Friday, 20 July 2018

Huttons Ambo – Flower and Produce Show – August 4th 2018

Don't forget - Huttons Ambo – Flower and Produce Show – August 4th 2018


Download the show information here.

Download your entry form with the list of classes (schedule) here.

Huttons Ambo- Flower and Produce Show 2018
Show Information Sheet
Admission – Adults 50p

Refreshments Available – 4pm – 5pm 
Raffle tickets on sale – on the day – Raffle Draw at the end of presentations

Cups and Trophies
The W. & M. Smith Cup for exhibitors aged under 11 with the most points ( classes 85-92)
The Holtby Cup for exhibitors aged 11-16 with the most points in Open (Classes 1-79)
The Hodgson Cup for the most points in Section A: Fruit and Vegetables (Classes 1- 26)
The F. England Cup for the most points in Section B : Flowers (classes 27-45)
J. Witty Cup for the best flower arrangement (Classes 46-51)
The Roberts Cup for the most points in Sections C and D : Produce and Drinks (classes 52-69)
The Topham Trophy for the most points in Section E: Handicrafts (classes 70-74 )
Cup for the most points in Section F : Photography (classes 75-79)
Cup for the most points in classes 1-51
Cup for the most points in classes 52-79
The Allatt Trophy for the most points in the show
Small prize for the youngest Children’s Class exhibitor

Additional Prizes for Childrens Classes

First Prize 50p

Second prize 20p

Third prize 10p

Special prize for the youngest Children’s Class exhibitor

There are two exhibit class groups: Open Classes and Children’s Classes. Entry to Open Classes is limited to exhibitors living within a 3 mile radius of the village shop, but open to all children 16 or under years of age. 
Separate entry forms are required for each exhibitor.  

Entry forms must be presented with exhibits. More forms are available on request from Committee members and on Show day. 
Entries from individuals only. Joint entries will not be accepted. 

Fee for each show entry: Open Classes 10 pence.  

All children’s (16 and under) entries are FREE.
Exhibits must be entered between 10.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. on Show day, and, except for flower arrangements, handed to stewards on arrival.
Exhibits can not be accepted after 12.30 p.m.
Unless otherwise stated, exhibitors in Flower and Produce Classes must provide their own glasses and jars, etc.

Exhibits must be grown or made by exhibitors unless otherwise stated.
Points awarded to exhibitors aged 11-16 qualify for the Holtby Cup.
Children may collect prize money after 5.00 p.m.
Only one prize per exhibit class per person may qualify for points for cups and trophies. 
Winner of the Allatt Trophy is ineligible for the awards of cups 9 and 10.
Exhibits may not be removed until after Cups and Trophies have been awarded. 
Exhibits will become combined to form raffle prizes during evening event unless removed by the exhibitor. 

Please ensure that you retrieve anything you wish to keep before you leave. 
The Judges’ decisions shall be final. 
The Committee does not hold itself responsible for any loss or damage or for any unclaimed prize money.

© 2018

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Events - July/August 2018

Book Club

 There is no meeting in July.

Next meeting: 29th August 11am
Venue: Jo's, Low Hutton Park
Book: Innocent Blood by P. D. James.

New members are always welcome.

 History Group

The next meeting is on 26th July at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Art Group

 Meeting as usual every Tuesday from 1.30-3.30pm at the village hall. 
New members are always welcome, whatever their experience. Members use a variety of mediums including watercolour, acrylic, pastels and oils.

Produce Show

Saturday 4th August in the Village Hall

Exhibits must be entered between 10am and 1230pm on show day
The show opens at 4pm

This year there will be a plan Swap, Sell or Buy event at the show. We would love to see donations of plants or seeds for swap or sale. We can collect them (contact Denise) or they can be left outside the visit hall on the day.

A full schedule and entry form will be available on the website soon.

© 2018

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Ann Hall Memorial Service - 18th July 2018

There will be a memorial service to commemorate the life of Ann Hall at St Margaret's Church tomorrow (18th July 2018) at 1230, followed by a tea the Village Hall (1300-1500).

© 2018

Monday, 16 July 2018


A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take  place  in  the  Village  Hall
on Tuesday,  24th July 2018 at 7.30.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


2         Approval of Minutes

3        Matters Arising:
a)      Co-option of new Councillor
b)      Suggested speed limit
c)       NYCC Highways Parish Portal workshop
d)      Footpath railing

4        New matters:
a)      Giant hogweed at Crambeck
b)      Public footpath monitoring

5        Planning:     
a)    New house at Musley Bank
b)    2 Club Cottages
c)     Extension to Tofu unit at Malton Enterprise Park
d)    Extension & alteration at High Gaterley Farm
e)    Water production plant at Malton Enterprise Park.

6          Finance:      
a)    Budget progress to 30th June 2018

7        Any Other Business
a)    Crown lifting/reduction to copper beech opposite Herbie’s
b)    Potholes at Low Lane End

8        Date of next Meeting
          Provisionally 11th September 2018 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2018

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Minutes of Huttons Ambo Parish History Group - Thursday 28th June 2018.

Minutes of Huttons Ambo Parish History Group meeting held on Thursday  28th June 2018.
Present at meeting
Philip Barraclough (PB), Rona Charles(RC), Sam Milsom(SM), Diane Savage (DS),  Susan Millward(SuM) Joyce Parker (JP), Ann Sanders (AS) and Alan Sanders (ALS)
1. Apologies for Absence
Andy Doorman (AD) Michael Sessions(MS), Denise Doggett (DD) and Philip Stone (PS)
2. Actions from last meeting
PS stated that he had scanned very few of the documents relating to the history of the village.
MS has made available a list of the plant species on his land which were recorded in April 2017.
AD had not yet had the opportunity to approach the Huttons Ambo estate.
DD had not yet  had the opportunity to investigate possible sources of funding.
3.  Discussion
PB started the meeting by showing the group the Village Book compiled over a number of years by the Women’s Institute.
JP explained the background to the book and stated that it was never intended to be a history of the village. The meeting however recognised the importance of the book as a record. JP stated that the book should have gone into the WI records but that at the time the WI in Huttons Ambo finished the book was allowed to be kept in the village. JP had become the custodian and had made of photocopy for security.
RC showed the group an example of a hand written Minutes Book from the Parish Council which date from the end of the 19th Century.
PB stated that there was a vast amount of material in many different locations and that this needed to be safeguarded for the future.
PB asked the group what they thought the outcome of the Project should be. Was it just  to safeguard the existing records, physically and digitally and make them more accessible or whether it should be taken a stage further and a more formal history of the village be compiled, covering all the areas detailed in the May meeting.
The group was strongly of the opinion that both the preservation of the records and the compilation of a “Village History” were necessary. As a first step all the records should be scanned.
The necessity of finding funding for this work was made clear.
AS stated that it would be an important first step to invest in secure storage for documents, either originals or copies to be housed in the Village Hall.
PB stated that an Exhibition of Photographs illustrating the History of the village should be staged. It was hoped that this would be of interest to the whole village and could generate further documents, records etc. and get more of the village involved in the project. A date in mid-September was suggested.
It was agreed that exhibition should be publicised at the Village Show and a flyer distributed, asking for photographs or any other material with a visual appeal.
This would be the main item for the next meeting which would take place shortly before the Village Show.
PB asked if any of the group knew the Monkman family as he had been told one of the family had written a history of the village some years ago. AS said she might be able to get in contact with them
DS and JP raised the issue of oral history and the importance of this “before it is too late”
4. Action points.
Funding streams (PB/DD)
Contact The Huttons Ambo Estate (AD)
Secure document storage (AS)
Borthwick Institute re Church Records (ALS)
Contact Monkman family (AS)
5. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is on Thursday 26th July 2018, in the Village Hall at 7pm.
© 2018