Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show 2013 Results
W&M Smith Cup – S. Milson
Holtby Cup – Wainwright
Youngest Exhibitor – E Lealman
Hodgson Cup – F. Jones
F. England Cup – A.Milson
J. Witty Cup – D.Doggett
Roberts Cup – J.Charles
Topham Trophy – D. Voigt
Photography – A.Paton
Allatt Trophy – J.Charles
Most Classes – A. Milson
Classes 1-51 (most points) – A. Milson
Classes 52-79 (most points) – C. Milson
FRUIT & VEGETABLESCabbage, green 1. 1st H.Wallis 2nd A. Milson 3rd F. Jones
Carrots 3. 1st D. Taylor 2nd D. Haigh 3rd A. Milson
Onions, 3 dressed 1st J. Charles 2nd H. Wallis 3rd A. Milson
Spring Onions 4. 1st F. Jones 2nd J. Charles 3rd H. Wallis
Any Other Vegetable 3. 1st H. Wallis 2nd C. Milson
Tomatoes 4. 1st J. Bray 2nd F. Jones
Cherry Tomatoes 6. 1st J. Charles 2nd H. Wallis 3rd J. Bray
Beetroot, 3 bunched, with short tops. 1st F. Jones 2nd a. Dorman 3rd A. Milson
Sweet Peppers 2. 1st D. Haigh
Chilli Peppers 3. 1st J. Charles 2nd J. Charles 3rd H. Wallis
Potatoes 4. 1st A. Lealman 2nd S. Clark 3rd A. Lealman
Broad Beans 6. 1st D. Haigh 2nd F. Jones 3rd A. Milson
Runner Beans 6. 1st D. Taylor 2nd A. Milson 3rd H. Wallis
French Beans 6. 1st A. Milson 2nd F. Jones 3rd S. Mahon
Peas 6. Shallots, 6 any colour. 1st A. Dorman 2nd A. Milson 3rd D. Haigh
Lettuce 1. 1st F. Jones
Courgettes 2. 1st 1st J. Charles 2nd F. Jones 3rd J. Bray
Cucumber 1. 1st J. Bray 2nd A. Milson 3rd F. Jones
Heaviest Marrow 1. 1st F. Jones 2nd H. Mahon 3rd A. Milson
Any Fruits, 2 same or different. 1st 1st J. Bray
Soft Fruits, 6 same or different. 1st J. Charles 2nd H. Wallis
Shallots 1st A. Milson 2nd H.Wallis 3rd H. Wallis
Culinary Herbs, named, 5 different. 1st M. Holtby 2nd P. Barraclough
Pot of Home-made Compost. 1st J. Charles 2nd A. Dorman 3rd J. Bray
French Marigolds, 3 blooms. 1st A. Milson 2nd A. Topp
English Marigolds, 3 blooms. 1st S. Mahon
Pansies, 3 blooms. 1st A. Milson 2nd A. Topp 3rd J. Charles
Sweet Peas, 9 stems any colour. 1stA. Milson 2nd E. Brooksbank 3rd J. Allott
Sweet Peas, 3 stems one colour . 1st A. Milson 2nd P. Barraclough 3rd E. Brooksbank
Garden flowers, 6 different. 1st R. Naylor 2nd A. Milson 3rd A. Hewitt
Hydrangeas, 3 blooms. 1st R. Naylor 2nd D. Voigt
Flowering shrubs, 3 stems different. 1st J. Charles 2nd R. Naylor 3rd J. Bray
Gladiolus, 1 stem. 1st A. Milson
Potted houseplant. 1st R. Naylor
Carnations or Pinks, 3 stems. 1st R. Naylor 2nd A. Milson
Herbaceous Perennial, 1 stem. 1st A. Milson 2nd R. Naylor 3rd J. Nesbitt
Herbaceous Perennials, 3 different. 1st A. Hewitt 2nd J. Bray 3rd J. Charles
Roses, 3 stems any variety. 1st J. Bray 2nd A. Milson 3rd A. Topp
Hybrid Tea Rose, 1 bloom. 1st J. Charles
Annual, 1 stem. 1st J. Charles 2nd C. Haigh 3rd J. Bray
Fuchsias, 3 stems. 1st C. Haigh 2nd D. Voigt 3rd C. Haigh
FLOWER ARRANGEMENTSMan’s Buttonhole1st D. Doggert 2nd J. Allott 3rd D.Savage
Lady’s Spray, 1st J. Allott 2nd A. Milson 3rd D.Savage
Coastal Arrangement 1st A. Milson 2nd D. Savage
Foliage Arrangement. 1st D. Doggert 2nd D. Savage
Arrangement in an Unusual Container. 1st D. Doggert 2nd A. Milson 3rd A. Topp
Table Centre. 1st D. Doggert 2nd D. Savage
PRODUCEWholemeal Loaf. 1st A. Paton 2nd D. Voigt 3rd A. Hall
Lemon Meringue Pie 1st G. Wainwright 2nd S. Mahon 3rd P. Taylor
Chocolate Cake. 1st A. Hewitt 2nd S. Swindells 3rd C. Milson
Fruit Scones, 3. 1st J. Allott 2nd G. Wainwright 3rd A. Hewitt
Vegetable Quiche 1st D. Savage 2nd S. Mahon 3rd G. Wainwright
Chocolate Truffles, 4 1st G. Wainwright 2nd C. Milson 3rd P. Milson
Raspberry Jam. 1st C. Milson 2nd J. Allott
Strawberry Jam. 1st J. Charles 2nd S. Clark 3rd C. Milson
Jam, any other. 1st S. Clark 2nd C. Milson 3rd S. Mahon
Jelly 1st C. Milson
Marmalade. 1st J. Charles
Chutney. 1st J. Charles 2nd T. Ruthven
DRINKSBottle of Rosé Wine. 1st J. Charles
Bottle of Red Wine. 1st J. Charles
Bottle of Sloe Gin 1st A. Dorman
Bottle of Other Alcoholic Drink. 1st H. Wallis
Bottle of Non-alcoholic Drink. 1st J. Charles 2nd S. Clark 3rd J. Charles
HANDICRAFTSItem of Clothing. 1st J. Nesbitt 2nd M, Naylor
Picture, Painted or Hand-drawn. 1st C. Milson 2nd E. Green
Hard Handmade Article. 1st A. Milson 2nd R. Naylor 3rd R. Naylor
Soft Handmade Article. 1st D. Voigt 2nd D. Doggertt
PHOTOGRAPHSWeather. 1st J. Charles 2nd A. Paton 3rd D.Banks
Green. 1st S. Clark 2nd J. Charles 3rd A. Paton
Local Character. 1st A. paton 2nd A. Dorman 3rd A. Paton
Howardian Hills 1st A. Paton
Humorous with Caption. 1st A. Paton 2nd A. Paton 3rd A. Paton
11-14 YEARSPhotograph of my friend 1st A. Wainwright
Poster for Next Year’s Show. 1st G. Wainwright 2nd A. Wainwright 3rd E. Ruthven
Cup Cakes 4. 1st M. Naylor 2nd A. Wainwright 3rd R. Burns
Miniature Garden. 1st A. wainwright 2nd M.Naylor
Haiku or Limerick about Huttons Ambo 1st Amy Wainwright
7-10 YEARSCup cakes 4. 1st 2nd 3rd
Mustard & Cress Head 1st H. Mahon 2nd S. Milson 3rd J. Banks
Miniature Garden 1st D. Naylor 2nd S. Milson 3rd J. Banks
Pressed Flower Picture. 1st J. Swindells 2nd H. Mahon
6 & UnderJunk Modelled Item 1st A. Wallis 2nd A. Wallis 3rd C. Swindells
Coronation Jubilee Crown 1st L. Lealman 2nd P. Milson 3rd A. Wallis
Mustard & Cress Head 1st H. Mahon 2nd L. Lealman 3rd W. Banks
Nature in an egg Box. 1st A. Wallis 2nd S. Falshaw 3rd P. Milson
367 entries in total.
Many thanks to all entrants, judges, helpers and supporters.
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Editors note: This must be a record: the produce show results collated and published less than 24 hours after the show! Well done everyone.