Saturday, 28 May 2016


The Council has received a notice of an application for the erection of 7 starter units at Malton Enterprise Park, York Road.  Comments have been requested by the 20th of June 2016.

The application can be inspected at Ryedale House or at  by entering the application number.

If you have any comment please submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

© 2016

Monday, 23 May 2016

Marie Curie Blooming Great Tea Party - Meeting Point May 28th

Get together with friends and Family at Meeting Point in the Village Hall on 28th May 12-2pm and help Marie Curie raise money for people living with terminal illness and their families across the UK.

Please come and support the great work of Marie Curie.

© 2016

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Quiz Night & Supper - May 28th - Don't Forget

Don't forget the Quiz Night & Supper, Huttons Ambo Village Hall, Saturday May 28th, 7pm

© 2016

Meeting point - May 2016

Meeting Point in the Village Hall, Saturday May 28th , 12-2pm, with usual lunch fayre, Fair Trade, books etc and look out for some seasonal additions. All welcome

© 2016

Thursday, 19 May 2016



10 MAY 2016

1.         Welcome       
Andy Dorman (Chairman) welcomed, Cllrs Jessie Garnett, David Banks, Richard Green & Simon Lealman, Jem Charles (Clerk) and 2 members of the public.
2.         Chairman’s report:
a)     The council finances have been managed so as to provide a small reserve.  This will allow some flexibility to respond to needs as they arise.
b)     The road markings at the foot of Netherby Lane had been repainted.
c)     The new grass cutting contractor had started and appears to be going well, attracting favourable comment.
d)     The finger post and village signs have been restored.  A number of favourable comments have been made.  He thanked the AONB for their financial and practical help.
e)     A bulk bag of rock salt was bought in July but remains unused due to the mild winter.  He has installed a number of cut down wheelie bins in appropriate locations and these are now the roadside grit salt bins, replacing the heaps that NYCC no longer replenish.
f)       The early promising steps towards provision of superfast broadband had not materialized and communication with the, would-be, provider Boundless Communications, has been problematic.
g)     Warning signs have been erected either side of the bus shelters.
h)     He had attended an interesting seminar held by NYCC Highways Area 4 at which the difficulties of meeting demand with limited resources was discussed.  A site visit to view the silted up roadside drains along Back Lane was promised but this has yet to take place.  The number and size of potholes continue to increase and efforts to have these filled are on-going.
i)       The Council had facilitated two visits by John Shannon of the East Yorkshire Rivers Trust to treat one very large colony of Giant Hogweed and several scattered individual plants.
j)       The Council has participated in the Engagement Group set up by the Environment Agency to assess options for the management of Kirkham weir and sluices.  Rona Charles was present so Item 1(c) from the Council meeting agenda was brought into this item.  She gave an update and explained that these options have now been narrowed to two; constructing a more effective fish pass and partial lowering of the weir to a level yet to be determined, or complete removal of the weir.  There will be further discussion with the Engagement Group once these have been more fully evaluated.  The Council thanked Rona for her efforts and diligence in this exercise.
k)     There had been success in ameliorating the appearance of proposed new industrial units on the York Road trading estate.
l)       The Council has joined the working group on the drafting of the proposed Malton and Norton Town Plan for that part of the York Road trading estate that lies within the Parish boundary.  No meeting has yet taken place.

3.         Finance
Expenditure was less than that budgeted.  Savings have been made, mainly in the contingency allocation which was only partly depleted by the purchase of grit salt, and the inability of the contractor to carry out the village maintenance part of the contract.  These led to savings of £343 and £320 respectively.  There were also modest underspends on sundries and expenses.  A sum of £300 from the 2015/16 budget has been committed to the restoration and repair of the fingerpost and village signs.

The Council’s expenditure was £1993 and income £2750 producing a balance carried forward of £4190.
4.         Public Questions & Statements
a)     Broadband  Considerable frustration was expressed at the slow speed of the available network.  Frequently only 7-800kB/s could be achieved.
This was acknowledged as a real problem and the Council would continue to attempt to find a solution.

Signed:……………………………….(Chairman, 2016/17)   Dated:………………….

© 2016





1.         Election of Chairman
Richard Green was proposed as Chairman by David Banks.  This was seconded by Jessie Garnett.  Richard accepted nomination and, there being no other proposals, was unanimously elected.

2.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. Andy Dorman, David Banks, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present.  One member of the public was also present.
3.         Minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed as being a true record

4.         Matters Arising
a)  Copper beech
David Bayes has not had time available yet, but he, or Tom from Cundalls (Tree Surgeons) will cut the branch in due course and Andy will cut up and dispose of the wood.
b)  Superfast Broadband
Richard, David and Simon plan to attend a discussion event being held by Kevin Holinrake.  It was agreed that provision of a fibre optic connection to the network was preferable to wireless but no plans exist, or are imminent, for installation.  Experience elsewhere suggests that evidence of demand might encourage investment.  Richard will draft a pro forma for distribution house to house to gather data on the level of demand.  Andy will contact acquaintances in Rutland and Denbigh Dale to learn from their experience.
Consideration may be given to provision of infrastructure by private subscription once demand is known.
c) & d)       Kirkham Weir & Sluice engagement group & Finger Post & Village Signs
These items had been covered in the preceding Annual Parish Meeting
e)  Barneygate Lane End blocked drain
This had been attended to by NYCC Highways but had soon become blocked again.  Jem had followed up and work is believed to be in hand.
f)   YLCA membership
It was decided that the annual subscription was not warranted and membership will be allowed to lapse.

5.         New Matters
No matters had been raised.

6.         Planning
a)  Village Hall alterations
Support for the proposals has been sent to Ryedale DC.  It was regretted that no provision for a children’s play area had been included in the proposals.

7.         Finance
a)  Financial Governance Statement 2015/16
This was approved and duly signed.
b)  Accounting Statement 2015/16
This was approved and duly signed.
c)  Budget progress
     The report to 30th April was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.

8.         Any Other Business
a)  “Slow, Children” signs
            Andy suggested that the appearance of the posts of the new signs might be improved by painting.  The Council decided that it would be preferable to leave them as they are.
b)  Potholes
Simon had drawn up a comprehensive list of potholes meriting attention.  Jem had measured these and prepared a shorter list of those which met the strict criterion (45mm in depth) now being applied by NYCC before action is taken.  Jem will forward this list to Area 4, NYCC Highways, copied to Richard Marr and Sharon Fox, and seek confirmation that they will be filled.
The blocked gulleys and soakaways down Back Lane were to be discussed on site with Sharon Fox of NYCC Highways, but efforts to set a date had proved fruitless.  Richard and Jem will discuss further and Richard will, subsequently, contact Richard Marr (Area $ NYCC Highways).

c)  Give & Gain
Jem had been approached by Paul Lodge of the charity Racing Welfare to ask whether there was a task they could undertake on the 20th of May, as volunteers, to demonstrate the industry’s commitment to the community.  Jem will suggest that they undertake clearing of the pavements.  The Council will consider making a donation at the next meeting.
d)  Marie Curie Tea Party
The Marie Curie charity has suggested that communities hold fund raising tea parties..  It was considered that Meeting Point would be best placed to respond.  Richard will forward the correspondence to the organisers.
e)  Outgoing Chairman
David thanked Andy for all his work and this was roundly endorsed by all.

9.         Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 19th July and, provisionally, 13th of September 2016 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2016

Monday, 9 May 2016

News from Zambo Hedgehog HQ

Hedgehogs are awaking - News from Zambo Hedgehog HQ from Vince

In 2015/16 we released around 20 hogs into the village from the Haxby Hedgehog Rescue. Some have stayed close and some have wandered away but let’s hope that they all enjoy feeding on our slugs and being a joy to see in our gardens.

Remember hedgehogs are endangered. Please do everything you can to protect these lovely animals in our village – drive carefully.

© 2016

Organ Tuition Anyone?

Organ Tuition
Michael Sessions has offered give some short sessions of private organ tuition on the church organ for a small fee towards village hall funds. More details to follow but if you are interested to know more contact Liz 699 769 or email

© 2016

River Boat Trips - July 2016

River Boat Trips

Graham Milner has kindly offered to arrange boat trips on the river during July and August for Village Hall refurbishment funds. More details to follow but if you are interested to know more contact Liz 699 769 or email

© 2016

Village Hall Refurbishment Lottery Bid - Update

Village Hall Refurbishment Lottery Bid

Tthe bid team are in their final stages of preparing the submission for the last stage of the bidding process. The submission date is April 25th after which we will hear if we have been successful within 4 months.

This whole process will have taken almost 12 months in total from initial meeting to final stage submission. The volunteers have worked for many hundreds of hours to complete all the research and preparation involved I outing together this bid on behalf of the village. Please keep your fingers crossed.

Thank you to all those kid people who have donated cash towards to bid process after the previous appeal. We are so very grateful and we would have been unable to undertake the necessary surveys and access the professional support we have needed to meet the strct requirements of The Big Lottery – thank you again.

© 2016

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Kirkham Weir and Sluices Options Appraisal Project update

Kirkham Weir and Sluices Options Appraisal Project update

The Environment Agency has now considered a wide range of options and has taken local residents’ views into account as well as specialist advice. The overall conclusion was that they should make it easier for fish to get up and down the river and should also lower the weir “to a level yet to be determined”. To help them decide what to do, they will need to carry out further studies over the next few months. They will get back in touch with the community engagement group before a final decision is taken.

 For further details, look at the EA’s presentation and draft notes of the April meeting.

© 2016

Mountain Rescue Day - Pictures

Mountain Rescue Day

 The visit of Scarborough & Ryedale Mountain Rescue to the village was a really great event.

As a Youth Club family day, volunteers from the Mountain Rescue worked with the children on a variety of activities including map reading and a dog rescue demo.

As usual there was plenty of lovely tea and cake, great fun and an excellent turn out.

Thanks to all who supported and attended.

© 2016

Thursday, 5 May 2016


        A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council

will take  place  in  the  Village  Hall
on Tuesday,  10th May  2015
after the Annual Meeting.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.  Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website. 


1        Election of Chairman

2        Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

3        Approval of Minutes

4        Matters Arising:
a)   Copper beech on village green
b)   Broadband
c)   Kirkham Weir & Sluice engagement Group
d)   Fingerpost & Village signs
e)   Barneygate Lane End, blocked drain
f)    YCLA membership

5        New matters

6        Planning:
a)   Village Hall alterations

7        Finance:      
a)    Approval of Financial Governance Statement
b)    Approval of Accounting Statement
c)     Budget progress to 30th April

8        Any Other Business

9        Date of next Meeting
          Provisionally 20th July 2016 at 7.30pm

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2016

10th May 2016
in the
7.00 pm

This is the meeting for the residents and your opportunity to come and discuss, with your Parish Councillors and the whole Village, those things that matter to you.

The Chairman will present a brief summary of the Council's activities over the last year followed by a report on the Council's finances.  The meeting will then be open to you to raise anything you feel is of interest to the Community as a whole.

Please come along and help shape the way your Councillors address your concerns and aspirations for the Village.

Note: It would be helpful, but not essential, if you would let the Clerk, Jem Charles, know of items you would like to raise a few days before the meeting.

Ambo Cottage, High Hutton - 696070 –

© 2016

Monday, 2 May 2016

Bishops Pilgrimage - Howardian Benefice - Friday 13th May

Howardian Benefice - Friday 13th May

8.30-9.15am Pilgrimage Prayer
All Saints Terrington
Open to all

9.15-1030am Community Breakfast
Terrington CofE Primary School
(Catering by Terrington Hall School)
Open to all
Just let Taff or PCC member know if you intend to join us

10.30-12.00 Walk from Terrington to Welburn
via Bulmer
Open to all

12.00-1.15pm Friendship Lunch
Crown and Cushion, Welburn
Ring the pub to book lunch

© 2016

Broadband Update - May 2016

Broadband Update

The company aiming to provide an improved broadband service to the village are still working on the transmitter sited at Toisland Farm Birdsall.This compnay is still keen to know the level of interest- ie the number of potential subscribers.

To this end the Parsh Council has offered to collect and then pass on these names to the company (Boundless Communications).

If you are possibly interested please give your name and address to Herbie or to any member of the Parish Council by May 20th.

Note showing interest does to commit you to signing up with the company.

© 2016

Quiz Night & Supper - Saturday 28th May

Quiz Night & Supper - Saturday 28th May, 7pm

Village Hall Fundraiser.

BYO drinks and sign up for food and a table by Thur 26th, call  699769 or  email

MENU - TBC. If you don’t have a full team –we can find you one on arrival.

Ed: Word on the street is that Team Lealman will be setting the questions rather than taking part, so get your thinking caps on...

© 2016

Youth Club Mountain Rescue Day - Saturday May 7th 2pm -4pm

Youth Club Mountain Rescue Day – Family Day – Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue 

An opportunity to test equipment and learn about the work of the Mountain Rescue, map reading training and rescue dog demos.

The Mountain Rescue teams are all volunteers so if you feel like popping a donation into their buckets it would be most welcome.

and there will be tea and cake available

Please note there may be exra traffic and activity aroudn the village green agrae so please drive carefully.

DONATIONS OF CAKES would be appreciated.

© 2016

Taizé - May 2016

What is Taizé?

We are a small group of villagers from High and Low Hutton who meet monthly for a quiet service of contemplation, prayer and song. The songs are short and we repeat them many times so we become quite used to their notes which allows us to sing them in unaccompanied harmony. Africans sing in harmony naturally as they have been brought up to. We need a little more help but it is really quite simple.

Come and sing with us. You will feel uplifted after the hour and we quite often have a glass of wine and stay for a chat afterwards.

 Michael and Lesley Sessions    Tel 228375

Taize future meetings for your diary:

Tuesday 17th May Castle Howard chapel 7.30pm

Tuesday 20th September Welburn church. 7.30pm

Saturday 21st May venue and meeting tbc

Tuesday 11th October 7.30pm venue and meeting tbc

Tuesday 21st June Judith Brays 7.30pm    
Tuesday 15th November Terrington Church 7.30pm.

Tuesday 19th July Dalby Church 7.30pm  
Tuesday 13th December Michael and Lesley’s home 7.30pm

© 2016

St Georges Day Poem

 Courtesy of Mike Williams, Malton White Star Band: 

© 2016