Monday 6 August 2012

2012 Huttons Ambo Produce Show


On Saturday your editor attended the 58th Annual Huttons Ambo Produce Show. Despite the dire and erratic weather we've had this year the show was very good with an impressive display of vegetables, flowers, produce and handicrafts.

Our own potatoes have been ravaged by slugs so I was surprised to see a good selection of healthy looking spuds on show.

A good show of vegetables despite the weather

The Produce Section - bread, cakes, scones, jam and wine.
Those are my scones there on the lower right, terrible, aren't they?

At one end of the hall was the winner of the tallest sunflower competition, an immense plant reaching up to the ceiling of the village hall.

The largest sunflower in the village - can you do better?

This year I tried my hand at the produce section for the first time, brewing up some jam, marmalade and fudge, and I take some modest pride in getting a second prize for the marmalade.

Produce Show silver for the editor!

Prizes were awarded by Rector Taff Morgan (Rector of the Howardian Benefice, which incorporates the parish of Huttons Ambo) - here shown awarding a prize for the youngest competitor to Cammy Clark.

Youngest competitor in the show

A big thanks to everyone who organised and helped with the show, I know from personal experience how much hard work goes into putting on the show, so well done, it was excellent.

Will you find gold at the end of the Produce Show Rainbow? There's only one way to find out - enter the show next year!

All material © Philip Stone 2012

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