Friday, 29 March 2019

Lesley Seeger - York Open Studios 2019 Preview Invitation

York Open Studios 2019 Preview Invitation
Venue 18

You are cordially invited to my preview evening, Venue 18, on Friday 5th April 6.00pm - 9.30pm for wine, nibbles and a look at my exciting new work.

53 Low Petergate (rear entrance to Quacks The Printers, Grape Lane) 

Upstairs from PICA artists downstairs.

Other times to visit York Open Studios are the 

6th, 7th and 13th, 14th April 2019, 10am - 5pm. 

Best Wishes, 

Lesley Seeger

© 2019

Wednesday, 27 March 2019



19th MARCH 2019

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
David Banks (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman and Philip Barraclough.  Richard Kershaw had tendered his resignation.  He also welcomed one member of the public.

2.         Approval of Minutes
a)  Minutes of the January meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Matters Arising
a)  30 mph speed limit
David is to meet with an engineer from NYCC Highways for a site inspection and discussion of options.  David will notify Councillors when a date has been arranged.
b)  Monitoring of PRoW
David has not yet had an opportunity to discuss necessary work with Richard Wainwright or other land managers.  Rona presented a schedule of the works identified by volunteer surveyors.
c)  Tree inspections
Jem outlined the range of approaches to tree safety taken by some other Councils.  Andy and David will contact David Bayes and Cundalls tree surgeons respectively to obtain quotes for inspections and reports.

d)  Low Lane End
Concerns were again expressed regarding the use of the junction by heavy vehicles for turning resuming once current construction work has been completed.  Jem will write to Highways England to ask what is planned for the piece of ground at present being used as a compound at the completion of the current cycleway construction project.
e) War memorial
David has yet to visit memorials in Hull to ascertain whether Mark Armstrong is commemorated there, 
f)   Retrospective charge for storage in the Village Hall
Council decided that it would not be appropriate to make such a payment.  David will write to the Village Hall treasurer accordingly.

4.         New Matters
            a)   Appointment of new Clerk
No expressions of interest had been forthcoming.  Jem will contact adjacent Councils and Ryedale DC community officer to seek any assistance.  From April 2019 David will take on the responsibilities until a Clerk can be appointed.  Jem will inform HMRC that the Council has no employee from 1st April.
b)  Crime survey – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
David will complete and submit a response to the questionnaire.
c)  YLCA course briefing
Jem outlined the main points listing the legal duties, responsibilities and powers of a Council.  It was agreed that the current pragmatic approach to Council business remains appropriate.
d)  Malton Town Council as statutory consultee for York Rd Ind Estate
Jem will write Ryedale DC to seek clarification why one Council is considered to be a statutory consultee for applications in a neighbouring parish.
e)  Parish portal
Jem briefly explained the facility for reporting highways defects.  Jem will set up access to the system for Simon who will take on responsibility.
f)   A64 cycle/foot-path
The current construction of a footpath/cycleway was welcomed though with some reservations about the lack of separation of pedestrians and cyclists from fast moving vehicles.
g)  Parish footpath map
It was agreed that provision of a simple map showing public rights of way would be beneficial and could be funded by the Council.  David will investigate possible options and likely costs.
h)  Community First Yorkshire members survey
David will respond as appropriate
i)   Litter at Station car-park
Concern was expressed that there have been indications of drugs use.  Philip will contact the police to alert them.  Andy will discuss the possible siting and maintenance of a litter bin at the location.
j)   Proposed closure order – Seven Street
No action required.
k)  May Elections
Jem outlined some of the processes and suggested Councillors seek volunteers as candidates.  Jem will post notices announcing the new vacancy.

5.         Planning
a)  Business Units at York Rd. Enterprise Park (18/01317/MFUL)
Had been approved
b)  Hydramotion (19/00058/FUL & 19/00059/ADV)
Awaiting determination
c)  Units at York Road – mezzanine floor (19/00093/73)
Had been approved
d)  Barn House, High Gaterley (19/00143/HOUSE)
Awaiting determination

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
The report to 28th February was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.  Jem pointed out that it was still likely that funds would be available for other worthwhile works.  It was agreed that road sweeping, particularly Barneygate Lane around Orchard corner, Low Lane from  Netherby Lane to Mynchon & Bardolph drive and from the Village Hall to Low Hutton Park, would be worthwhile.  David will ask Richard Wainwright if he would be able to undertake this on contract.
             b)    End of year accounts and audit
Jem will undertake these duties.

7.         Any Other Business

9.         Date of Next meetings
Wednesday 15th May 2019 for both the Annual and PC meetings and, provisionally, Tuesday 9th of July 2019 at 7.30pm.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council


Date: …………………………….

© 2019

Friday, 22 March 2019




There is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor as a result of the resignation of Richard Kershaw.
If you might be interested in standing please contact one of the Councillors (Andy Dorman, David Banks, Philip Barraclough or Simon Lealman) or the Clerk (Jem Charles).

© 2019

Monday, 11 March 2019


A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take place in the Village Hall
on Tuesday, 19th March 2019 at 7.30. 

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1          Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

2          Approval of Minutes of meeting on 15th January

3          Matters arising:
a)    30 mph speed limit
b)    Monitoring of PRoW
c)    Tree inspections
d)    Low Lane End
e)    War memorial/Mark Armstrong
f)     Retrospective charge for storage of filing cabinet 

4          New matters:
a)      Appointment of new Clerk
b)      Crime survey – Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
c)      YLCA course briefing
d)      Malton Town Council as statutory consultee for York Rd Ind. Estate
e)      Parish portal
f)       A64 cycle/foot-path
g)      Parish footpath map
h)      Community First Yorkshire survey
i)       Litter in Station “car park”
j)       Proposed closure order – Seven Street
k)      May elections 

5          Planning:
a)    Business Units at York Rd. Enterprise Park (18/01317/MFUL)
b)    Hydramotion (19/00058/FUL & 19/00059/ADV)
c)    Units at York Road – mezzanine floor (19/00093/73)
d)    Barn House, High Gaterley (19/00143/HOUSE) 

6          Finance:
a)    Budget progress to 28th February 2019
b)    End of year accounts and audit 

7          Any Other Business 

8          Date of next Meeting

  Provisionally 15th May

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2019

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Dates for Your Diary - March 2019

Huttons Ambo Youth Club

The next get-together will take place on Monday 11th March between 7pm and 830pm in the Village Hall.

The club is run by a paid youth worker with the aid of volunteers.

The cost is £2.50 per child and includes activities, games and refreshments.

Book Club

The next meeting is on the 27th March 2019 at 11am at Jo's house. The book is Last Orders by Graham Swift

© 2019

Monday, 4 March 2019

Minutes of Huttons Ambo Parish History Group - Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Huttons Ambo Parish History Group meeting held on Thursday 28TH February 2019
Present at meeting
Philip Barraclough (PB), Pam Taylor (PT), Rona Charles(RC), Diane Savage (DS) Andy Doorman (AD), Graham Milner (GM), Carol Haig (CH), David Green (DG)
1. Apologies for Absence
Denise Doggett(DD), Ann Sanders and Alan Sanders
2. Action Report
RC reported that was still trying to obtain large scale mapping of the parish. This map was to be used to replace the hand annotated map held by Joyce Parker. AD stated that he was trying to obtain copies of large scale maps of the parish dating from the 19th Century. Unfortunately Malton library have lost one of the maps – but AD said he would pursue the matter. DG stated that he had a number of large scale maps dating from the 1960s. RC said that during her attempts to obtain maps from the County Council she had come across the fact that council holds a record on the archaeology etc of each parish and that she would try obtain details of the contents.
The meeting agreed that it would be of great value to hold maps of these three periods. However it was pointed out by PB that holding current property details would come within the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR).
PB reported that he had started writing a history of the village.
PB requested that members send him a list and brief description of any documents that the group hold on the history of the village.
3. The Exhibition
PB stated that in discussion with DD suggested that the Exhibition should be a one day event associated with a tea, coffee and cakes, which would hopefully attract more of the village than if it was just an exhibition. The meeting approved this and PB stated he would circulate some suggested dates.
4. PB reported that he had attended a course in London on oral history. One of the main issues tackled on the course apart conducting an interview was GDRP and the importance of obtaining written permission from the subject to obtain a recording and then how it would be used.
After considerable discussion it was decided that PB would interview DS, GM and if possible Clive Milson as a first step.
GM will investigate if his company has specialist recording equipment.

5. Goals for 2019.
Oral Histories
History walks
Archaeological Dig
First draft of village history
5. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is on Thursday 4th April in the Village Hall at 7pm.

© 2018