Saturday, 9 December 2017


1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman and David Banks and Clerk, Jem Charles.  He also welcomed Cllr. Caroline Goodrick (NYCC).  No members of the public attended.  Cllr. Simon Lealman was detained but joined the meeting during discussion of Item 3d.

2.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the October meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

3.         Matters Arising
a)  Councillor vacancy
Jem reported that there had been no requests that an election be held and that notices had been posted asking for anyone interested to contact the Council.  No Councillor, nor the Clerk, has been contacted, so Richard asked all Councillors to raise the subject with anyone they feel might be interested.
b)  Community Emergency Plan 
It was agreed that a brief plan might be of benefit.  Richard will begin preparation making use of templates supplied by Grace Lawes (NYCC).
c)  A64 junctions – maintenance responsibilities
Richard presented copies of road plans supplied by NYCC Highways depicting the limit of maintenance responsibility as they understand.  Caroline Goodrick undertook to raise the issue, and to seek agreement between Highways England and NYCC Highways at the next Ryedale Area Committee meeting on 11th December.
d)  Mobile Post Office
Jem reported that the van was to be equipped with a new system which should make it better able to cope without a usable broadband connection.  The Post Office is also trying to set up a meeting, on site, with engineers from Openreach and TalkTalk as well as themselves and Jem.
e)  A64 pedestrian safety
Richard said that the report drawn up by the Action Group has been submitted to Highways England who have stated that it will be considered.  They will not begin to look at the issues until reports from the police and coroner have been received.
f)   Village maintenance
Jem has asked Mark to clear the pavement and gutter along Back Lane between the Low and High villages.
g)  Freedom of Information – Model Publication Scheme
Richard said that a publications scheme was a legal requirement.  He will start work drafting a scheme and forward it to Jem to review.
h)  Leader Grant
Richard has established that funding for broadband is not available.

4.         New Matters
a) War memorial
A request for cleaning has been received.  Councillors will inspect and consider the most appropriate means of returning the monument to an appropriate condition.
A suggestion has also been made that thought should be given to marking the centenary of the end of the Great War in 2018.  This was considered worthy of support but it might be organised by others rather than the Parish Council.
b)  Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan
A consultation paper has been received.  General dissatisfaction was felt that the Parish Council had not been involved, despite previous discussions and agreement.  Jem will draft a response for consideration by Councillors.

c)  Ryedale Local Plan
It was noted that no extension of the York Road Industrial Estate was proposed.  Councillors will study the Plan and let Jem have any comments by 14th December.
d)  Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
Central Government funding for IT equipment to enable Councils to comply with legislation will come to an end in March 2018.  Jem explained that he was happy to continue to use his own computer but that any future clerk may not be able or willing to do so.  Jem will investigate the funding available and prepare an application.
e)  Ryedale Action Yorkshire
The Council will renew subscription.  Jem will arrange the necessary payment.

5.         Planning
a)  Hydramotion
Revised plans have been submitted but the Council has yet to be consulted.  Jem will ascertain the current position.
b)  Unit 6 Malton Enterprise Park

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
            The report to 31st October was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.
b)  Precept
It was agreed that the precept should remain unchanged for 2017/18.  David will look at the implications of new data protection regulations.

7.         Any Other Business
            No matters raised

8.         Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 30th January 2018 and, provisionally, 27th of March at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2017

Friday, 8 December 2017

Father Christmas to visit Meeting Point?

Meeting Point 9th December

Meeting Point with Roast Turkey from 12 noon this Saturday in the Village Hall.

And Father Christmas paying a visit around 1.30pm, it is rumoured!!!

Accompanied Carols too!

© 2017

Tuesday, 5 December 2017


The Parish Council has received notice of a revised application for alterations at Hydramotion on Seven Street, York Road Industrial Estate.  Comments have been requested by Ryedale District Council by the 19th of December 2017.

The application can be inspected at Ryedale House or at by entering the application number.

If you have any comment please submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

© 2017