Sunday, 12 July 2020

Parish Council Minutes from the July 7th general meeting

Huttons Ambo Aarish Council minutes 
From Meeting On July 7th 2020

  1. Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

 David Banks, Philip Barraclough, Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Emma Samual and Sarah Banks (Clerk). There were also four members of the public.

2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the January meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  1. Pot holes: There are still some potholes that need attention despite recent work. Councillors will email Simon to send via the Parish Portal.
  2. Tree Inspections: The three trees on the village green have been inspected by Waites Tree Surgeons, with no serious problems evident. Remedial work has been suggested to lift the crowns and remove dead wood. The cost is £270 for the report. The necessary work will cost £425 which councillors approved. This work will in fact be met by funds from reserves.
  3. Low Lane End: Following the postponed meeting on March 24th, due to Covid-19, Councillors will now wait and see what changes will be made in the light of the A64 works programme to decide if and when to hold a new meeting. An order has been made for the section of the A65 from Crambeck to Malton to become a 50mph limit. 

4. New Matters

  1. Covid-19: During the lockdown period the parish council funded the village newsletter, co-ordinated by Denise Doggett. with a grant for £60. David thanked Denise and volunteers for all their hard work during this crisis. He also thanked the village shop for the service provided so people didn’t have to travel far for grocery supplies.
  2. Parish Grants: The parish council has been able to fund a number of village grants due to the PC carrying a small surplus. This financial year it has funded the village newsletter during Covid-19 totalling £60. It also gave a grant to the village youth club to fund future activities which will roll on into next year due to lockdown. This grant was for £444.
  3. Footpaths: Rona Charles has continued with footpath monitoring that she began last year with a group of volunteers. David has been in touch with the estate regarding the list of issues identified by the group. He has since received a reply from the estate indicating that all the issues identified have already been remedied. Rona mentioned a book that was due to be published by Margaret Atherden that includes a woodland walk through Huttons Ambo.
  4. Grass verge cutting: Philip Barraclough noted that verges had been cut in parts of the village where the wild flowers had not yet finished flowering. It was suggested that a sign is placed where it is preferred that verge cutting takes place after flowering.
  5. Parish Chair and Clerk: David noted that both himself, as chair, and Sarah Banks, as clerk would be stepping down from these roles prior to the next meeting. Councillors discussed various possibilities for the chair role including a rotating chair role. The clerk role appears harder to fill. This has been advertised on the village noticeboard, Facebook site and village website. It will also be included in the village newsletter.

5.  Planning: 

a) Application No: 20/00327/HOUSE/The Reddings - For mention
b) Application No: 20/00336/ 3 Low Hutton Park - For mention
c) Application No: 20/00350/MFUL/DH Group, Malton

6. Finance: Budget Progress to June 30th 2020. The current balance is £7605. 
The Parish Precept for 2020 remains at £2800. Parish council grants have been given to the village newsletter (£60) and the youth club (444).

7. AOB: 

  1. Village Broadband: Simon mentioned that in conversation with a BT engineer, the engineer had said that the infrastructure was now in place for everyone in the village to receive fibre broadband.
  2. Cattle escapes: David mentioned that cattle had recently escaped from the field at the top of St Andrew’s track. The estate has already fitted a pedestrian gate which should prevent further issues. If gates are left open, please could villagers close them. David will speak to Richard Wainwright to see about publicising his mobile number should such incidents happen again. 
  3. Village Information Board: The preferred option is to work with RayMac in Malton to create a sign similar to that in Lockton village. This is a reasonable cost for a foam board. The council would then need to look at how to mount it. This may be something that someone in the village is able to do, otherwise there are options online to purchase a frame or lecture-style stand.

8. Date of next meeting
September 15th 2020 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council -

© 2020

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