20th MAY 2015
1. Election of Chairman Cllr. Andy Dorman was
proposed as Chairman by Cllr. Richard Green, seconded by Cllr. Simon
Lealman. Andy accepted and, there being
no other nominations, was elected Chairman for 2015/16. Andy made it clear that he would not be
willing to serve as Chairman after the end of this year but would continue as a
2. Present & Apologies Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, David Banks, Richard
Green & Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present. The
Chairman welcomed David who had been elected for the first time on May 7th.
3. Minutes of the March meeting were approved and
signed as being a true record.
4. Matters Arising
a) Parish Community Plan
Andy reported that the Plan is being edited
by a member of Ryedale DC staff and will be with the printers very
shortly. He expected distribution within
a few weeks.
b) Commons Act 2006
Jem reported that the village green is not
subject to this legislation so re-registration is not required.
c) Salt
Andy reported that NYCC, as part of their
cost cutting measures, will only service those bins/heaps already notified;
Orchard Corner, High Hutton post box and both the bin and the heap on Water
Lane. There was agreement that this
would not be sufficient in a severe winter and that the Parish Council should
make additional provision. Andy will endeavour to find a
suitable storage location for a supply and, on confirmation of the location, Jem will order 1 Tonne at an
expected cost of £100 including delivery.
5. New Matters
a) YLCA membership
Jem had learnt that the subscription would,
as a concession, be lowered again for this year, from £111 to £43 but would, in
all probability, be raised again next year.
Jem will send the
subscription dues and write suggesting that an alternative rate scale be
introduced to avoid such a sudden rise for small councils.
b) NYCC – Stronger Communities programme
Grant assistance for improvements to the
Village Hall would have been available under this scheme but would have necessitated
a substantial contribution from the Parish Council. An alternative application for funds from the
National Lottery is being prepared.
c) N. Yorkshire Police – Community Grants
Limited funding assistance is available for
small schemes that contribute to public safety or crime reduction. It was
agreed that many vehicles are driven too fast in the Village and, particularly,
along back Lane. Andy will investigate the possibility grant funding for
speed reduction initiatives and of acquiring warning signs to reduce the risk
to children.
d) Grass Cutting
Jem explained that the NYCC regime from this
year will be to cut road junction visibility splays but not any other road
verges. It was agreed that the
result is likely to be very much poorer visibility along much of Low and Back
Lanes. It is important that villagers
understand why this is occurring. Jem
will arrange for information to be distributed in the Village Bulletin
explaining the change, brought about by NYCC having to reduce costs.
will monitor
the condition of verges and discuss the need, or otherwise, of any remedial
verge cutting as the season progresses.
e) New Pensions Regulations
Jem presented a letter from the Pensions
Regulator explaining that all employers must enrol all staff in a workplace pension scheme. It was agreed that this seems inappropriate
to the Council but Jem will complete
the formalities as necessary.
f) De-fibrillator
It will be possible to obtain a unit, along
with a storage cabinet and training for up to 20 members of the Community, at a
cost of £1874. It was agreed that such
provision could prove invaluable but that it was beyond the means of the Parish
Council alone. Significant commitment
from the community would also be required as sufficient trained operators would
have to agree to be available around the clock.
Jem will ask whether
such commitment could be assessed through the continual consultation required
for the Lottery Grant application for the Village Hall improvements.
g) Register of Interest and Declaration of
Jem reminded Councillors to submit the
necessary forms.
6. Planning
a) Ian Brown Tyres
Withdrawn following
objection from NYCC Highways.
b) Ray Chapman Motors
c) 4 Station Cottages
Jem will write to RDC supporting this application.
7. Finance
a) Budget Progress
Jem presented
income/expenditure data, in period and to date and the position is
b) Jem also presented the end of year Audit
documentation which was approved.
8. Any Other Business
a) Copper
beech opposite Herbie’s
Simon asked whether
any action was needed to reduce the spread which reaches almost ½ way across
the road. Simon will try to
ascertain whether the tree has any memorial value before further
b) Giant
Network Rail has promised
to let Andy know, by the 26th of May, what action will be taken to
control this weed which is spreading between the railway and the river. Jem reported that the East Yorkshire Rivers
Trust is planning control measures once permissions have been obtained.
c) A64 Junctions
The recent accident
had again highlighted the dangerous nature of these junctions. It was agreed that an approach should be made
to the Department for Transport for a representative to meet the Council to
discuss improvements. Jem will
approach the DfT to try to arrange a meeting.
Jem will also ascertain responsibility for the road at the Barneygate Lane/A64 junction where a
large semi-permanent puddle is a significant hazard to traffic and pedestrians.
d) Broadband
Andy reported that
the Superfast North Yorkshire project has no specific plans to upgrade
provision for Huttons Ambo. Jem
will contact LN Communications to ascertain whether a wireless
connection might be viable.
9. Date of Next meeting(s)
8th July at
7.30 and, provisionally, 16th September at 7.30.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Signed:…………………………………………….(Andy Dorman, Chairman)
© 2015