Emergency Plan

5          Planning:
a)      Hydramotion
b)      Barn West of Village Green – Walker Fold Barn
c)       Unit 7 Malton Enterprise Park

6        Finance:      
a)    Budget progress to 30th June

7        Any Other Business

8        Date of next Meeting - Provisionally 12th September 2017 at 7.30pm

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2017