Thursday, 31 May 2018



22nd MAY 2018

1.         Election of Chairman
Cllr Andy Dorman proposed Cllr David Banks.  This was seconded by both Cllrs Simon Lealman and Richard Kershaw.  David Banks accepted and was therefore duly elected as Chairman.

2.         Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
David Banks (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, Richard Kershaw and Simon Lealman and Clerk, Jem Charles.  He also welcomed two members of the public. 

3.         Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

4.         Matters Arising
a)   30 mph speed limit
David reported that he still had yet to hear from NYCC Highways.  David will write again.
b)  Ineos seismic survey
Council confirmed that, as a consequence of the findings from the community consultation, it should oppose proposals for seismic surveying and possible fracking.  Jem will:
                           i.          Make the summary of responses available on the village website
                          ii.          Inform RDC and NYCC
                        iii.          Identify a forum in which the experience of collecting the views of the community can be shared with other parishes
c)  Frequency of Council meetings
Jem reported that the minimum permissible number of meetings is 4; the annual meeting which must be held in May and 4 others.  HAPC will continue to meet 6 times per annum.

5.         New Matters
            a)   NYCC Highways workshop
A workshop introducing the new Parish Portal is to be held.  Jem will attend and report.
            b)   Vacancy for new Councillor
Jem reported that he had posted notices and that, should there be no requirement for an election, the process of co-option can start on June 5th.

6.         Planning
a) New House at Musley Bank
Awaiting determination.  Jem reported that RDC do not appear averse to the proposal but require further refinement.
b) Detached outbuilding at 2 Club Cottage
A revised scheme has been proposed which the PC supports.
c) New units at Malton Enterprise Park
Comment has been submitted raising no objection.

7.         Finance
a) 2017/18 Audit
                       i.          The Annual Governance Statement for 2017/18 was approved and duly signed.
                     ii.          The Accounting Statements for 2017/18 were approved and duly signed.
b)  Budget progress
No expenditure as at 30th April.  First instalment of precept (£1400) received.

8.         Any Other Business
a)  Footpath railing
The barrier along the stretch of footpath between the Hall and Grange Farm still has not been repaired.  Jem will chase NYCC Highways.

9.         Date of Next meetings
Tuesday 24th July 2018 and, provisionally, 11th of September 2018 at 7.30pm.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council


Date: ……………………………..

© 2018


INEOS, which has the licence to explore for shale gas within and under Huttons Ambo parish, has approached local landowners for permission to access their land in order to conduct seismic surveys. The Parish Council conducted a community wide consultation in order to gauge public response and inform Council decisions.

A summary of the findings is available here

© 2018


Under the Freedom of Information Act the Parish Council is required to make available certain information.  The Council has prepared a model publication scheme which shows how these requirements will be met.  The scheme can be viewed by clicking:

© 2018




22 MAY 2018

1.       Welcome     
         Andy Dorman (Acting Chairman) welcomed Councillors David Banks, Richard  Kershaw & Simon Lealman, Jem Charles (Clerk) and five members of the public.
2.       Chairman’s report:
a)    Mobile Post Office van: Protracted correspondence and dialogue with numerous agencies involved in supporting the service has helped bring about an upgrade in the equipment carried.  The service now appears more reliable.
b)    Community Emergency Plan: A plan setting out essential details has been drawn up and will be published on the village website soon.
c)     Freedom of Information: Data held by the Parish has been reviewed and is compliant with the new GDPR.  A model publication scheme providing guidance on how information will be made public when required.  This will be available on the village website soon.
d)    A64 junctions: Road maintenance at both Barneygate Lane End and Low Lane End continues to be in dispute between Highways England and NYCC.  The PC has been involved with trying to achieve reconciliation.  County Councillor Claire Goodrick has been assisting and some progress is being made.  Cllr. Goodrick has offered to fund re-engineering of the gulley at Barneygate Lane End from her own limited budget.
e)    War Memorial: The PC consulted a monumental mason about cleaning.  Following his advice Andy has cleaned it by gentle scrubbing and asked for feedback.
f)      Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan: The PC has tried on numerous occasions to co-operate on preparation of this new plan but the steering group has repeatedly failed to communicate.  The plan will therefore not include most of the York Road Industrial and Enterprise Parks as it lies within HA Parish.
g)    Kirkham Weir & Sluice: Rona had continued to liaise with the Environment Agency on behalf of the PC.  No final decision has been reached but the probable course of action will be the construction of an improved fish pass coupled with some lowering of the weir.
h)    Village green and other grassed areas: Mark Wilson has again provided a reliable and reasonable grass cutting service
i)       Verge cutting: The PC had requested that the bank and footpath edges along the raised section near the Village Hall be included in the revised NYCC cutting regime.  The new contractor engaged by NYCC this year is providing a better service.
j)      Potholes: The deteriorating state of the roads continues to be an issue.  A reasonable working relationship with NYCC has been established and they have responded as well as their resources permit.
k)    Road-sweeping: The PC had engaged a road-sweeping contractor with Richard Wainwright’s help.
l)      Planning applications:  The PC had published all applications on the village website and commented to Ryedale DC.  It continues to be disappointing that the Authority appears to pay little regard to local views.
m)  Ineos proposed seismic survey: A community wide consultation had been carried out to discover the general view.  The responses had been analysed and will be published on the village website.

3.       Finance
The Council’s expenditure was £2246 and income £3479 resulting in a balance carried forward of £5849.  Budgeted income of £2800 was boosted by a grant for IT equipment (£659) and a generous donation (£20).

Expenditure was less than budgeted primarily due to fewer grass cuts being necessary, and at a more modest cost (£320), no call on the contingency fund (£300) and some village maintenance being delayed (£222) or unidentified (£100).  There were also modest underspends on sundries and expenses. 

4.       Seismic survey consultation
Jem presented the analysis of the results of the consultation which was followed by general discussion.  (119 requests for views had been delivered, 45 responses received of which 40 were against the survey being undertaken.)  Full results will be published on the village website.

5.       Any other business
a)    There were no other matters raised by the community represented.
b)    David expressed the gratitude of the Council to the 2 Councillors who had resigned during the year; Jessie Garnett and Richard Green

Signed:……………………………….(Chairman, 2016/17)   Dated:………………….

© 2018

Wednesday, 23 May 2018


The Parish Council has adopted  a Community Emergency Plan to act as a source of basic information for reference in case of any type of emergency.  It can be viewed by clicking:

© 2018

Friday, 18 May 2018




      22nd MAY 2018


1 Welcome

2 Approval of minutes

3 Chairman’s report

4 Finance officer’s report

5 Findings from seismic survey consultation

6 Any Other Business

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2018


A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take  place  in  the  Village  Hall
on Tuesday,  22nd May 2018 after the Annual Parish meeting.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1 Election of Chairman

2 Welcome, Councillors present, apologies for absence

3 Approval of Minutes

4 Matters Arising
        a) 30 mph speed limit
        b) Ineos seismic survey
        c) Frequency of PC meetings

5 New matters
        a) NYCC Highways Area 4 workshop
        b) Vacancy for new Councillor

6 Planning
        a) New house at Musley Bank
        b) 2 Club Cottages
        c) New units at Malton Enterprise Park

7 Finance  
        a) 2017/18 Audit
        b) Budget progress to 30th April 2018

8 Any Other Business

9 Date of next Meeting
        Provisionally 24th July 2018 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2018

Friday, 11 May 2018



Welcomes everyone, on
 Tuesday 22nd May at 7.00pm
in the Village Hall

Please come along to discuss anything that interests or concerns you about life in
 Huttons Ambo.
This is your meeting and you decide what to discuss.  You’ll hear what the Parish Council has been doing on your behalf, and be able to influence its activities in the coming year.

It would help, but is not essential, if you would let the Clerk, Jem Charles, know in advance if there is something you would like to be discussed.

© 2018