Sunday, 29 January 2017

News from Lesley Seeger

Newsletter - January 2017
Lesley Seeger

Happy New Year. I hope that 2017 brings you all good things. 2017 for me has started off with some exiting new work. The series is called ‘Antidote to an English Winter’ (Something we all need and cheaper than a flight to India).
My new book, Coming Home, launched November 2016 and is available from York Art Gallery, Pyramid Gallery - York, The Biscuit Factory - Newcastle, Amazon and Quacks printers. £25.
This year is looking busy with lot of new exhibitions coming up:
Antidote to an English Winter, Pyramid Gallery York
(28th January - 11th March)

A Dream of the Sea, The Witham, Barnard Castle
(2nd March - 25th March)

Artist in Residence, Burton Agnes Hall
(21st April - 30th April)

May, June and July
Life Lines, Sunny Bank Mills, Leeds
(21 May - 2nd July)
North Yorkshire Open Studios (3rd, 4th, 10th & 11th June)

Staithes Studio Gallery (August)

I hope to see you at the above events. If you would like any further information, please do get in touch.

Best Wishes,

Lesley Seeger

6 Station Cottages
Water Lane
Huttons Ambo
York YO60 7HQ

Mob: 07729372007
Home: 01653 228375


Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Ideas for Future Village Hall Events

Classes in the hall for 2017

We are working to find teachers to take some exercise classes in the village hall from March/April.
So far we may have located potential teachers for Tai Chi, Yoga and Music and Movement for the over 50’s. (Pilates is already covered at Welburn and Westow.) In order to proceed we really need an idea of who would be interested in what and whether an evening or a daytime class would suit best.

Obviously it all depends on the teachers availability and getting sufficient regular committed attendees but if you are interested please get in touch with what class and preferred session timing – 01653 699769 by the end of February please.

There also seems to be some interest in gymnastics or dance for the under 11’s. If anyone knows someone with the right experience and qualifications and who might like to start a regular class in the hall then again please get in touch. Thanks.

Live performances in the village hall

Through previous consultation – many of you have expressed a wish to have a film club and more live performance in the village hall. We looked for volunteers and support in the previous Bulletin and as yet no one has come forward. If we are to offer this kind of event in the village – we need some extra people to build a team and ease the pressure on the rest of the volunteers and also to ensure that everyone is able to contribute and have their say in what events and activities are arranged.

If you can offer a little time then contact or 0653 699 769

© 2017


17th JANUARY 2017

1. Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present.  Apologies had been received from Cllr. David Banks

2. Minutes of the July PC meeting
These were approved and signed as being a true record

3. Matters Arising
a) Broadband flier
Has been prepared and distributed.
b) Back Lane gulleys & soakaways
Work to clear these has been contracted by NYCC Highways and will be undertaken as priorities allow.
c) Pavement edges in Low Hutton
Further clearing has been carried out by volunteers.  This work will be ongoing as needs are identified and volunteers forthcoming.
d) Condition of pavement surfaces
NYCC Highways preparing schemes for full reconstruction of the sections from Manor Farm to Herbie’s and from Home Farm to the telephone box but no funds have yet been allocated.
e) Potholes in Low Lane
The potholes along the shoulder of the road from Low Farm to Low Lane End have been filled.
f) PROW signs
NYCC have indicated that they will attend to signing the public footpath from Low Lane End to York Road.
g) Low Hutton telephone box
Ryedale District Council has objected to the proposal to close the box about which BT had consulted.  RDC considered that mobile coverage was insufficient to justify closure.
h) Beeline Broadband
Several households have subscribed to Beeline and have reported favourably.
i) Road names
Simon will ascertain the nature of the apparent problem and respond directly to the parishioner who raised the matter.

4. New Matters
a) Cycle route to Malton
Construction is programmed by Highways England for 2018/19.
b) A64 road junctions
Both Barneygate Lane and Low Lane junctions remain in poor condition whilst neither Highways England nor NYCC accept responsibility for maintenance.  Richard will write to Kevin Holinrake, MP and Clare Wood, Councillor NYCC to seek assistance in resolving this impasse.

5. Planning
a) Hydramotion
Still awaiting determination.

6. Finance
a) Budget progress
The report to 31st December was considered to show that the position was satisfactory. Funds are available within the current budget for additional village maintenance.  Jem will ask the grass cutting contractor to clear the pavement from Valley View to Old School House.

7. Information
a) Richard drew attention to correspondence arising from the Parish Liaison meeting and highlighted the main points.

8. Any Other Business
a) Swing Bridge
The Council has been informed that a Closure Order has been made to allow maintenance between 31st January & 31st August 2017.  Vehicles will not be permitted at certain times during this period when the way is coned off and notices in place.  Jem will contact NYCC Highways to seek clarification of when and in what way normal use of the bridge will be disrupted.
b) Pothole at The Rise
A pothole had been reported.  Simon will ascertain  whether this is in the highway or the unadopted road.  Richard will then write to the parishioner who raised the matter.

9. Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 14th March at 7.30 in the Village Hall (if available) and, provisionally, 16th of May 2017 at 7.30 following the Annual Meeting.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2017

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Book Club - January 2017

January’s Book Club

Joyce has chosen the author Neville Shute and members are to read their own choice of his novels. The meeting will be a discussion on the style, subjects and attitude to his writing. Meeting at Joyce Parker's home, Wednesday 25th January.

New members always welcome.

© 2017

Heating Oil Syndicate

Heating Oil Syndicate

 The Welburn Oil Syndicate has changed.  You can now order whenever you like and still get a great discount.

Oil is supplied by BATA within 2 weeks of your order.

All you need to do is join the Welburn Oil Syndicate and sign up to paying BATA by direct debit.  Contact Elaine Gathercole (01653 619276.

© 2017

Flower & Produce Show - New Committee Members URGENTLY REQUIRED

Flower & Produce Show

We have now had more people stand down from the committee so unless we have several more volunteers step up – one of whom is prepared to chair the committee then there will be no Flower & Produce Show in 2017.

If no new volunteers come forward by the end of February then this year’s show will be cancelled.

There are around 3 meetings a year, tasks to complete between meetings and a commitment of time over the show weekend.

If you are interested please contact 01653 699 769 by the end of February.

© 2017

Church Services - February 2017

St Margaret's Church - Church Service

Sunday 5th February 11amSt Margaret’s Church - Morning Prayer
Sunday 12th February 10amSt Margaret’s Church – Benefice Holy Communion
Sunday 19th February 11amSt Margaret’s Church – Holy Communion

© 2017

Sunday, 15 January 2017

England's Historic Churches by Train - a new book by Murray Naylor

Our very own Murray Naylor has written another book: 



Travelling across England this book selects thirty-two of our ancient churches,
relating their history and identifying those aspects which a visitor might overlook.
His journeys include the great medieval abbeys at Tewkesbury, Selby and
Hexham; the less well known priories at Cartmel and Great Malvern and other
grand churches severely reduced after the Dissolution of Henry VIII’s reign,
notably at Bridlington and Christchurch. He visits a church at Chesterfield where
the spire leans at a crooked angle and goes to Boston, where the church -
known as the Stump – was a starting point for many who emigrated to America
in the 17th Century.

     ISBN: 9781473871427 • RRP £25.00 • HARDBACK • 240 Pages     

In describing his journeys by train the author includes information apporopriate to
individual routes and incorporates topics of railway interest relevant to the
development and management of today’s railway systems.
He does so in a manner similar to that adopted in his previous books on

If you purchase your copy direct from Murray the price is £16 + £4p&p, to get a copy please contact Murray directly at Minster Hill, Huttons Ambo, York, YO60 7HJ

© 2017

Village Hall Refurbishment - Photo Update

Here is a quick snapshot of the refurbishment work on the village hall so far:


© 2017

Wednesday, 11 January 2017



A  Meeting  of  Huttons  Ambo  Parish  Council
will  take  place  in  the  Dalton House
on  Tuesday,  17th January 2017
at  7.30 pm.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1 Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

2 Approval of Minutes

3 Matters Arising
     a) Broadband flier
     b) Back lane gulleys and soakaways
     c) Pavement edges in Low Hutton
     d) Condition of pavement surfaces
     e) Potholes in Low Lane
     f)          PROW signs
     g) Low Hutton phonebox
     h) Beeline broadband
      i) Road names

4 New matters
     a) Cycle route to Malton
     b) Highways England:NYCC maintenance responsibility – A64 junctions

5 Planning
     a) Hydramotion

6 Finance:
     a) Budget progress to 31st December

7 Information
     a) Mike Potter’s correspondence with Area 4 following Parish Liaison meeting

8 Any Other Business

9 Date of next Meeting
Provisionally 14th March 2016 at 7.30pm

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2017

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Venus and the new Moon usher in 2017

The crescent Moon, Venus line up to welcome in 2017. A little later in the evening, when the sky is a bit darker, you can also see Mars taking place in the lineup. This little montage will also repeat in about 28 days time, near the end of January.

© 2017