Monday, 29 June 2015

British Heart Foundation CPR Training Kit

Our free CPR training kit has arrived from the British Heart Foundation. 
It will be kept at the village hall and training sessions will be arranged and advertised in The Bulletin. 
If anyone wants to borrow it and do a private session with family and friends then feel free. Let Liz  know so we can keep track of the kit.

Liz Ellis
07968 981296

© 2015

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Community Volunteers Needed

Community Volunteers Needed
Would you be prepared to offer a few hours of your time to support OUR community?
We have a variety of projects and exciting plans in development to increase the range of activities (both social and supporting) available in the village
– as requested by you in the Parish Plan consultation.

Initial meetings are to be held in the coming weeks to look at setting up

Community Befriending Programme to offer a support network to the older and more vulnerable members of our community – supported by Rural Action Yorkshire. Just a few hours of your time to be part of this would be so valuable.

A Youth Club – programme of activities for our younger residents - supported by North Yorkshire Youth. We need regular hosts and people to lead occasional one off activities. Full training and legal requirements will be covered.

Film Club programmed for everyone. This would operate as a club to avoid excessive screening charges and we are currently looking for funding to buy equipment and purchase the first annual licence. We need an organiser to plan and administer this club.

If you are interested in offering a little time to support any of these activities or would like to know more without commitment – please contact Liz

Volunteers also needed on Saturday August 15th to help with the village show

Feedback also needed on the idea of having a Pentanque Court (French Boules) in the village - is it a good idea ?

4 more places are also available on the training course for the Public Access Defibrillator we hope to purchase later in the year

AND WE NEED YOUR IDEAS about what facilities and activities you would like to see available in our community.     Contact Liz

© 2015

Monday, 15 June 2015

Meeting Point - June 2015

Meeting Point in the Village Hall, Saturday 27th June 12 noon-2 pm.

Light lunches of homemade soup, quiche, salad and CAKES.

Come and enjoy the opportunity for a lovely lunch and some great company – maybe even a hand of cards!

© 2015

Thursday, 11 June 2015


The Parish Council has been asked for comment on this application from Mr Edward Button, by the 2nd of July 2015.

The application is for improvements, extension and conversion of an agricultural building to domestic use at Low Farm Cottage to form one dwelling.

Details can be found at and entering the reference no. above, or by visiting Ryedale House.

If you'd like to comment please contact one of your Councillors or Ryedale District Council.

Jem Charles, Clerk to Huttons Ambo Parish Council

© 2015

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Parish Council Finances


The end of year report has now been prepared and audited by the internal auditor.

The new "Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities" requires that this information is made publicly available on a free to use website.

The documents can be viewed by following these links:

The Councillors during the year were:
Andy Dorman (Chairman)
Jessie Garnett
Richard Green
Simon Lealman
Maggie Stone

Jem Charles, Clerk to Huttons Ambo Parish Council

© 2015

Summer Ceilidh & Supper - Saturday July 11th - Get your Tickets Now

Summer Ceilidh & Supper - Village Hall - Saturday July 11th

  • Live band, licenced bar and food .
  • Village Hall Fundraiser. 
  • TICKETS available from Liz Ellis or Sarah Clark or sign up at Herbies 
  • places limited £10 entry and supper in advance
  • £12 entry and supper on the night
  • Fletchers steak Pie & Pes or Home-made Quiche and Salad plus a pud. 

Come and enjoy the company and the music even if you don’t want to dance …..

Contact Liz 07968 981 296 or Sarah to get your tickets 07737 785 178



© 2015

Village Defibrillator - Update

Anita Topp has very kindly donated £1000 towards the Defibrillator Fund in Memory of her late husband Malcolm which is wonderful news and so a big thank you to Anita.

David and Joseph Banks will also be doing a sponsored 70 mile bike ride on 18/19 August.

Using the National Parks Moors & Coast bike route they will ride from Pickering to Whitby on the first day and then from Whitby down the coast to Scarborough on day 2. This will be Joseph's first epic ride !!

Sponsorship sign up at Herbies and also via a Justgiving page – details to follow.

If we are lucky enough to be successful with our two grant funding applications (we will hear in September) then we are on track to make the purchase of a public access Defibrillator Unit to be sited in our village and plenty of trained operatives too – all arranged through a scheme organised via the Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

The unit will be logged on the database of the 999 call handling service so anyone local, calling in to report an emergency will be given the code to access the unit and details of how to use it. We will make sure everyone in the village has full details of the system and of the trained operators on hand to support.

So far 16 of the 20 training places have been filled so fingers crossed – by Christmas we will be up and running.

© 2015

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Lesley Seeger - 2

This is the second of our posts featuring Lesley Seeger's work. Don't forget that you can see the real thing at Lesley's Exhibition in Gillamoor this coming weekend.

 Remember you can click on any of the pictures to see a large version

Bridal Garden

 Helmsley Walled Garden

Symphonic Garden

Towards Westow

 Waning Moon

© 2015

Monday, 8 June 2015

Village Notices - June 2015


French Conversation Group    Fortnightly on Mondays 7.30-9pm
A French Conversation Group has been formed in Huttons Ambo. Pitched at those with intermediate level French, the group will meet fortnightly on a Monday evening from 7.30 till 9pm in Low Hutton.  There is no cost, and there will be a Jacob’s Feast arrangement of food.  The group had their first meeting in May, however would welcome new members at any time.  Phone Michael on 01653 690357 or email for more information.

Good Neighbours Scheme – Rural Action Yorkshire are initiating & supporting this scheme both financially and with advice.
This is a scheme which helps communities operate a network of volunteers to be available to community members in times of need – keeping an eye, offering support such as shopping and being around and available if anyone needs extra company and a little time.
We are lucky that our village is a caring place and people do watch out for each other – this scheme would just give it a little more structure.
It’s aim would be to help us look for wider opportunities and extended support networks whilst providing a toolkit of information on other associated issues such as safeguarding. We already have several people who have expressed an interest in learning more about this scheme and if we get a few more we will arrange a meeting with RAY in our village to discuss the potential of setting up the scheme here.
If you would be interested to attend a meeting and know more please let Liz know – we cannot progress unless we have your feedback.

Huttons Ambo Youth Club – if you were unable to join the  consultation at the Meeting Point on May 30th with North Yorkshire Youth but are still interested in the programme either as a participating younger member of our community, a regular volunteer leader or a one off session leader then please get in touch. We have funding and organisational support for North Yorkshire Youth who will arrange training, certification and make sure everyone understand what would be involved if you were to offer your time a leader and make sure that all safeguarding and insurance issues were taken care of and that we had access to central resources of specialist session leaders and advice on all aspects of running such activities. There is also financial support for equipment and hall rental subsidy.
The next step after the consultation  would be a training and briefing session for all adults interested in supporting this venture as parents or leaders and then we are hoping to move forward to a programme of activities from September/October.
We know the youngsters would love it to happen and have many great ideas for activities and we also have a couple of volunteer leaders already.
Again we need to know your thoughts and if you could help us before we take this further and in order to apply for support.

Defibrillator Unit – we potentially have access to part funding (£1000) to buy and site a defibrillator in the village and to train up to 20 residents in its use and general first aid. This is part of a scheme run by Yorkshire Ambulance.
The Defibrillator unit delivers a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the heart – the process of Defibrillation and is often key to a successful outcome in a cardiac episode if administered in good time.
·         We are a small isolated rural community 3 miles from Malton hospital which has no A&E.
·         Our nearest hospitals are York (15 miles) and Scarborough (30 miles)#
·         The access on and off the A64 and the general congestion of this main road particularly at weekends and at peak times often makes speedy transit impossible.
·         Out of our  270 residents – 90 are over 60 years of age.
Statistics show that ambulance response times - even for red 1 category call outs still fail to meet time targets

In this link the red 1 category relates to situations in which citizens require an ambulance for immediately life threatening situations
for which there are on average 37 occurrences per month.
The data shows that during 12/13, YAS have failed to achieve the target on ten separate occasions within 8 minutes, and six occasions within 19 minutes.

The full cost of the unit, a secure cabinet and training in its use and general first aid would be £2248.80 inc VAT.
This is a significant amount even with £1000 funding towards it.
If we have community support then we can look for extra funding sources and arrange some fundraising activities to raise enough to make the purchase and hold the training. To qualify for the grant we would need to have the match fund amount and make the purchase before February 2016.
We already have several volunteers willing to train up in its use so we just need to have your thoughts on it as a facility - if you would support its purchase and installation.
To make a successful application for funding and to know this is something the village would really like and are prepared to part fund – we need your feedback know

Boule/Petanque Court – we may be able to source some funding for the provision of some activity infrastructure particularly for the older adults in our community and boules is a gentle sport suitable for people of all ages and conditions, and a great way to pull a community together.
How about a boule court and some boules for community use ?
For more information about the game see
If you think this would be a good idea and something you would use and enjoy if it was available in the village please let us know.


Particularly for the schemes which require some grant funding we need to have feedback from you to include in our application so please get in touch if you think any of the ideas are good ones even if you are unable to directly help with your time or input in the organisation.

If you have ideas for other activities or capital expenses such as new card tables for the hall etc. – please get in touch.
Whilst we are carrying out our applications for the refurbishment funding for the Village Hall we seem to be accessing all kinds of other sources of support so please share your ideas so we can use every funding opportunity we can find and make our village an even better place to live and enjoy.

Liz Ellis

© 2015

Services in St. Margaret's Church - June 2015

Services in St. Margaret's Church during June

7th June                       Morning Prayer
11 a.m.                         Simon Jackson

21st June                      Holy Communion BCP
11 a.m.                         The Rector

28th June                      Holy Communion BCW
10.30 a.m.                     The Rector

© 2015

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Lesley Seeger - 1

I'm pleased to be able to say that over the next couple of weeks we'll be featuring some of Lesley Seeger's work. Don't forget that you can see the real thing at Lesley's Exhibition in Gillamoor.

 Remember you can click on any of the pictures to see a large version.

Fields of Barley

Hutton Bank

 Rakes Lane

Where the Buzzards Nest

Visit Lesley's website to see more of her work. 

© 2015