1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
David Banks (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Richard
Kershaw and Simon Lealman and Philip Barraclough. Andy Dorman had sent apologies. He also welcomed one member of the public.
2. Approval
of Minutes
Minutes of the November meeting were approved and
signed as being a true record.
3. Matters Arising
a) 30 mph speed limit
David has not progressed
this item
b) Monitoring of PRoW
David had
re-considered and explained that he felt a written approach to landowners and
managers would not be appropriate. He
suggested a verbal approach would be preferable and this was agreed. David will discuss with Richard
Wainwright, and others as appropriate, minor works that would be desirable and
the Council’s willingness to assist practically or financially.
c) Tree inspections
Jem had obtained two
quotations from professionally qualified companies. It was agreed that these were excessive in
relation to Parish funding. Jem
will seek advice from NYCC and RDC, as well as Community First
Yorkshire, as to how other small Councils meet this obligation.
d) Low Lane End
It was generally
agreed that the new barriers and posts erected by Highways England (HE) should
reduce the number of HGVs using the land adjacent to the junction as a turning
bay. Simon reported that he had witnessed
vehicles using the field gateway as a turning point and causing obstruction to
the highway since the alterations. Jem
will write to HE to ask whether there is anything that could be put in
place to discourage such use.
e) Other village maintenance
Graham Milner was
thanked for arranging for the beck by the Swing Bridge to be cleared. He will finish clearing the culvert mouth
manually. Jem has asked Mark Wilson to
clear the footpath between High and Low Hutton.
f) War memorial
David has yet to
visit memorials in Hull to ascertain whether Mark Armstrong is commemorated
there, Philip also has yet to research
the War Memorials Register.
g) Green in front of Derwent Avenue
David had met with
the Yorkshire Housing Association site manager and the resulting re-instatement
was considered acceptable. The YHA will
monitor recovery of the grass sward and carry out any necessary work.
4. New
Vehicle speed
enforcement on York Road
Jem reported that the Council has been informed
that speed detector vans will be positioned here from time to time.
5. Planning
a) Extension
at No.3 Station Cottages
Revised plans had been submitted. Parish Council had supported approval.
b) Old Methodist Chapel
Application withdrawn
c) Business Units at York Rd. Enterprise
Jem had submitted
Council’s objection. The applicant had
written to say that the architect will try to address the issues raised.
6. Finance
a) Budget progress
report to 31st December was considered to show that the position was
satisfactory. Jem pointed out that it
was still likely that funds would be available for other worthwhile works.
reported that the Village Hall treasurer had requested payment for use of the
Hall store cupboard for the PC filing cabinet.
This was agreed. Jem will liaise about invoicing
and payment.
was agreed that road sweeping, particularly Barneygate Lane around Orchard
corner, Low Lane from Netherby Lane to
Mynchon & Bardolph drive and from the Village Hall to Low Hutton Park,
would be worthwhile. David will ask Richard
Wainwright if he would be able to undertake this on contract.
Precept and Budget
The draft budget was accepted.
7. Any Other Business
a It
was agreed that membership of Community First Yorkshire should be renewed.
9. Date of Next meetings
Tuesday 19th March 2019 and,
provisionally, Wednesday 15th of May 2019 at 7.30pm.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
© 2018