Thursday, 19 May 2022

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Minutes from the AGM - Wednesday 18th March 2020




Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

Wednesday, May 18th 2022 at 7:30pm 





  1. Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence 

  1. Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Philip Barraclough, Janice Hanslow, Anne Lealman, Andy Hanslow & Rona Charles – apologises from Emma Samuel 

  1. Andy formally welcomed Janice to the Parish Council 


  1. Approval of Minutes of meeting on 16th March 2022 - approved 


  1. AGM Update & Nominations of positions: Andy D and Parish Councillors 


  1. Planning all considered and the PC’s all agreed that privacy and materials used must be sympathic to the surroundings. 

  1. Viilage Upkeep – pleased with the work Danny is doing within the village. 

  1. Pot Holes and Road – good use of portal and the work provided. Disappointed that the workmen don’t look at other pot holes in the immediate area and then have to come out again to fix another pothole rather than doing those whilst in attendance. 

  1. Broadband in High Hutton 

  1. Defribillator – Jem Charles has taken over the responsibility for the defib 

  1. Telephone Box – survey still underway until October 2, then further update after that. Issues due to the lack of mobile phone signal within the low village. 

  1. Bus Shelters – broken glassand debris, reported Jan, Feb, March & May. Within 5 weeks this should be repaired after a new supplier appointed. 

  1. Information Boards still awaiting the historic survey 


Nominations for a two year rotation:  

Chair Janice Hanslow nominated Simon Lealman as Chair Andy Dorman seconded the position. Simon Lealman elected 

Vice Chair vice chair to be elected at the next meeting when all councillors present 


  1. Matters arising: 


  • White lines throughout the village Simon and Andy both reported the lack of white lines within the village 

  • Wild Flowers on Village Green Rona, Sept 21 seedbed developed, grass came back very quickly and more than expected. Update over 20 species growing i the new beds. Next challenge is to manage it correctly. Jem & Rona has volunteered to look after this. The grass will need cutting in the short term, but looking at options for doing this correctly. Thank you from the Chair to Jem, Rona and Andy for all their work on this inituative. 

  • No Parking signs are prepared and agreed locations at the enterance to the parking area near the shop, and where the Post Van parks. 

  • Bus Shelters – roof needs attention and possibly re-felting. Andy going to look and see what intervention is required.  

  • Information Boards – bring back to the next meeting to move the boards along - Philip 


5. New Matters: 

Clerks Hours, Job Description, Hours and Pay 



  1. Finance: 

  1. Review balance sheet for 2022/2023 

  1. Current spend of £252.05 and a bank balance of £6763.28 

  1. Paperwork being prepared to send for External verification to Richard Green. 

  1. 2020/2021 Income £2400, Expenditure £2752.66 C/F2020/21 £7015.33 

Balance to carry forward to 2022/23 is £7072.67 

  1. Verified paperwork to be submitted to PKF Littlejohn by the latest Friday 1st July 2022. 

  1. Cheque signatories of parish accounts Janice, Simon & Philip to be added to the Barclays account, Anne & Andy to stay on as signatories 


  1. Any Other Business 

Salt bin to be located at Low Hutton near Richard Green’s house. 

Thank you to Andy Dorman for all his effort, knowledge and skills as Chair 


  1. Date of next Meeting 


Wednesday 20th July 2022 at 7:30pm 



Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council 

© 2022

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