Sunday, 31 May 2015

News from the Studio - from Lesley Seeger

News from the Studio

North Yorkshire Open Studios starts next weekend!
My newsletter is called 'News from the Studio' but I may soon have to rename it 'Lesley's Field Notes' because my new passion is painting and print-making 'plein air'.

 Much of my early work was painted totally from imagination and memory using the hot colours of India and Sri Lanka. I then began to work from observation, sketching English landscapes and re-working a lot in the studio. Now I take my paints and canvas out into the landscape where most of the work is done.  The paintings try to catch a moment, the spirit of place.

I'm looking forward to sharing the results of my new passion over the next two weekends when I'll be showing it during North Yorkshire Open Studios (6-7 & 13-14 June 2015). I'm exhibiting in Stonegarth Cottage, Gillamoor where I'll be hosted by a friend. There are three other artists exhibiting in the same village (you can see their flyer below), as well as delicious tea and cakes being served along with great pubs and cafes nearby.

 There are places left on both of my forthcoming painting workshops, which take place in the inspiring surroundings of Helmsley's Walled Garden. These two day workshops are suitable for the novice and seasoned painters alike, and make a great gift for anyone you know who would like to reconnect with their creativity in a supportive learning environment. Both weekends sold out last year so do email me soon if you'd like to book a place.

 With love,


Saturday, 30 May 2015


A revised application has been submitted by Ian Brown Tyres for a 2 bay extension and associated work.  The application can be viewed at Ryedale House or visiting and entering the reference above.

If you wish to comment please contact one of your Parish Councillors or Ryedale District Council directly.

Jem Charles
Clerk to Huttons Ambo Parish Council

© 2015

Friday, 29 May 2015

Lesley Seeger - Gillamoor Exhibit

Lesley Seeger, Huttons Ambo artist will be exhibiting at Stonegarth Cottage near The Royal Oak pu, Gillamoor as part of North Yorkshire Open Studios ( 6/7/13/14 June.

For more information call 07729372007 or see

Much of Lesleys work is plein-air paintings of the area around Huttons Ambo.

There will be three other artists exhibiting and teas and cake will be served.

© 2015

Hedgehog Joins Zambo Pantry Team

Recent research has show that hedgehogs are becoming an endangered species due to loss of suitable habitat and pesticides etc.

So all to the good that Huttons Ambo now has a new resident courtesy of the Hedgehog Preservation Society. 

 The HPS said "He has been very ill with parasites, but is now fully fit and healthy.  Unfortunately he was found in an area not really suitable for hedgehogs; so he needs a new place to live."

So this lovely creature has been released into the care of Jo and Vince at Zambo Pantry HQ where he will enjoy good food and a watchful eye until he gets to know the area.

Please everyone drive carefully - the hogs are slow moving so you should be able to see them coming in the village.

Thanks Jo and Vince for taking him on.

Liz Ellis

© 2015




1.         Election of Chairman  Cllr. Andy Dorman was proposed as Chairman by Cllr. Richard Green, seconded by Cllr. Simon Lealman.  Andy accepted and, there being no other nominations, was elected Chairman for 2015/16.  Andy made it clear that he would not be willing to serve as Chairman after the end of this year but would continue as a Councillor.

2.         Present & Apologies Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, David Banks, Richard Green & Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present.  The Chairman welcomed David who had been elected for the first time on May 7th.

3.         Minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

4.         Matters Arising
a)  Parish Community Plan
Andy reported that the Plan is being edited by a member of Ryedale DC staff and will be with the printers very shortly.  He expected distribution within a few weeks.
b)  Commons Act 2006
Jem reported that the village green is not subject to this legislation so re-registration is not required.
c) Salt Bins
Andy reported that NYCC, as part of their cost cutting measures, will only service those bins/heaps already notified; Orchard Corner, High Hutton post box and both the bin and the heap on Water Lane.  There was agreement that this would not be sufficient in a severe winter and that the Parish Council should make additional provision.  Andy will endeavour to find a suitable storage location for a supply and, on confirmation of the location, Jem will order 1 Tonne at an expected cost of £100 including delivery.

5.         New Matters
a)  YLCA membership
Jem had learnt that the subscription would, as a concession, be lowered again for this year, from £111 to £43 but would, in all probability, be raised again next year.  Jem will send the subscription dues and write suggesting that an alternative rate scale be introduced to avoid such a sudden rise for small councils.
b)  NYCC – Stronger Communities programme
Grant assistance for improvements to the Village Hall would have been available under this scheme but would have necessitated a substantial contribution from the Parish Council.  An alternative application for funds from the National Lottery is being prepared.
c)  N. Yorkshire Police – Community Grants
Limited funding assistance is available for small schemes that contribute to public safety or crime reduction. It was agreed that many vehicles are driven too fast in the Village and, particularly, along back Lane.  Andy will investigate the possibility grant funding for speed reduction initiatives and of acquiring warning signs to reduce the risk to children.
d)  Grass Cutting
Jem explained that the NYCC regime from this year will be to cut road junction visibility splays but not any other road verges.  It was agreed that the result is likely to be very much poorer visibility along much of Low and Back Lanes.  It is important that villagers understand why this is occurring. Jem will arrange for information to be distributed in the Village Bulletin explaining the change, brought about by NYCC having to reduce costs.
Councillors will monitor the condition of verges and discuss the need, or otherwise, of any remedial verge cutting as the season progresses.
e)  New Pensions Regulations
Jem presented a letter from the Pensions Regulator explaining that all employers must enrol all staff in  a workplace pension scheme.  It was agreed that this seems inappropriate to the Council but Jem will complete the formalities as necessary.

f)   De-fibrillator
It will be possible to obtain a unit, along with a storage cabinet and training for up to 20 members of the Community, at a cost of £1874.  It was agreed that such provision could prove invaluable but that it was beyond the means of the Parish Council alone.  Significant commitment from the community would also be required as sufficient trained operators would have to agree to be available around the clock.  Jem will ask whether such commitment could be assessed through the continual consultation required for the Lottery Grant application for the Village Hall improvements.
g)  Register of Interest and Declaration of Acceptance
Jem reminded Councillors to submit the necessary forms.

6.         Planning
a)  Ian Brown Tyres
Withdrawn following objection from NYCC Highways.
b)  Ray Chapman Motors
c)  4 Station Cottages
Jem will write to RDC supporting this application.

7.         Finance
a)  Budget Progress
Jem presented income/expenditure data, in period and to date and the position is satisfactory.
b)  Jem also presented the end of year Audit documentation which was approved.

8.         Any Other Business
a) Copper beech opposite Herbie’s
Simon asked whether any action was needed to reduce the spread which reaches almost ½ way across the road.  Simon will try to ascertain whether the tree has any memorial value before further discussion.
b) Giant Hogweed
Network Rail has promised to let Andy know, by the 26th of May, what action will be taken to control this weed which is spreading between the railway and the river.  Jem reported that the East Yorkshire Rivers Trust is planning control measures once permissions have been obtained.
c)  A64 Junctions
The recent accident had again highlighted the dangerous nature of these junctions.  It was agreed that an approach should be made to the Department for Transport for a representative to meet the Council to discuss improvements.  Jem will approach the DfT to try to arrange a meeting.
Jem will also ascertain responsibility for the road at the Barneygate Lane/A64 junction where a large semi-permanent puddle is a significant hazard to traffic and pedestrians.
d)  Broadband
Andy reported that the Superfast North Yorkshire project has no specific plans to upgrade provision for Huttons Ambo.  Jem will contact LN Communications to ascertain whether a wireless connection might be viable.
9.         Date of Next meeting(s)
8th July at 7.30 and, provisionally, 16th September at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Andy Dorman, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2015



1.         Welcome        Chairman Andy Dorman welcomed, Cllrs Jessie Garnett, David Banks, Richard Green & Simon Lealman, Jem Charles (Clerk) and 2 members of the public.  The Council expressed thanks to Maggie Stone for her long service to the Council.

2.         Minutes of Last meeting - Agreed as being a true record and duly signed.  There were no matters arising.
3.         Chairman’s report:
a)     Maintenance of the Village Green and footpaths has been sustained despite the loss of grant, at a cost of £320.
b)     A Parish Plan, arising from the village surveys carried out by the Council, has been drawn up and will be distributed within the next few weeks.
c)     Road repairs to potholes at Low Lane end and to the verge at High Hutton post box have been carried out.
d)     Improvements to the drainage of the road corner near Mynchon have been made.
e)     The swing bridge has been re-decked.
f)       The Council had raised concerns about the consultation concerning the trial lowering of the River Derwent.
g)     Heavy road usage, particularly of Water Lane, resulting from engineering works by Network Rail have caused damage to road verges.  The Council will press for proper repair.
h)     The Council supported parishioners who objected to a  planning application for major development with the effect that some landscape improvements might have been achieved.  The Council regretted the lack of co-operation from Ryedale District Council planning committee.
i)       The Welburn heating oil syndicate has been made available to households in the Parish and fuel price reductions have been welcomed.

5.         Finance
Expenditures were lower than budget.  Savings have been made, mainly in the cost of insurance, but also in miscellaneous expenditure.  This has allowed a greater degree of footpath and roadside maintenance.

The Council’s expenditure was £2205 and income £2750.  It holds a balance of £3432.

6.         Public Questions & Statements
a)     Lowering of the Derwent trial – the Environment Agency had been surprised by the degree of interest.  Will the Council establish contact with the Yorkshire Derwent Catchment Partnership?  Jem will write.
b)     River bank reinforcement – the culvert at the Yorkshire Water treatment site access has been damaged by the extraordinary traffic.  Jem will contact the contractors.


Andy Dorman, Chairman, Huttons Ambo Parish Council

© 2015

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Huttons Ambo Meeting Point - May 2015

The next Meeting Point will be Saturday May 30th from 12.00 noon to 2.00pm in the Village Hall.

Light lunches of homemade soup, quiche, salad and cakes. Come for a social, a lovely lunch and maybe even a hand of cards.

Calling All Younger Members of the Village Community 
We have the opportunity to apply for some money to help set up some regular activities in the village for you. Please come to a short meeting at the hall at 12 noon on Saturday 30th May so we can get your ideas and talk about it. If you can’t come then please respond to Joseph Banks’ online survey or email ideas to

© 2015

Monday, 11 May 2015



A Meeting of Huttons Ambo Parish Council

will take place in the Village Hall

on Wednesday,  20th May 2014 after the Annual Parish Meeting.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1  Election of Chairman
2  Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence
3   Approval of Minutes

4  Matters Arising

a)   Parish Community Plan

b)   Commons Act 2006

c)   Salt Bins

5  New matters:

a)   YLCA membership

b)   NYCC – Stronger Communities programme

c)   N. Yorks. Police – Community Grants

d)   Grass cutting

e)   New pensions regulations

6  Planning:

a)   Ian Brown Tyres

b)   4 Station Cottages

7 Finance:     
    a)    End of Year report and Audit

8        Any Other Business:
9        Date of next Meeting
          Provisionally 8th July 2015 at 7.30pm

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2015

Thursday, 7 May 2015


20th May 2015
in the
7.00 pm

This is the meeting for the residents and your opportunity to come and discuss, with your new Parish Councillors and the whole Village, those things that matter to you.

The Chairman will present a brief summary of the Council's activities over the last year followed by a report on the Council's finances.  The meeting will then be open to you to raise anything you feel is of interest to the Community as a whole.

Please come along and help shape the way your Councillors address your concerns and aspirations for the Village.

Note: It would be helpful, but not essential, if you would let the Clerk, Jem Charles, know of items you would like to raise a few days before the meeting.

© 2015

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Services in St. Margaret's Church - May2015

By Anita Topp

Services in St. Margaret's Church during May

3rd May                       Contemporary Morning Prayer
11 a.m.                          Juliet Bleasdale

17th May                      Holy Communion BCP
11 a.m.                          The Rector

31st May                       Benefice Holy Communion BCW
10 a.m.                          Family Service
                                      The Rector with the Choir 

© 2015

Quiz Night Saturday 9th May - Prizes

By Joanne Castleton

A reminder of the forthcoming quiz on Saturday 9th May.

"The Zambo Pantry" will be donating a little hamper of goodies ( including homemade damson vodka!)
for one of the raffle prizes. See attachments for all the details. It's our Wedding Anniversary on the 9th May 💖 so we're hoping for a jolly good evening! Hope to see you there.

Also, we've just joined the Huttons Ambo Village Facebook page. It's a great way to share & keep up to date with what goes on.

If you "do" Facebook, why not click & join?☺


© 2015



The Parish Council has been asked for comment on this application from Mr Gary Goodman, by the 21st of May 2015.

The application is for the installation of an air sourced heat pump.

Details can be found at and entering the reference no. above, or by visiting Ryedale House.

If you'd like to comment please contact one of your Councillors or Ryedale District Council.

Jem Charles, Clerk to Huttons Ambo Parish Council

© 2015