Wednesday, 22 March 2017



ON 14th MARCH 2017

1.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. David Banks, Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present.  2 members of the public attended.
2.         Minutes of the January PC meeting
These were approved and signed as being a true record

3.         Matters Arising
a)  Back Lane gulleys & soakaways
The work has been completed very satisfactorily.
b)  Pavement clearance along Back Lane
This has been done to a very high standard.  Jem will thank the contractor.
c) A64 road junctions
The problem about denial of responsibility by both authorities has not yet been reported to Kevin Hollinrake and Clare Woods.  Richard will write to both soon.
d)  Swing Bridge maintenance
Work is progressing well and communications between the Council and the engineer has ensured that the community has been kept informed.
e)  Pothole at The Rise
Simon has ascertained that much of the pothole is in the public highway.  Richard will write to the parishioner who raised the matter confirming that NYCC Highways will be asked to carry out a repair.
Councillors reported a number of other potholes which meet the criteria for NYCC to take action.  Jem will write to NYCC Area 4 listing those requiring attention.

4.         New Matters
a)  NYCC Public Rights of Way consultation
It was agreed that the methodology proposed for targeting maintenance towards the higher priority routes was appropriate.  There was concern that some paths in, or close by, the Parish might be attributed lower priority than was merited.  Jem will write indicating acceptance of the approach and welcoming the intention to consult Parish Councils about priority allocation for each RoW or section.
b) Mobile Post Office
A number of people had reported that the van has, on a number of occasions, found it impossible to connect to the internet using the box installed for the purpose.  This was considered to be a serious concern but not a matter over which the Council has any direct influence.  Jem will write to The Post Office and BT expressing strong dissatisfaction and demanding that they resolve the problem.  Jem will also write to Kevin Hollinrake alerting him to the issue and seeking his support in ensuring the return of a satisfactory service.

5.         Planning
a)  Hydramotion
Still awaiting determination.
b)  Barn West of Village Green
Awaiting determination.

6.         Finance
a)  Budget progress
            The report to 28th February was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.  Funds are available within the current budget for additional village maintenance.  Savings, particularly arising from problems with the grass cutting early in the season, have resulted in a modest surplus.
b)  Budget
The budget for FY2017/18 proposed by Jem was approved.

7.         Any Other Business
a)  Rubbish in pull-in at Low Lane End
Several Councillors commented that the amount of rubbish accumulating was unacceptable.  Jem will write to Ryedale District Council to ask if they will be able to remove it.
b) Road names
Simon reported that the names used for electoral and other purposes have been assigned and adopted by Ryedale DC, sometimes inappropriately, over a considerable period.  They are held in the Local Land and Property Register.  It is expected that corrections will be made over the next few years but the PC will seek to bring this forward and suggest appropriate names where necessary.

9.         Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 16th May in the Village Hall following the Annual Meeting and, provisionally, 11th of July 2017 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2017

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Your New Village Hall

After extensive refurbishment, work on the village hall is now complete (except for minor issues) and I have to tell you that it looks pretty darn good.

The interior walls were ripped out, reframed, insulated and then plasterboarded with new wood panelling, so the interior has remained true to the original but is smart, clean and modern.

A new storeroom has been built as an extension to the main hall:

The dingy old kitchen has been ripped out and rebuilt, it's clean, fresh and light:

Last but not least the toilets have been elevated to a new plane with tiles, new colour schemes and electric hand-dryers:

Finally, new storage heaters. You need to know that these are locked down to a preset temperature at the moment.

The new hall is a credit to everyone who conceived it, worked on it and fund-raised for it.

Look after it please.

© 2017

Wednesday, 8 March 2017



A  Meeting  of  Huttons  Ambo  Parish  Council
will  take  place  in  the  Village Hall
on  Tuesday,  14th March 2017
at  7.30 pm.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1 Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

2 Approval of Minutes

3 Matters Arising:
a) Back lane gulleys and soakaways
b) Pavement clearance along Back Lane
c) A64 road junctions
d) Swing Bridge maintenance
e) Pothole at The Rise

4 New matters
a) NYCC Public Rights of Way consultation
b) Mobile Post Office

5 Planning:
a) Hydramotion
b) Barn West of Village Green

6 Finance:
a) Budget progress to 28th February
b) 2017/18 Budget

7 Any Other Business

8 Date of next Meeting
Provisionally 16th May 2017 at 7.30pm

© 2017