Saturday, 22 August 2015

Church Wild Flower Meadow.

Church Wild Flower Meadow.

Many thanks to those who supported the ‘big grass rake up’. Lindsay Whitfield came on Wednesday; Sue Hide and Peter Ferguson on Thursday; Dudley Taylor, Joe Nesbitt and Steven Dunning on Saturday with a mystery raker on Friday (?). The bonfire is smouldering away but may make take time to consume everything because the grass is quite wet. Generally we think there was less grass this year which probably shows the wisdom of regular raking. Anyway thank you all.

Rosa and Murray Naylor.

© 2015

Thursday, 20 August 2015

My sponsored bike ride from Dalby Forest via Whitby to Scarborough - by Joseph Banks

My sponsored bike ride from Dalby Forest via Whitby to Scarborough

My Dad and I set out on a 70-mile bike ride to raise money for the village defibrillator fund this week.

We started out from Dalby Forest and the ride took us through Dalby Forest, Langdale Forest and over the Moors.

We stopped near the Illa Cross (a standing stone which might be an ancient stone cross or a more recent boundary marker) for our lunch.

The moors looked spectacular as the heather is in bloom at the moment. It was hard work cycling over all the hills on the moors and the tracks were pretty rough.

Once we were over the moors we headed to Hawsker where we joined the coastal cycle path which used to be a railway line built there in 1855.

We stayed in Whitby overnight. I was very tired and after something to eat I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

We woke up the next morning to a cold, rainy day. What a contrast from the day before!
After a good breakfast we set off on day two. We headed out of Whitby to Robin Hood’s Bay. There were some great views of the sea looking dramatic from our cycle path.

After Robin Hood’s Bay we climbed slowly up to Ravenscar. This is where the weather was worst because the wind blew the rain off the sea horizontally.

Fortunately after that it was a long descend down to Scarborough. By the end of the trail we were wet, tired but happy to have finished.

We would like to thank everyone who sponsored us to do the ride. Once we have collected the donations we will let everyone know how much we raised.

Joseph Banks, age 12

© 2015

'Man Banned' debuts at 2015 Produce Show Party

At the 2015 Produce Show 'post show party' four of our very own home grown musical talent combined to entertain and amuse a rapt, appreciative and very supportive audience.

'Man Banned' has further appearances planned in the coming months including support act at The Village Christmas Dinner Dance November 28th

© 2015


The Council has received a notice of an application for the formation of an all-weather outdoor equestrian training area at Low Farm Cottage.  Comments have been requested by 10th of September 2015.

The application can be inspected at Ryedale House or at by entering the application number.

If you have any comment please submit them directly to Ryedale District Council or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

© 2015

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Produce Show 2015 - Pictures

The 61st Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Show took place in the Village Hall on Saturday 15th August

There were 356 entries – a fantastic effort from our village of only 130 households.
34 adult entrants showed 322 entries and 11 under 16s showed 34 entries.

 As usual there was a great array of fruit and veg – large marrows and amusingly shaped vegetables.
Despite the poor weather in show week the flower section looked a picture and our ‘flower arrangement in an unusual container’ class let our florists be truly inspired.

There were a record  54 entries into the photographic classes and the cup- cakes and paper mache monsters from the under 16s were particularly colourful and imaginative.

Rector Taff Morgan presented the prizes followed by a fantastic tea and post show party.

A great day for the village – thanks to everyone who entered, supported, attended and to the committee and volunteers on the day.

© 2015

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Raking Grass in St Margaret’s Churchyard

St Margaret’s Churchyard

We shall be raking up grass in the Churchyard in High Hutton at the following times this week:

  • Thursday 20th August at 2pm.
  • Saturday 22nd August at 10am.
Any help would be much appreciated. If you can come and give us a hand, we shall be very grateful.

Please bring a rake or fork.

Refreshment provided!

Thank you.

Rosa Naylor.

01653 695008.

© 2015

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Befriending Scheme - Initial Start-Up Meeting - Wed 9th September 7.30pm

Befriending Scheme Initial Start-Up Meeting - Wed 9th September 7.30pm

Anyone interested in being part of this scheme or finding out more then please come along to this session. We hope to set up a network of good neighbours who can help any of our older or more vulnerable residents with simple tasks and support.

A representative from Rural Action Yorkshire who oversee the scheme will be present.

Please contact or 699769 for more information or just come along to the meeting.

© 2015

Youth Club - Initial Start Up Meeting - Thur 20th August 7.30pm

Youth Club Initial Start Up Meeting - Thur 20th August 7.30pm

Anyone interested in being involved with this programme as regular leader (this means only 3 or 4 times a year if that’s all you can manage) – please come along and help us get this off the ground.

A North Yorkshire Youth Rep will be in attendance at this meeting.

Please contact or 699769 for more information or just come along to the meeting.

© 2015

Huttons Ambo Parish Council helps combat alien invaders!

Huttons Ambo Parish Council helps combat alien invaders!

The Chairman and Clerk to Huttons Ambo Parish Council, Andy Dorman and Jem Charles, have enabled one of the worst infestations of Giant Hogweed on the River Derwent to be controlled. By helping the East Yorkshire Rivers Trust’s Derwent Restoration Officer, John Shannon, find and then treat the plants with herbicide, it is hoped that this invader will have been halted in its tracks.

Giant Hogweed is a native of the Caucasus Mountains, introduced into Western Europe in the nineteenth century as a garden plant. It really is a giant, reaching over 3 metres/ten feet in height and doubtless made a very impressive addition to Victorian gardens. (See pictures) Unfortunately it has escaped and in the wild has three major drawbacks: its sap can cause serious skin burns by making it very sensitive to sunlight, its seeds enable it to spread rapidly and its huge leaves smother native plants. The plant has become a serious invader of riversides and canals, damaging the native flora, and stories of burns to people encountering the plant are common every summer.

John Shannon & Giant Hogweed (c)
In Huttons Ambo parish there is a large patch of Giant Hogweed growing next to the River Derwent.  It is down river of the low village and well beyond easy access, which is fortunate as far as public safety is concerned, but has enabled the colony to spread apparently unnoticed for several years and makes its control difficult.  Enter the Parish Council!  Last month Andy and Jem alerted John and were able to take him to the precise spot by boat, loaned by kind permission of the owner, Richard Hopkinson.  After struggling through dense riverside vegetation, the party reached the first of the offending hogweeds and John got to work with his specialist equipment – a stem injection kit that ensures no weedkiller can reach any other plants or the river itself. 

Treating Giant Hogweed (c)
This would be important on any river, but is particularly vital here where the Derwent is so valuable for nature conservation. This classic lowland river with its diverse flora and fauna is not only a site of Special Scientific Interest (national importance) but also a Special Area of Conservation (European importance).

 A second visit a week later confirmed that most of the injected plants were clearly affected by the herbicide and any that had been missed could be tackled.  Next year the team plans to return to ensure that any new recruits are also killed before they can set seed and infect another stretch of this beautiful river.  John commented  "All credit to yourselves for alerting me to the problem and the partnership working has ensured that this potentially dangerous plant is now on our radar and will be addressed until we eradicate it even if this takes several years."

Giant Hogweed one week after treatment (c)

 Finally, the importance of vigilance by everyone who lives and works in the parish was highlighted when Andy was told of three more Giant Hogweed plants in a remote spot some distance from the river. There was no time to lose, as mature plants are setting seed now, but quick action by the Parish Council meant that within twenty four hours the plants had been injected by John. Another potential colony stopped in its tracks!

Jem Charles

© 2015