Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00pm
Councillors present – Simon Lealman, Andy Dorman, Clare Messer, Alan Sanders & Anne Lealman (Clerk)
Apologies for absence – Philip Barraclough & Emma Samuel
Guests: Chris & Mary Dawes, Janice Hanslow & Graham Milner
Approval of Minutes of meeting of 07.02.2024 – approved at meeting, digitally signed by SN Lealman Chairman
Parish Council nominations – Clare Messer proposed Simon Lealman, Andy Dorman seconded this proposal – Simon voted in as Chair for the next 2 years (May 2026). Clare messer propsed re-eecting Emma Samuel as vice-chair and this was seconded by Alan Sanders. We assumed Emma would be happy as she made comment to stand down. Emma re-elected as Vice Chair for 2 years (May 2026)
Chair’s Annual Update
Notice Boards, very nice and thank you to Andy and Philip. New boards if required in the future is £35 per board
NYC – declined the grass cutting offered due to cost. Did reemploy HAM to keep A64 grass cut
Precept - £3950 22/23, received £6000 levy for works at Musley Bank, precept request for 23/24 £3250. Main cost is still the grass cutting, but this year we have had works to trees on the village green due to insurance and liability.
Rona, Jem and Danny for the wildflower patchess on the green
Village pond reinstated at the bottom at Rakes Lane, thank you to Alan and Richard Wainwright
Potholes still plague the village, we do report these via the parish portal and they do do something about it
Andy welcomed back after a medical absence
Thank you to Rona and volunteers for the regular updates on the footpaths around Huttons Ambo.
11 swift boxes assembled and put up in the village. Thank you to all involved in this lovely idea
Matters arising:
Van and Landrover in High Hutton – both have been reported by Van is taxed and tested. The landrover has been removed, but the van remains on the grass verge. Andy will mention it might be worth moving the van to where the landrover moved from.
Road drains from High to Low Hutton & outside the old Blacksmiths shop – soakaways/gulleys are full. Simon to make representation to have the gulleys/soakaways cleaned to allevate the water flooding down the road from High Hutton to Low Hutton.
Sewage leak from manhole on Hall driveway – letter to Clare bringing the sewerage leak at the Hall driveway. Investigation has been paid from privately and suggestions are tree roots Sugeest to the Estate it might be worth contacting Yorkshire Water. Simon & Anne to send the estate a letter.
Takeover of Green Alkanet – Blue flowers (related to forget-me-knots) on the Netherby Lane, High Hutton, Rake Lane & Low Lane corner, 4 most virile plant. Roots at 1 year 7 inch roots, 2 years very deep roots. Can kill it with poison but it is heavy duty poison, banned in europe but not here as yet, but this can take years to get rid of it. Not a poisoness plant, but will take over if left. – what is the opinion of the PC. Containment of Green Alkanet was decided Alan to seek further guidance of what we can do to contain it and keep it alive in certain places– This takes the form of
cut it down and cover to stop light
cut flowers off before it seeds
flowers until late autumn, August the latest to dehead the plant.
Talk to Rona re her thoughts
Grass cutting – Bob has cut the the Low Lane junction, Andy to pass on our sincere thanks to Bob. Simon to send Highways England a strongly worded email about the High and Low Lane. Simon to chase NYC for the footpath and repairing of the fence posts.
The PC discussed Danny about the time he spend on the green, he does a really good job and we are happy with that, but are concerned as to the time that it now takes as opposed to using a push mower.
Richard Green has confirmed he will not be doing the accounts review – The PC passed on their appreciation and thanks to Richard for his support and guidance and our compliance. Chris Dawes kindly volunteered to review the accounts. Anne to aarrange a good time to meet up with Chris to discuss in more detail.
Anne to keep trying to catch Michelle for website lessons
Simon asked all Parish Councillors for a photo and a brief introduction to publish on the website
New Matters:
ZE24/00392/LBC – No comments
ZE24/00231/MFUL – No comments
Balance at 28 March 2024 is £9361.44
Balance at 29th April 2024 is £8652.92 (still awaiting 24/25 precept £3250)
Ring fenced Funds of £300.00
Committed spend
£330.00 Danny Pickering
Balance as of now is £8322.92
Any Other Business
Thanks to Bob for cutting down the grass verge on the A64 Low Lane
Thank you the guests for attending, it’s nice to see some regulars attending the meeting
Date of next Meetings
Wednesday 17th July at 7:30pm
Wednesday 18th September at 7:30pm
Wednesday 20th November at 7:30pm
Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council
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