Friday 3 August 2018



24th JULY 2018

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
David Banks (Chairman) had sent apologies so Andy Dorman agreed to act as chairman for this meeting.  He welcomed Cllrs. Richard Kershaw and Simon Lealman and Clerk, Jem Charles.  He also welcomed District Councillor Michael Cleary and one member of the public.

2.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the May meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Matters Arising
a)   Co-option of new Councillor
b)  30 mph speed limit
There was no update from David and this item will be carried forward.
c)  NYCC Highways Parish Portal workshop
Jem reported that he had attended.  The portal provides a mechanism whereby the Council can report highways defects directly onto the database used by the engineers and monitor the response.  The Council welcomed the facility.
d)  Footpath railing
Most of the necessary repair had been completed promptly following a reminder from Jem.  The end post remains broken.  Andy and Simon undertook to replace it.

4.         New Matters
            a)   Giant hogweed at Crambeck
This has been treated again by the East Yorkshire Rivers Trust with assistance from Andy and Jem.  Funding for the work this year has yet to be clarified.
            b)   Public footpath monitoring
Rona Charles explained that she had attended a meeting of Ryedale Ramblers aimed at initiating a programme involving local volunteers monitoring public footpaths and bridleways.  She has heard from 12 parishioners who are willing to assist and has contacted neighbouring parishes where sections of PRoW are shared.  She will agree allocations with volunteers and continue to act as co-ordinator.

5.         Planning
a) New House at Musley Bank
Approved.  Michael Cleary explained (as Chairman of RDC planning committee) that he had not been in favour as he considered that the proposed development did not meet the criteria required for exception under Section 55.  The Committee, however, had taken a different view.
b) Detached outbuilding at 2 Club Cottage
c) Extension to Tofu unit at Malton Enterprise Park
d)  Water production plant at Malton Enterprise Park
Richard noted that the application included parking for distribution vehicles and wondered whether it was possible to append a question about traffic movements on the A64 to any response.  It was agreed that this should be the subject of a separate approach

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
The report to 30th June was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.

7.         Any Other Business
a)  Crown lifting/reduction to Copper beech opposite Herbie’s
Simon presented a quotation provided by a contractor engaged on private work locally who had learned that this had been discussed by the Council previously.  It was agreed that there was no need for such work at present.
b)  Potholes Low Lane End
The problem of neither of the highways authorities accepting responsibility for maintenance of A64 junctions was again discussed.  Michael Cleary will raise it with NYCC Councillor Caroline Goodrick.
c)  A64 verge cutting
Simon reported that the grass between the pavement and fence NW of Barneygate Lane End was obstructing sight of approaching traffic.  Jem will ask Mark to strim that stretch.

9.         Date of Next meetings
Tuesday 25th September 2018 and, provisionally, 20th of November 2018 at 7.30pm.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council


Date: ……………………………..

© 2018

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