Dates of the next 3 Huttons Ambo Youth Club sessions are now set. We're letting the kids settle back at school and then having clubs on the second Monday of the Month - dates booked so far are:
Mon Oct 8th
Mon Nov 12th
Mon Dec 10th
Please can you help spread the word! (Numbers were rather low last time and we need more kids to make it sustainable).
The club is run by a paid youth worker and held at the Village Hall; 7-8:30pm (9pm finish for Secondary aged members). £2.50 each. Activities, games and refreshments.
New members and kids from surrounding area are very welcome. Put it in your diaries now!
© 2018
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Saturday, 11 August 2018
Notes of the Huttons Ambo History Group - Thursday 26th July 2018
Notes of the Huttons Ambo History Group
Thursday 26th July 2018
Village Hall,Huttons Ambo
Philip Barraclough (PB)
Pamela Taylor (PT)
Susan Milward (SW)
Martin Monkman (MM)
Joyce Parker (JP)
Rona Charles (RC)
Carole Haigh (CH)
Denise Barraclough (DB)
Sam Milson (SM) Michael Sessions MS) Andy Doorman (AD) Ann Sanders
Village Hall Exhibition
PB passed around the proposed questionnaire for the exhibition – which was agreed with a few amendments.
A date in September 2018 had initially been proposed for the exhibition but the group concluded that the a date could only be set after seeing the results of the questionnaire .
It was agreed that the questionnaire would be circulated as part of the August Village bulletin.
Action – DB to follow up with the Hall Committee if this could be provided free with any income from teas and coffees donated to the Hall fund.
Follow up of information held by the Starkey Estate
Andy Dorman (AD) had made contact with Claire Jenyns , AD may also contact Nick Woodhead who is a Trustee of the estate.
Action – AD
Other Sources of information
CH suggested contacting York University via Kate Giles who is a member of the Archaeology Department and was until recently a resident of the village.
Action – PB to follow up the contact with York University
RC stated that historic maps are kept at County Hall and would be a valuable source of information.
PT suggested checking with Malton Library to see what Local History records they hold.
It was also suggested advertising the Exhibition and a request for information in the Malton Gazette and on Local Radio.
Sources of Funding
RC had been exploring possible funding options in particular to facilitate the scanning, photographing and storage of records that may be made available.
The Heritage Lottery fund was suggested as a possible source.
It was identified that this would require a properly formed committee and bank account.
Other options suggested –
- Howardian hills community support
- Ryedale Folk Museum – look at possibility of a joint project
Action 1- DD to follow up with Hall Committee to see if application could be made via their existing structure.
Action Completed – DD spoke to Richard Green of the Hall Committee who has confirmed that they would be able to convene the existing Hall Committee and use their structure for the purposes of grant applications.
Action 2 – PB to contact Heritage Lottery for funding options
Any Other Business
- PB is doing a one day course in taking oral history
- RC reported that Ann Sanders (AS) had looked into the possibility of safe storage for the archive gathered . AS has established that in addition to the expense the actual weight of any storage cupboard would also be unsuitable due to its weight and therefore impractical.
- The group discussed how some people who had been gifted or had received village archives felt the weight of responsibility for the safe keeping of the information or objects. It was hoped that the group could share some of the responsibility
Prioritising Objectives
The group agreed to the following order of priority of objectives :
- Identifying really valuable photographs and documents
- Creating a general catalogue of items
- Holding an Exhibition
Time and date of Next Meeting – Thursday 6th September at 7pm in Village Hall
Huttons Ambo Youth Club - Volunteers Needed!
Huttons Ambo Youth Club - Volunteers Needed!
Children from the village and surrounding area have enjoyed being part of the Huttons Ambo Youth Club for the past three years.The club is for all ages from 5 years to older teenagers - but if you wanted to bring slightly younger children and stay with them then you're more than welcome!
Previous committee members have now stepped down or have moved on and we would like to say a massive thank you to all those that helped to get the Youth Club established and who have helped in its running over the past three years.
In order for the club to continue we now need to establish a new Committe to oversee things. Being on the committee doesn't have to be a huge commitment - there will probably be just 3 or 4 meetings a year.
Please, please, please - if you would like to see the Youth Club continue, could you consider volunteering to be on the Committee.
If you are interested, please contact Howard Wallis for more details.
(or you can email philip at huttonsambo dot com and I will pass your mail onto Howard)
© 2018
Friday, 3 August 2018
24th JULY
1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
David Banks (Chairman) had sent apologies so
Andy Dorman agreed to act as chairman for this meeting. He welcomed Cllrs. Richard Kershaw and Simon
Lealman and Clerk, Jem Charles. He also
welcomed District Councillor Michael Cleary and one member of the public.
2. Approval
of Minutes
Minutes of the May
meeting were
approved and signed as being a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Co-option of new
b) 30 mph speed limit
There was no update
from David and this item will be carried forward.
c) NYCC Highways Parish Portal workshop
Jem reported that he
had attended. The portal provides a
mechanism whereby the Council can report highways defects directly onto the
database used by the engineers and monitor the response. The Council welcomed the facility.
d) Footpath railing
Most of the
necessary repair had been completed promptly following a reminder from
Jem. The end post remains broken. Andy and Simon undertook to replace it.
4. New
Giant hogweed at
This has been treated again by the East
Yorkshire Rivers Trust with assistance from Andy and Jem. Funding for the work this year has yet to be
Public footpath
Rona Charles explained that she had attended
a meeting of Ryedale Ramblers aimed at initiating a programme involving local
volunteers monitoring public footpaths and bridleways. She has heard from 12 parishioners who are
willing to assist and has contacted neighbouring parishes where sections of
PRoW are shared. She will agree
allocations with volunteers and continue to act as co-ordinator.
5. Planning
a) New
House at Musley Bank
Michael Cleary explained (as Chairman of RDC planning committee) that he
had not been in favour as he considered that the proposed development did not
meet the criteria required for exception under Section 55. The Committee, however, had taken a different
b) Detached
outbuilding at 2 Club Cottage
c) Extension
to Tofu unit at Malton Enterprise Park
d) Water production plant at Malton
Enterprise Park
Richard noted that the application included
parking for distribution vehicles and wondered whether it was possible to
append a question about traffic movements on the A64 to any response. It was agreed that this should be the subject
of a separate approach
6. Finance
a) Budget progress
report to 30th June was considered to show that the position was
7. Any Other Business
a) Crown
lifting/reduction to Copper beech opposite Herbie’s
Simon presented a quotation provided by a
contractor engaged on private work locally who had learned that this had been
discussed by the Council previously. It
was agreed that there was no need for such work at present.
b) Potholes
Low Lane End
The problem of neither of the highways
authorities accepting responsibility for maintenance of A64 junctions was again
discussed. Michael Cleary will raise it
with NYCC Councillor Caroline Goodrick.
c) A64
verge cutting
Simon reported that the grass between the
pavement and fence NW of Barneygate Lane End was obstructing sight of
approaching traffic. Jem will ask Mark to strim that
9. Date of Next meetings
Tuesday 25th September 2018 and,
provisionally, 20th of November 2018 at 7.30pm.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
© 2018