Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Huttons Ambo Parish Council Agenda for Zoom Meeting - Tuesday, February 9th 2021 at 7.00pm



Tuesday, February 9th 2021 at 7.00pm

Virtual Meeting Hosted by Zoom

Please Contact Anne Lealman for the meeting passcode

Topic: Huttons Ambo Parish Council Zoom Meeting

Time: Feb 9, 2021 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

NOTE: this link will prompt you to download the Zoom client if you do not already have Zoom installed

Meeting ID: 822 0410 5219


1 Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

2 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 9th December 2020

3 Matters arising:

  1. General state of roads and footpaths

  2. Broadband Update

  3. Siting of proposed information boards, including land ownership

  4. Low Hutton telephone kiosk.

  5. Public Rights of Way and update via email from Rona

4 New Matters:

5 Planning:

6 Finance:

Spend £3168.21 Income £10184.34 Running Balance £7016.13

7 Any Other Business

8 Date of next Meeting


Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2021

Huttons Ambo Parish Council - Minutes of Meeting Held on December 9th 2020



Wednesday, December 9th 2020



  1. Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

Welcome to all, 4 Councilors and Parish Clerk present

2 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 15th September 2020 - approved

3 Matters arising:

  1. 30mph homemade signs – positive comments from parishioners. Karen Gaunt email about comments regarding the recent highways works. Letter sent to Highways asking about the new 50mph speed restrictions, awaiting a response.

Andy has asked RDC for a road sweeper to come to the village to clean the low and high lanes, especially around Minster Hill. Andy to ask if they can sweep the footpath on the high lane whilst in attendance.

  1. Siting of proposed information boards – Andy has spoken to Clare Jenyns. Clare finding out who owns the land, as she isn’t certain who actually owns the land outside Bob’s. Andy to prompt Clare for a response.

  1. Pot holes – High & Low Hutton pot holes have been filled. A pot hole on Water Lane, queries about who owns that piece of the road. Simon to view the pot hole, measure it and report it if it meets the criteria.

  1. Broadband enquiries and my investigations – Simon updated that Openreach are providing more fibre and ports are being installed so all Huttons Ambo can have fast broadband. All works should be finished by March 2021. Andy has spoken to Chris Rawlings from Openreach and is awaiting a response from him on Thursday 10/12/2020. Still ongoing.

  1. Low Hutton telephone kiosk – RDC still in consultation periods. Awaiting for a reply from RDC. Andy to chase RDC for an update.

  1. General state of roads and footpaths – see new matters

  1. Salt Bins have been filled. Spare salt is available if required. Please contact Andy Dorman if they need to be replenished.

4 New Matters:

      1. Footpath Monitoring – missing stile on the footpath at the back of Low Farm towards Barr Farm as well as a stiff gate. Simon to speak to Richard Wainwright and share Rona Charles’s map.

5 Planning:

  1. Planning application no: 20/00967/HOUSE – 5 Wold View – sent in second objection to revised plans to RDC.

  2. Planning application no: 20/01138/HOUSE – Holly Cottage – Check the height of the extension height is it 3m as it looks like on the plans, can Ellie Thompson please confirm. Height concerns, effects of light along all Carr cottages. Window giving obtrusive views down the street. Review and send back comments to Anne.

6 Finance:

Parish Precept 20/21 – amount to be requested same as previous years £2800

Balance on account - £7506.58 with £500 expenses approved

7 Any Other Business

Moving Parish meetings to web based for 2021 until Covid 19 is under control –

Delay a firm decision until the tier situation is known in 2021. Not against going virtual, but feel that this could exclude the parish attending if not able or have connection to the internet, but the same can be said for meeting in person as this excludes the parish from attending due the maximum of 6 people in tier 2.

New laptop for clerk due to slowness and storage issues – Yes, spend approved.

8 Date of next Meeting

Wednesday 10th February 2021 at 7pm


Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

Huttons Ambo Parish Council **Online Meeting** - Tuesday 9th February, 7pm - Zoom Meeting

 Huttons Ambo Parish Council will be holding an on-line meeting via Zoom on

 Tuesday 9th February, 7pm

Parishoners are welcome to attend

Please use the following link to attend:


Meeting ID: 822 0410 5219

Please contact Anne Lealman for the meeting passcode

Zoom PC meeting on Tuesday 9th February at 7pm


© 2021