Tuesday, 30 May 2017


"The Derwent Partnership brings together people from local communities, landowners, businesses and other organisations to decide how the River Derwent, the rivers and streams flowing into the Derwent and the land adjacent to them can be managed for the interests of wildlife, habitats and people."

Partnership approach (and a change in name)
The Partnership is seeking to take an integrated, whole catchment approach to resolving the environmental issues on the River Derwent.  We have changed the name of the Partnership from the River Derwent Catchment Partnership to the Yorkshire Derwent Partnership. This helps to distinguish us from other rivers of the same name, for example in Derbyshire and Cumbria. Building on the twin foundations of the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) and natural flood management as well as earlier work with stakeholders, the Board has agreed the following objectives for the Partnership:

·         Ecology and Water Quality – To improve ecology and water quality within the catchment and to protect water supplies.
·         Water Level Management – To reduce flood risk and increase resilience to drought through better water level management and a more naturally functioning river system.
·         Habitats and Species – To create, protect, improve and expand habitats to increase connectivity and protect vulnerable species.
·         Enjoyment and Education – To improve the quality of existing public access, understanding and a sense of connection to the river and surrounding areas, for enjoyment and wellbeing, without impacting wildlife.
·         Economy – To assist sustainable economic growth by supporting more resilient and better land management.

Invasive Species – interested in taking action?
In the last update, we asked people to get involved by helping us map the locations of three particular invasive plant species which are a particular issue in the Derwent Catchment: Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed. This generated a lot of interest and some of you have been in touch to find out what plans there are to tackle Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) across the catchment. Many organisations who work in the catchment and some local community groups already keep their own records of INNS locations and treatment records, but we don’t have a map of this activity across the catchment. We are planning to do some work on this in 2017 so that we have much better evidence of where INNS are located and where it’s being treated. Do you keep records of this in your organisation or for your community group? If the answer is yes, then please get in touch and you could help us collate this information for the catchment as a whole – a crucial first step in planning how we tackle this across the catchment.

Rona Charles has offered to act as co-ordinator for this work within, and around, the Parish.

Are you a land manager interested in natural flood measures? If so, let us know.

The Regional Flood and Coastal Committee money will be used to support the continued running of the partnership and to deliver some catchment-scale studies and demonstration projects, particularly aimed at promoting natural flood measures amongst farmers and landowners. This involves working with natural processes to slow, store and filter water and includes measures such as woodland planting, off-line storage ponds, non-flood plain wetlands and washlands. If you are a land manager and would like to explore the potential for using some of your land for natural flood measures, please get in touch. 

Research into Natural Flood Measures (NFM)
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has made available £5m for up to four major research projects into NFM science and innovation.  A team led by Prof Dan Parsons, Professor of Sedimentology at Hull University, has put in a bid about scaling connectivity, capacity and conveyance in NFM, which – if successful -  will focus on the Yorkshire Derwent as its primary study catchment.

For further information look at:

© 2017 www.huttonsambo.com

Saturday, 27 May 2017




1.       Election of Chairman
Richard Green was proposed as Chairman by David Banks.  This was seconded by Simon Lealman.  Richard accepted nomination and, there being no other proposals, was unanimously elected.

2.       Welcome, Councillors present & Apologies
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs. Andy Dorman, David Banks, Jessie Garnett, and Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem Charles.
3.       Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.

4.       Matters Arising
a) A64 junctions
Some minor repairs at Low Lane end were carried out by Highways England shortly after Richard had contacted Kevin Hollinrake, MP and Clare Wood, NYCC councillor.  Richard will follow up to ascertain whether any progress has been made regarding responsibility for maintenance on the disputed stretches.
b) Swing Bridge maintenance
Work has been completed to a high standard and in a timely manner.  Richard will thank NYCC Highways.
c) Potholes at The Rise and elsewhere
Jem will thank NYCC Highways for the work carried out following the Council’s recent request.
Some holes were not filled and others have since developed.  Councillors will notify Jem of those they now consider meet the criteria for action.  Jem will then send a list to NYCC Highways.
e) Mobile Post Office
Jem has had lengthy correspondence with the many parties involved in supplying the broadband connection.  He has also been in communication with Kevin Hollinrake, MP.  No further action by the Council was felt worthwhile, at this stage.  Jem will keep Councillors informed of any developments.
f)  Rubbish in pull-in at Low Lane end
Ryedale DC had responded quickly to the request and the rubbish removed.

5.       New Matters
a) Pensions Regulator
Jem reported that the Council has complied with new legislation.

6.       Planning
a) Hydramotion
Still awaiting determination
b) Barn West of Village Green
Approved, though the Council was not sent notification.
Jem reported concern that work on site had started despite one of the conditions of approval.  Jem will contact RDC for clarification.
c) Unit 7 Malton Enterprise Park
Awaiting determination

7.       Finance
a) End of year accounts
b) Financial Governance Statement 2015/16
Approved and duly signed.
c) Accounting Statement 2015/16
Approved and duly signed.
c) Budget progress
    The report to 30th April was considered to show that the position was satisfactory.

8.       Any Other Business
a) Net covers for kerbside recycling boxes
Jem will publicise the availability of covers which will reduce street litter on windy collection days.  Jem will also contact RDC environmental services to see whether the Council might act as their agent for distribution, to reduce the number of journeys to Ryedale House.

9.       Date of Next meeting(s)
Tuesday 11th July and, provisionally, 12th of September 2017 at 7.30.

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed:…………………………………………….(Richard Green, Chairman)

Date: ……………………………..

© 2017 www.huttonsambo.com



16 MAY 2017

1.       Welcome     
Richard Green (Chairman) welcomed Cllrs Jessie Garnett, David Banks, Andy Dorman & Simon Lealman, Jem Charles (Clerk) and five members of the public.
2.       Chairman’s report:
a)    Finance: The Council finances have been managed prudently so as to maintain a small reserve.  This will allow some flexibility to respond to unforeseen needs as they arise.
b)    Potholes: Significant Council time and effort is spent on these.  Periodically potholes have been listed, measured and those meeting NYCC current intervention criteria, reported.  A large number have, as a result, been filled, though more work will continue to be needed.  An effective means of working with NYCC Highways seems to have been developed.
c)    A64 junctions: The long running impasse between Highways and NYCC Highways, whereby neither accepts responsibility for maintenance, continues.  Kevin Hollinrake, MP and Clare Wood, County Councillor have been contacted and some minor repairs have been effected.  The Council is continuing to work with them, and others, to bring about agreement on responsibilities.
d)    Buck Lane:
i         Gullies & Soakaways - Following lengthy correspondence and consultation these were cleared and re-excavated.
ii        Pavements - Path edgings were cleared during the summer by 2 volunteers from Give and Gain, the Racing Welfare Charity, and volunteers from the village. These were again cleared in February/March 2017 by the new grass cutting contractor.
e)    Pavements in Low Hutton: Footpath edges between Herbie’s and Manor Farm, were cleared and tidied to a high standard by volunteers.
f)      Pavement surfaces: The poor condition of footpath surfaces have been reported to, and as a result inspected by, NYCC Highways. Schemes of full reconstruction have been prepared for the stretches Herbie’s to Manor Farm in Low Hutton, and Home Farm to the telephone box in High Hutton. However, no funds have been allocated as yet for the repairs.
g)    NYCC Public Rights of Way Consultation: The proposed approach to categorisation and maintenance were reviewed and feedback provided to NYCC.
h)    Verge cutting: The new regime by NYCC Highways in which only visibility lines, mainly at road junctions, are cut started very late, resulting in unsightly and dangerous verges.  Several volunteers carried out cutting in various locations before the contractor started operations.
i)       Grass cutting: The 2016 contractor had been unable to carry out the agreed programme and a new contractor was appointed late in the summer to good effect.
j)      Copper beech on the green: Crown lifting was carried out by volunteers as complaints had been made about branches overhanging the road.
k)     Giant hogweed: The Council has continued to assist the EY Rivers Trust control a large patch between the river and railway.  This work will continue.
l)      River Derwent: On behalf of the Council, Rona Charles attended meetings and liaised with the River Derwent Catchment Partnership. The Council was particularly interested in the potential plans for work on the Kirkham Weir and Sluices.
m)  Swing bridge: Good liaison had been established with NYCC Highways and the Council. This had ensured that residents were aware of impending closures whilst the long awaited, and often requested, repair and redecoration was carried out.
n)    Broadband: The Council had investigated extensively the issue of lack of superfast broadband.  Different provision options were explored via discussions with potential providers and the results communicated to villagers.  Recently, Beeline has provided a viable solution which a good number of villagers have now taken up.
o)    Barneygate Lane end bus shelter: A broken glass pane was replaced after lobbying NYCC by the Council.
p)    Low Hutton telephone box: BT had undertaken a consultation on proposed closure.  The Council had investigated options and informed Ryedale DC that, if it was closed, the Parish would wish to adopt.  RDC subsequently objected to BT.
q)    Mobile Post Office: The inability of this to provide a satisfactory service because of telecommunications problems has been investigated. Our MP has been contacted along with many other involved parties including the Post Office and BT Openreach. The whole set-up of these relationships is convoluted and complicated. This investigation is ongoing.
r)      Charitable: The Council facilitated a Marie Curie Tea Party held by Meeting Point.  £132 was raised for the charity.

3.       Finance
Expenditure was less than budgeted.  This was largely due to problems with the grass cutting contract meaning that cuts were missed,  Savings were also made, mainly in the contingency allocation and as a result of some village maintenance being carried out by volunteers.  There were also modest underspends on sundries and expenses.

The Council’s expenditure was £2323 and income £2750 resulting in a balance carried forward of £4617.

4.       Public Questions & Statements
a)    Kirkham Weir & Sluices:  Rona Charles reported that, despite expectations, no further progress has been made by the Environment Agency on developing options.
b)    Yorkshire Derwent Partnership: Rona outlined the objectives of the initiative, formerly the River Derwent Catchment Partnership, and provided copies of their newsletter.  She offered to post the newsletter on the village website and also to publicise their request, and act as co-ordinator, for reports of non-native invasive weeds (giant hogweed, Himalayan balsam and Japanese knotweed) within, and in the vicinity of, the Parish.  Richard gratefully accepted both offers.
c)     Pull-in opposite Herbie’s: Susan Millward had suggested that a sign should be erected indicating that the space is for turning only, not parking.  There was a general view that inconsiderate parking was not a significant problem and the suggestion was rejected.
d)    “Lay by” at Low Lane end: Murray Naylor asked whether the use of this piece of land as an unofficial lay by and turning area could be curtailed.  It was agreed that the Council could not physically block or restrict access as it is not known who owns the land.  Simon undertook to try to ascertain ownership so that the Council can consider options.

Signed:……………………………….(Chairman, 2016/17)   Dated:………………….

© 2017 www.huttonsambo.com

Monday, 15 May 2017



16th May 2017
in the
7.00 pm

This is the meeting for the residents and your opportunity to come and discuss, with your Parish Councillors and the whole Village, those things that matter to you.

The Chairman will present a brief summary of the Council's activities over the last year followed by a report on the Council's finances.  The meeting will then be open to you to raise anything you feel is of interest to the Community as a whole.

Please come along and help shape the way your Councillors address your concerns and aspirations for the Village.

© 2017 www.huttonsambo.com



A   Meeting   of   Huttons Ambo   Parish   Council
will take  place  in  the  Village  Hall
on Tuesday,  16th May  2017 
after the Annual Meeting.

Local residents are invited to attend all Parish Council Meetings.
Copies of the (unadopted) Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards and the Village Website.


1 Election of Chairman

2 Welcome, Councillors present, Apologies for Absence

3 Approval of Minutes

4 Matters Arising:
a) A64 road junctions
b) Swing Bridge maintenance
c) Pothole at The Rise and elsewhere
d) Mobile Post Office
e) Rubbish in pull-in at Low Lane End

5 New matters:
a) Pensions Regulator

6 Planning:
a) Hydramotion
b) Barn West of Village Green
c) Unit 7 Malton Enterprise Park

7 Finance:
a) End of year accounts 2016/17
b) Approval of 2016/17 Governance statement
c) Approval of 2016/17 Accounting statement
d) Budget progress to 30th April

8 Any Other Business

9 Date of next Meeting
Provisionally 11th July 2017 at 7.30pm

Jem Charles, Clerk to the Parish Council

© 2017 www.huttonsambo.com

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Yoga and Stretch Class

 Yoga & Stretch Classes in the Village Hall

The classes run for one hour and will start on Monday 8th 1000-1100 and Thursday 11th May 1930-2030.

Classes can be booked in four week blocks and cost £6 per class.

Using traditional yoga moves and low impact aerobic dance moves the class will be designed to make you feel overall stretched, moved and feeling better.

A gentle class for beginners to exercise; those who haven't exercised for a while, recovering from pregnancy or injury and fitter people who need to stretch and relax.

Even if you can't commit to all four just turn up. Please do inform me of any medical conditions before the class. I am a fully qualified Sivananda Yoga teacher and RSA movement to music teacher but I am a lot older than I used to be!!

You need to bring your own mat and a pillow and blanket for the relaxation.
Please drop me a line and let me know if you can make it.

Lesley Seeger

© 2017 www.huttonsambo.com