Sunday 1 September 2024

HUTTONS AMBO PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA - Wednesday, July 17th at 7:30pm




Wednesday, July 17th at 7:30pm 




  1. Welcome,  

  1. Councillors present – Simon Lealman, Andy Dorman, Philip Barraclough, Clare Messer & Anne Lealman (Clerk) 

  1. apologies for absenceEmma Samuel & Alan Sanders 

  1. Guests:  


  1. Approval of Minutes of meeting of 15.05.2024 


  1. Matters arising: 


  1. Road drains from High to Low Hutton & outside theold Blacksmiths shop 

  1. Sewage leak from manhole on Hall driveway 

  1. Takeover of Green Alkanet – update from AS via AL 

  1. Grass cutting – Danny has requested 20 hours a month same as the church 



  1. New Matters: 

  1. New Laptop for Parish Clerk in this financial year 

  1. Speed Gun 


  1. Planning:  


  1. Finance: Available on the night as awaiting bank statement any day 

  1. Balance at  

  1. Balance at  

  1. Ringfenced Funds of £300.00 

  1. Committed spend 

  1. Balance as of now is  


  1. Any Other Business 



  1. Date of next Meetings 

Wednesday 18th September at 7:30pm 

Wednesday 20th November at 7:30pm 


Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council 

© 2024

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