Monday, 24 February 2020

Village road safety meeting - March 24th, 7pm-8pm

A number of parishioners have expressed concern about safety on the A64 junctions. Councillors have met with representatives of Highways England to raise our concerns.

We will be holding a public meeting on March 24 to discuss ongoing changes to the roads around Huttons Ambo and their impact on life in the village.

We will look at:

    Safety at both A64 junctions after recent works

    Traffic speed in the village and a petition for a 30mph speed limit

    Other possible traffic calming measures

    The new 50mph limit on the A64 and other safety works being carried out.

It is very important that anyone concerned about these issues attend the meeting so the parish council can hear your views and reflect them in our communications with highways authorities.

The meeting will run from 7pm before our regular parish council meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to raise any issues, you can email Sarah Banks, parish council clerk at, or drop a note in at the Old School.

© 2020

Parish Council Grants

After several years of prudent financial management, the parish council has a modest surplus in its budget and is inviting applications for small grants from community groups.

There are rules on what we can give funding to, but in general we can spend a limited amount on things that will benefit the community, or a section of it.

We would like to receive applications for a particular item, event or activity, rather than general running costs or upkeep. We would also like to hear from anyone who would like to set up a new community group, to see if we could help with that.

All applications will have to be approved by the council at our regular public meetings and will be itemised in our accounts as is our normal practice.

© 2020

Monday, 3 February 2020

History Group - Talk on Pickering Church Murals by Kate Giles - Thursday 6th Feb

History Group - Talk on Pickering Church Murals by Kate Giles - Thursday 6th Feb

7pm in the Village Hall - tea coffee to be provided - all welcome.

© 2019

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Herbies Shop Opening Times

Shop Opening Times 

From Monday 3rd February 2020 

Monday7:45am to 10:30am & 4pm to 6pm
Tuesday7:45am to 10:30am & 4pm to 6pm
Wednesday7:45am to 10:00am & 4pm to 6pm
Thursday7:45am to 10:30am & 4pm to 6pm
Friday7:45am to 10:30am & 4pm to 6pm
Saturday8:30am to 10:30am & 4pm to 6pm
Sunday8:30am to 10:30am

These are the opening times for the foreseeable future. If you have any ideas on changes to these, please let us know.
Simon, Anne & Hazel

© 2020