Saturday, 25 May 2019

Huttons Ambo History Group - Minutes - May 2019

Minutes of Huttons Ambo Parish History Group meeting held on Thursday 9TH May 2019
Present at meeting
Philip Barraclough (PB), Graham Milner (GM) David Green (DG) Emma Samuel(ES) Susan Milward (SM) Alan Sanders (AS), Joyce Parker(JS) Bob Mansell, Diane Savage and Carol Haigh (CH)
1. Apologies for Absence
Denise Doggett(DD), Ann Sanders, Pam Taylor (PT), Andy Doorman (AD), Andrew Rona Charles(RC),
2. Minutes of last meeting were agreed
3. The Exhibition
PB confirmed that the Exhibition would now take place on Saturday 29th June.
Refreshments based on a Victorian theme (Liz Ellis has agreed to sponsor the refreshments)
It was agreed set up should begin on the Friday night and there should be a trial run the previous weekend.
 4. Oral history
PB reported that due to time commitments he would be unable to undertake this before the Exhibition.
5. History walks
It was agreed that the history walks etc. go ahead as scheduledand that Simon Jackson/Murray Naylor be contacted regarding the history of the church and that Claire Jenyngs be contacted regarding access to the grounds of the Hall.
6. Fund Raising
DD will hold a fund raising event on the 1ST June
7. Archaeological Dig
PB reported that he had met with Jon Kenny regarding the archaeology in the fields around Netherby Hall. He was fairly certain that there would be interesting archaeology in both fields. He will contact York Archaeological Air Mapping re an aerial survey using a drone. He will try and ensure that we are given notification so that we can view. He also said that he has some Geophysical survey equipment he made lend to us to survey the fields (and instruct us in their use). ES stated that she also has access to equipment and would investigate.
Jon Kenny had provided views of the two fields from Google Earth and these clearly showed an enclosure in the field immediately north of Station Cottages and ridge and furrow in the field to the north of that. The group speculated about the nature of the large enclosure in that field which both routes out of the village respect. PB and ES thought that this field might be an easier target at this stage as the archaeology appeared simpler than the Station Cottage field.
The group also discussed Netherby Hall itself and it was agreed that it would of value to if possible get a building specialist to look at it and potentially other buildings in the village such as Manor Farm.
It was agreed that as a first step we would confirm the presence of archaeology though the surveys. If we decide to proceed it was agreed that we would need a project a research plan.
Jon Kenny will provide his time free at this state (the aerial mapping is also free). If however the project looks like it will evolve into something of substance requiring funding Jon will help in seeking to raise funds (lottery etc)
DD to do Village News Letter
ES to investigate borrowing geophysical survey equipment
CH to contact Kate Giles
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is on Thursday 13th June in the Village Hall at 7pm.

© 2019

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Minutes - May 2019

NB: These are the minutes from the normal Parish Council Meeting

Huttons ambo parish council MINutes
From Meeting On May 15th 2019

  1. Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

David Banks (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman and Philip Barraclough and Sarah Banks (Clerk). He also welcomed two members of the public.

2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  1. Council Vacancy: Following advertising of the vacancy on the village website, Facebook site and noticeboards, Emma Samuel, of High Hutton, volunteered to to join the PC and was duly co-opted as a councillor.

  1. 30mph Speed limit: David is awaiting a response from NYCC Highways department for a site inspection and discussion of options.

c) Monitoring of PRoW - David has met with Richard Wainwright to discuss the issues raised by the examination by volunteers of footpaths round the village. Richard is happy to look at the list of issues raised to see what remedial work might be necessary. The PC has said it will be happy to give assistance to any repair works that might be needed.

d) Tree inspections: David and Andy have contacted David Baynes and Cundalls to obtain quotes for examination and possible remedial action for trees on the village green.

e) Low Lane End: Following work by Highways England, there continues to be a safety issue with the turn off from the A64 at Low Lane End. Vehicles are using the lay-by and gateway opposite to turn round and present a hazard to other vehicles coming off the A64. Jem was writing to Highways England about this. David will check with Jem whether he has had any response from them.

Councillors also expressed concern about the new road barriers that were fitted during the work on the new cycle path. They felt the barriers had the effect of speeding up the traffic on the A64 as the entrance to Low Lane End was now obscured. This will be followed up.

f) Appointment of new clerk: Following the resignation of Jem Charles as clerk, Sarah Banks takes over as the new clerk. The PC expressed their thanks and gratitude to Jem for all his hard work in the role.

g) Crime Survey: The Chairman has responded to the online questionnaire

h) Parish Footpath Map: David reported that it was proving expensive to produce maps as discussed previously. It was decided to look at other avenues for displaying a map, possibly in a waterproof frame next to the noticeboards. Simon suggested some money could be spent on adding more way markers to footpaths in and around the village.

i) Litter in Station ‘Car Park’: Philip reported that following discussions with the police, this rubbish is from drug use. The police are monitoring the situation adding that there was no threat to the public. It appears that the issue has now stopped, which is often the case as users move on to other locations.

Andy had been in contact with Streetscene regarding obtaining bins for this area. The cost of a ground-fixed bin would be £175 plus VAT. A post-mounted bin which could be placed at the Low Hutton bus shelter would cost £50 plus VAT. If the council used Streetscene bins they will be part of the regular bin collection. Andy will look at sourcing a concrete slab and will fit a bin near the railway bridge after consulting with people who park their car here to find a suitable location for the bin. The PC agreed to buy these bins.

4. New Matters

  1. Library of Things
A number of residents are keen to set up a Library of Things in the village, whereby villagers could loan and borrow items between themselves. Whilst the council were keen to support this, councillors felt there were too many issues surrounding liability and insurance that they were not able to take a practical role in.

b) Road closure - Hydramotion - There was no special comment to add to this

5 Planning

  1. Barn House, High Gaterley (19/00143/HOUSE)
  1. Tofoo Company, York Rd Industrial Estate (19/00394/FUL) Installation of effluent treatment plant.

6. Finance
  1. Budget Progess to April 30th 2019
David gave a break down of the figures. Current balance in the account is £7536 after the first tranche of precept was paid in of £1400. Expenditure so far this year has involved grass cutting, £65; payment of insurance to Zurich Insurance £248 and rental of storage at the village hall of £96. Councillors are advised to hold a reserve of twice their annual precept which for Huttons Ambo would be £5600. So we are carrying an excess of £1936. Councillors dressed ideas of how to spend this money for the benefit of the village. However, the examination of trees on the village green plus any remedial works might involve spending a substantial portion of this excess. We await quotes to find out what the costs might be.

Other ideas for spending included more grass cutting and the possible siting of a bench on the village green. Andy will look into the cost of this.

7. AOB

8. Date of next meetings
Tuesday, July 16th at 7.30pm and provisionally, Tuesday, September 10th at 7.30pm

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019

Annual Parish Meeting - Minutes - May 2019

NB: These are the minutes from the public Annual Parish Council Meeting 

 Huttons Ambo Parish Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

May 15th 2019

  1. Welcome - David Banks (Chairman) welcomed councillors Andy Dorman, Philip Barraclough and Simon Lealman, Sarah Banks (Clerk) and two members of the public.

2. Chairman’s report

  1. A64: The PC was pleased to see the repairs done by Highways England to the high and low junctions after many years of representations by the parish council. It is now clear that Highways England has accepted responsibility for maintaining these junctions and in the future any repairs necessary should be much more straightforward.

  1. Village green: Following work carried out on houses adjoining the village green last year, a section of the grass got very churned up. As agreed, the contractors did re-seed this section but the PC felt that it still needs restoring to its former state. The contractors will need to return to re-seed. The PC will pursue this.

  1. Pot holes: There are still some issues with the deterioration of the roads. NYCC has carried out some repairs. The use of the Parish Portal has been positive for reporting issues. All agreed that communication via the portal does get things sorted. Simon Lealman said he was happy to report issues via the Parish Portal.

  1. Trees: The PC identified a need to examine trees on the village green to ensure they were safe. This work is ongoing.

  1. War Memorial: The PC is looking into the possibility of adding a name to the war memorial. Mark Armstrong of the Hulls PALS Regiment was from Huttons Ambo but his name does not appear on the stone. The PC will check if his name is on one of the war memorials in Hull and if not it might be appropriate to add his name to that in Huttons Ambo.

  1. Footpaths: An assessment of the rights of way in the parish has been undertaken by volunteers from the village. The Estate has been approached regarding some issues and are happy to work with the PC in any remedial action necessary.

  1. Broadband: The village will soon benefit from fibre optic broadband. Work is currently being carried out in the village and it is expected this will be available in two months time (June/July 2019). This should lead to fantastic speeds for residents who will benefit from being able to choose from a range of internet providers.

  1. Speed Limit: This continues to be an issue and is being looked into and is awaiting a response from the Highways.
  2. Finance: The PC is carrying a modest surplus in its finances and will be looking to spend this on items of benefits to the village in the coming year, some of which might be the tree work mentioned above.

  1. Planning applications: The PC has published all applications on the village website and commented to Ryedale DC.

  1. Departure of auditor: Avril Monks, who has carried out the auditing for the PC for the past few years has stepped down. The PC expressed their thanks to Avril for all the work which she carried out on a voluntary basis. The PC will need to identify a new auditor.

  1. Departure of Clerk: In addition to the above, Jem Charles, who has been clerk for a number of years, has also stepped down. The council also expressed their thanks to Jem for all his hard work in this role


The PC’s expenditure for the year was £2089 and income was £2850, resulting in a balance carried forward of £6610. Budgeted income of £2800 was boosted by the return of a cheque for £50. Expenditure was less than budgeted primarily due to some identified expenditures being delayed - notably tree inspections and remedial work.


It was noted that Richard Kershaw had both joined and left the PC in the last year. The PC thanked him for his attendance and contribution. No other matters were raised by the community represented.

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Village Hall Bookings

 If you're planning an event in the Village Hall, please don't just assume that the hall will be free - check the available dates and then call or email Maggie to book it.

You can check the available dates here:

and download the booking terms and conditions.

Remember book it first.

© 2019

Forthcoming Events - May/June 2019

2th May 7pm History Group

29th May 11am Book Club (Jackie's)

1st June 9am-5pm Village Cafe

4th June 730pm Produce Show Committee Meeting

12th June 7pm Low Hutton History Walk (Meet at Oak Tree, Village Green)

15th June 7pm Quiz Night

19th June 7pm High Hutton History Walk (Meet at Church)

26th June 7pm North of A64 History Walk (Meet High Hutton Lane End)

26th June 11am Book Club 11am (Alisons's)

29th June 10am-5pm History Group Open Day

© 2019

Monday, 6 May 2019

Parish Council/Annual Meeting - 15th May 2019

The next Huttons Ambo Parish Council meeting takes place at the village hall on Wednesday, May 15th at 7pm.

This month's meeting includes the annual meeting of the parish council which includes a review of what the council has done over the previous year.

All are very welcome to attend.

Annual Meeting Agenda:


15th MAY 2019


1 Welcome
2 Approval of minutes
3 Chairman’s report
4 Finance officer’s report
6 Any Other Business

Parish Council Agenda:
15th MAY 2019


1 Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

2 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 19th March

3 Matters arising:
  1. 30 mph speed limit
  2. Monitoring of PRoW
  3. Tree inspections
  4. Low Lane End
  5. Appointment of new clerk
  6. Crime survey – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  7. Parish footpath map
  8. Litter in Station ‘car park’
  9. Councillor vacancy
4 New matters:
  1. Library of things
  2. Road closure - Hydramotion

5 Planning:
  1. Barn House, High Gaterley (19/00143/HOUSE)
  2. Tofoo Company, York Rd Industrial Estate. (19/00394/FUL) Installation of effluent treatment plant.

6 Finance:
  1. Budget progress to 30th April 2019

7 Any Other Business

8 Date of next Meeting

Provisionally 16th July 2019

Sarah Banks, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019