Thursday, 24 November 2016



1. Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies

Richard Green (Chairman) and Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were present along with one member of the public.  Apologies had been received from Cllr. David Banks

2. Minutes of the July PC meeting

These were approved and signed as being a true record

3. Matters Arising

a) Broadband flier
David had reported that he’d held off drafting a flier because of current developments in a possible wireless service from Beeline.
b) Back Lane gulleys & soakaways
The work promised has yet to be carried out though the contractor has, apparently, been instructed.  Richard will write to James Malcolm at Highways, North Yorkshire to try to ascertain when it might be completed so that consideration can be given to the possibility of some interim work by volunteers.
c) Pavement edges in Low Hutton
Simon and Andy had completed the section from the ‘phone box to The Redings.  Simon suggested that another section would benefit from similar attention.  Simon will undertake this if other(s) volunteer to assist.
d) Condition of pavement surfaces
These have been inspected by NYCC but no feedback has been received.  Jem will write to ascertain whether any work is planned.
e) Potholes in Low Lane
Simon has assessed these and concluded that, at that time, they did not quite meet the criteria for emergency repair.  A watching brief will be kept on these, and other, potholes so that NYCC can be alerted to any that require, and qualify for, attention.
f) Road names
No further work has been carried out on possible rationalisation.

4. New Matters

a) Beeline broadband
Richard presented a detailed summary of the work that has been carried out by the Council in terms of meetings, correspondence and discussions with providers.  He outlined the current position with phase III of the Superfast North Yorkshire project and the other, wireless, options that may become available, as well as the consideration of a community funded option which was not felt realistic.  He also explained how efforts had been made to keep the community informed through articles in the Village Bulletin and the Howardian and the preparation of minutes of meetings which have been published on notice boards and the village website.
He concluded by saying that there was very little further that the Council could reasonably do and suggested that individuals who were dissatisfied with the broadband they have might liaise one with another to put together a co-ordinated case.
It was agreed that the David and Richard will now go ahead and draft the flier noted above.
b) Low Hutton phonebox
It had been reported in the press that BT are proposing to close and remove this phonebox, along with many others nationally, and had entered into consultation.  The Council had received no notification.  Jem will contact BT to find out the position.
c) Minerals & Waste Joint Plan
A further consultation on the adoption of this Plan is underway but the terms are restricted to legal matters.  The Council did not consider further representation appropriate.

5. Planning

a) Cherry Farm
b) Hydramotion
Awaiting determination.

7. Finance

a) Budget progress
The report to 31st October was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.
b) Parish Precept for 2017/18
Income from the precept and associated grants has remained at the current level since 2013/14.   It was agreed that an increase of 1.8% should be made, equivalent to an annual increase since 2013/14 of 0.5%, to take the precept from £2750 to £2800.

8. Any Other Business

a) Bus service 181
A revised timetable has been introduced and copies posted in bus shelters. 

9. Date of Next meeting(s)

Tuesday17th January at 7.30 at Dalton House and, provisionally, 14th of March 2017 at 7.30.  Venue to be announced depending on availability of the Village Hall once the refurbishment plan has been put into place.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2016

Thursday, 10 November 2016


A Meeting of Huttons Ambo Parish Council
will take place in the Village Hall
on Tuesday, 15th November 2016
at 7.30 pm.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1  Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

2  Approval of Minutes

3  Matters Arising:
 a)      Broadband flier
 b)      Back lane gulleys and soakaways      
 c)      Grass cutting      
 d)      Pavement edges in Low Hutton      
 e)      Condition of pavements – High & Low Hutton     
 f)       Potholes on Low Lane     
 g)      Road names

4   New matters

a)      Beeline broadband     
b)      Low Hutton phonebox      
c)      Minerals & Waste Joint Plan

5   Planning:

 a)      Cherry Farm     
 b)      Hydramotion

6  Finance:     

 a)    Budget progress to 31st October      
 b)    Parish precept

7        Any Other Business


8        Date of next Meeting

          Provisionally 17th January 2016 at 7.30pm 

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2016

Monday, 7 November 2016

Jack & The Beanstalk – Huttons Ambo Village Hall.

Jack & The Beanstalk – Huttons Ambo Village Hal

On Wednesday 14th December 6pm Rural Arts & Pocket Panto present a professional, small but perfectly formed family panto for one night only. Running time approx. 1.5 hours. Tickets £6 adults and £4 children (16 & under.)

Light refreshments available. or from Liz 01653 699769.

Tickets limited and 25% gone already.

© 2016

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Meeting Point Update

Meeting Point Update

 The Meeting Point on October 1st was – as usual a lovely occasion with great food and opportunities to catch up and spend time with others. The next Meeting Point will be November 5th and after that dates as to be decided after the hall refurbishment is complete.

One of the original founders is stepping down and everyone would like to say a huge thank-you to Sara Swindells for all her work and input into making the Meeting Point – the much valued event that it has become – also for amazingly good quiche and cake.

The team intend to continue with the Meeting Point but as you can appreciate it’s a huge commitment of time and energy to prepare for and deliver the event so we are appealing for some help.

We are looking for anyone who can bake (all costs covered), wash up, help setup/clear up or wash up – either regularly or on an ad hoc basis.

Volunteer bakers and washers up please contact Sarah Clark  or Alison Dobie in person, or text 07737785178

© 2016

The Village Hall Refurbishment - Update

The Village Hall Refurbishment


The new purpose-built storage room build will happen in November and take around 2 weeks. During this time the hall will remain in use.

The main refurbishment work will start in January and is planned to take around 4 weeks. During this time the hall will be out of use and the site will be closed to the public.

The plan is to store all equipment and furniture which we are going to retain in the new store room and the 2 existing sheds on site during the refurbishment. All other equipment and furniture that we may deem as obsolete or not needed shall be disposed.

If you have items in the hall they will need to be removed or Andy Dorman, who is coordinating the removal/storage process, should be advised so he can make arrangements.

IMPORTANT Items not identified, claimed or removed by December 14th may be disposed of either through sale, tip or donation.

The skip, material storage and welfare facilities will be sited behind the hall and vehicular access to them will be via the paddock as required but managed by the estate office and the onsite project manager.

Inevitably there may be a little more traffic for deliveries, more people around and potentially noise during the periods of work but we do hope you will be understanding and thank you for your patience. 

For further information regarding the refurbishment logistics and works, contact Andy Dorman 01653 694412.  (hall clearance ) or  Michael Leighton (construction)

Colours and Décor – we are now planning the décor and colour schemes for the hall post refurbishment and some options will be on view at Herbies in the coming weeks. If you wish to support one scheme over the other or have comments or opinions then please make your views known – 01653 699769 by December 1st.

Obviously it will be impossible to please everyone but we would welcome feedback before the final decisions are made. Thanks

Cleaner – the hall will also need a cleaner – weekly or bi-monthly – hours to suit from Feb 2017. Contact Liz 01653 699769 if interested and if you know anyone who might be interested.

Liz Ellis

© 2016

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Huttons Ambo Good Neighbours Scheme Closing Down

Huttons Ambo Good Neighbours Scheme

It is with mixed feeling that the Good Neighbours Scheme Committee has decided to close down the scheme. We have been operational for a year and had no calls to the helpline. This does however show that we have amazing support networks within the village and people help each other informally all the time.

We hope that everyone in the village knows someone they can call on locally if they need help and if not then please make this known at the Meeting Point and we can make sure you have someone who would be ready to help if needed.

© 2016

Huttons Ambo Youth Club

Vince is bringing some engines to take apart and learn about – so it will be a hand on sessions plus the usual crafts, activities, squash/jammie dodgers and running about !!

Further updates with dates for 2017 season will appear in future Bulletins and if you are a YC member or parent then you will receive an email update.

© 2016

Meeting Point - November 2016

Meeting Point in the Village Hall, Saturday November 5th 12 until 2

Light lunches of homemade soup, sandwiches, paninis and CAKES. Come and enjoy the opportunity for a lovely lunch and some great company

© 2016

St Margaret's Church - Church Services

St Margaret's Church - Church Services 

Sunday 6th November 11am, Morning Prayer -Simon Jackson
Sunday November 20th 11am, Holy Communion – The Rector
Sunday December 4th 11am, Advent carols – Juliet Bleasdale

Taize Meeting at All Saints Terrington on Tuesday November 15th 7.30pm.
For further details contact Michael Sessions

© 2016