For the latest news click the Parish Council LABEL in the right hand column
Whatever it is that you think the Council might be able to do to improve life in the Parish, the Councillors are there to help. Just contact any one of them and explain your ideas or concerns.
These are held in the Village Hall at roughly 2 month intervals, usually on a Wednesday evening. Notices of each meeting, along with the Agenda, are posted on the Village notice boards and all are welcome to attend.
Agenda's and Minutes of meetings are posted on the Parish Council notice board in the High Village, on Huttons Ambo Facebook page and on Huttons Ambo Blogspot page under Parish Council Documents.
Huttons Ambo Parish Council Constitution
Huttons Ambo Emergency Plan (HA_CEP_cutdown)
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme (HAPC_publication_scheme)
Andy Dorman

have been a Parish Councillor for some 10 years. I enjoy being part of
the first point of contact for villagers whose democratic rights we

I have been part of Huttons Ambo for the whole of my life and a permanent resident for the last 12 years. The village has changed significantly over this time. My ideal is for parishioners to become more active in bringing their views to the Parish Council. This way we can direct our resources towards influencing decisions and dealing with the matters of real concern. This is why we had a consultation and subsequent plan. I care about Huttons Ambo and want to see it thrive, but acting on your behalf.
Simon Lealman

I have been part of Huttons Ambo for the whole of my life and a permanent resident for the last 12 years. The village has changed significantly over this time. My ideal is for parishioners to become more active in bringing their views to the Parish Council. This way we can direct our resources towards influencing decisions and dealing with the matters of real concern. This is why we had a consultation and subsequent plan. I care about Huttons Ambo and want to see it thrive, but acting on your behalf.
Clare Messer
I moved into the village in March 2021. It's truly a lovely place to live and I am keen to 'do my bit' to keep it that way. After 30 years working in Central London and living on the edges of North London and Hertfordshire this slice of North Yorkshire is stunning and welcoming and I'm happy to serve on the parish council.
Alan Sanders
Emma Samuel
Clerk to the Council
Mrs Anne Lealman
Huttons Ambo Parish Clerk
2 Club Cottages
Huttons Ambo
YO60 7HF
Telephone: 07791 957935
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