Friday, 8 October 2021

Huttons Ambo Parish Council Minutes - AGM - Wednesday, September 8th 2021




Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Wednesday, September 8th 2021 at 7.30pm






1     Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

a.    Present: Andy Dorman, Simon Lealman, Philip Barraclough

b.    Apologies: Emma Samuel – although no formal apologies received

c.    Guests: Rona Charles & Graham Milner


2     Approval of Minutes of meeting on June 2021 – Andy Dorman signed the minutes


3     AGM Update: Andy D –


a.    We managed to meet in various ways during the coronavirus pandemic.


b.    Roads updates, drains cleaned out, no planned reduction in speed on the A64, kerbs and footpath cleaning. Footpaths repaired in Low Hutton.


c.    Trees have been limbed


d.    Grass cutting has been a sucess, and a wildflower patch to be created.


e.    Public footpaths have been monitored and updatedto the PC by locals and Rona.


f.     Planning applications – 5 applications within the village and 2 in the industrial estate


g.    Broadband – openreach has now finished and now fibre is available to homes within the villagers.


h.    Working is ongoing witht he information boards – showing information and history


i.      Telephone Kiosk – new survey started in Noveber 2020. The PC is looking to buy the kiosk to move the Defib to a more central location.


4     Matters arising:


Ø  General state of Hedges and the Village Green (Parking) – Simon

o   Village green – a number of vehicles parking on the green whilst meeting up and going for walks – Councillors discussed parking on the green and parking on the road and the pros and cons of each. Designated parking to be created at the hardcore area opposite the shop. No parking on the green, signs to be ordered in the first instance and revisit if this does not solve the issues. Village Green – No Parking & Parking Area

o   General state of the hedges – areas have grown more this year than others. Hedges are not allowed to be cut until 1st September each year. Richard Wainwright will be cutting the remaining areas after harvest time.


Ø  Wild Flowers/Nature area on Village Green – Andy

o   Not a massive area to start with, small areas in the first instance.

o   Scalp the area to reduce grass growth, then lay over some meadow hay and let the seeds germinate and become wild flower area

o   Sow the areas from September onwards – all PC agreed to progress the wildflower idea. Signs required Wildflower area – no parking. Rona and Jem have kindly agreed to assist with getting the wildflower area up and running over the next couple of years


Ø  Jubilee Year 2022 – Simon

o   Murray Naylor asked the PC for ideas for the celebration. Would the PC be able to fund any parts of the celebrations? Simon and Andy will speak to Murray.


Ø  Mrs Hannah email – Andy

o   Andy spoke to Mrs Hannah, and has investigated many people have adopted/volunteers to look after certain areas in the village that tend to butt up to the public highway. The public footpath is estate land and should be looked after as such. Mrs Hannah was referrred to the Huttons Ambo Estate Office. Bob Mansell has already cut the hedge down the Public Right of Way in that area.


Ø  Gardener Resignation

o   Mark Wilson has resigned with immediate effect. The Parish Council would like to express their thanks for all the work he provided to the village


Ø  New Gardener Recruitment

o   We are awaiting a tender and public liability insurance for Daniel Pickering

o   Concerns raised that the gardener’s child was riding on the cutting machine

o   Anne to speak to Danny to offer support



Ø  Information Boards – all PC’s to bring their write ups in hard copy for the meeting

o   Boards to contain the same information in both High & Low Hutton

o   Professional View – Andy to speak to Sarah Banks

o   Archeology – Philip to generate

o   Boards to be 600mm x 450mm

o   Maps to buy are £85 for the images, Simon to contact NYCC to ask if the data intelligence team are able to support, we would like the footpaths and bridleways coloured in on the map


5     New Matters:

o   The PC Clerk to write to the owners of 5 & 6 Wold View to ask them not to park on the footpath on the blind bend on the public highway

o   The Phone box in High Hutton to be painted Gold – all agreed


6     Planning:

o   Station House – Low Hutton21/01001/HOUSE Objected

o   21/01147/FUL - Approved

o   All councilors are to be included in the response to the Planning Officers

7     Finance:

a.    Banking update – Anne

b.    Precept recieved for £1400 in September

c.    The account balance stands at £8775.32

d.    Money allocated but not yet spent is £622.95 (D Pickering and Clerks Salary)


8     Any Other Business

o   Councillors commented on the last meeting being postponed due to PC number. Andy is contacting Ryedale DC to look at options availabe and ask about reducing the number of councillors and have a new Parish Council constitution


9     Date of next Meeting


Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 7:30pm



Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2021

Friday, 3 September 2021

Huttons Ambo Parish Council AGM AGENDA - September 8th 2021




Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

WednesdaySeptember 8th 2021 at 7.30pm 






  1. Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence 


  1. Approval of Minutes of meeting on June 2021 


  1. AGM Update: Andy D 


  1. Matters arising: 


  • General state of Hedges and the Village Green (Parking) - Simon 

  • Wild Flowers/Nature area on Village Green  Andy 

  • Jubilee Year 2022 – Simon 

  • Mrs Hannah email 

  • Gardener Resignation 

  • New Gardener Recruitment 

  • Information Boards – all PC’s to bring their write ups in hard copy for the meeting 


  1. New Matters: 



  1. Planning: 



  1. Finance: 

  1. Banking update - Anne 


  1. Any Other Business 



  1. Date of next Meeting 





Anne Lealman- Clerk to the Parish Council 

© 2021