14th JANUARY 2016
1. Welcome,
Councillors present & Apologies
Cllrs. David Banks, Andy Dorman (Chair),
Richard Green, Jessie Garnett and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles were
present. Rona Charles was present for
Item 3e and Mr S Harrison for Item 5a.
2. Minutes of the November meeting were
approved and signed as being a true record.
3. Matters Arising
a) Copper beech
Andy & Jem have inspected the tree since
leaf fall and are confident that they can carry out the necessary work.
b) Superfast Broadband
A number of households have signed up with
Boundless Communications but efforts to contact the company to organise the proposed
meeting/demonstration have, so far, been fruitless.
c) Good
Neighbours scheme
The organising group will prepare a draft booklet
for volunteer helpers, including details of how the “duty” volunteer might be
contacted. It was recognised that the
scheme should tap in to existing informal community help whenever appropriate
rather than risking duplication.
d) Joint Minerals & Waste Plan
The methodology used, and the conclusions
regarding preferred sites, are considered sound except in relation to
unconventional hydrocarbons (fracking).
The section dealing with fracking was felt to be inconsistent with the
major part of the draft Plan, and so lacking in detail that worthwhile comment
was not possible. Jem will reply to NYCC accordingly.
e) Kirkham Weir & Sluice engagement group
Rona asked whether there were any particular
points or concerns that she should take to the first meeting, due later in
January. The Council did not feel in a
position to comment until the anticipated paper outlining options was made
available. Rona will consult with
riparian owners and the community at large.
f) Finger
Financial assistance for repair of the
damaged signpost has been offered by the AONB.
In addition they have indicated that they will assist in refurbishment
or replacement of village entry signs in the traditional style. It was agreed that the Parish will make a
contribution for both the finger post and the village signs. Jem
will write to the AONB officer, with thanks, confirming the
4. New Matters
a) Grass cutting & Village Maintenance
Andy had acquired 2 quotes. After consideration it was agreed to offer
the contract to Mr Claringbould. Jem will write to him making the
offer and with further details.
b) Changes to Supported Bus Services
Andy described the changes to be implemented
from April 2016 as a result of reduced subsidy.
It was agreed that the Village was fortunate that a subsidised service
is to be maintained.
5. Planning
a) Land at Cherry Farm
Andy invited Mr Harrison (the applicant) to
present his response to the Council’s objection to the proposed
development. Mr Harrison explained his proposed
modifications to accommodate the Council’s views and outlined plans for further
stages of the development on the site.
It was agreed that these, in particular the toning down of the finish to
the aluminium cladding, might be sufficient to overcome the Council’s
objection. A revised application will be
submitted to RDC and Mr Harrison will also, informally, consult with the Parish
Council at the same time.
6. Finance
a) Budget Progress
Jem presented
income/expenditure data to date and the position is satisfactory.
b) Budget 2016/17
Jem presented a
draft and this was agreed.
c) Precept
The balance
expected to be carried forward was considered reasonable and stable so the
precept will remain at £2750.
d) Changes to the external Audit Regime
From FY17/18 there
will no longer be a requirement for a routine external audit and the Audit
Commission will no longer nominate that auditor. A new Sector Led Body (SLB) will appoint an
auditor, if required as a result of a challenge to the annual accounts, unless
the Council chooses, by April 2016, to do so itself. The Council will accept the
auditor appointed by the SLB.
7. Any Other Business
a) Mud on roads
Andy will ask RDC if they will send a road sweeper to clean some very bad stretches or
road from Barneygate Lane to Low Lane End.
b) Footpath in front of manor
Grass has
encroached so that it is no longer of sufficient width for a child’s
push-chair/buggy. Andy will
discuss with Bob Mansell to determine whether he, or the new village
maintenance contractor, will cut back the edges.
c) Blocked Drain at Barneygate Lane End
The culvert has,
again, become blocked resulting in a large, persistent, puddle and a potential
safety hazard. Jem will contact
Highways England to request that this is cleared.
8. Date of Next meeting(s)
22nd March
at 7.30 and, provisionally, 18th of May 2016 at 7.30.
Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council
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