1. Present & Apologies Cllrs. Andy
Dorman, Jessie Garnett, Richard Green & Simon Lealman, and Clerk, Jem
Charles were present. Cllr. Maggie Stone
sent apologies. The Chairman announced that Maggie had decided not to stand for
re-election and thanked her for her many years of service on the Council.
2. Minutes
of the January meeting were approved and signed as being a true record.
3. Matters Arising
a) Parish
Community Plan
reported that a draft had been prepared and was to be discussed by the project
group at an imminent meeting. Thereafter
it will be printed and distributed.
b) Public
Rights of Way condition survey
report of the inspection of Bridleway No. 1 had been received and the issue of
the locked gateway has been resolved.
Malton & Norton Joint Neighbourhood
further progress has been made as there are issues to be resolved about the
nature and timing of the Plan between Malton and Norton Town Councils.
d) Storage
of Parish Council Documents.
have not yet been moved back into the Village Hall pending progress on building
works for improvements to the Hall kitchen.
4. New Matters
a) Parish
Council Elections – May 7th
Councillors willing to stand for re-election have completed nomination
papers. One other member of the
Community has indicated a willingness to stand.
Nominations close on Thursday 9th April 2015.
b) Yorkshire
Derwent Catchment Partnership
explained the initiative to encourage communities, businesses, agencies and
authorities to consider the impact of activities on the river catchment
environment. He has completed and
submitted the questionnaire and asked to be kept informed.
c) Commons
Act 2006
explained that the Act allows the opportunity to update the register of common
land to incorporate changes since 1970. Jem undertook to investigate
whether any action is necessary in regard to the Village Green in order to
protect its status.
d) Salt
NYCC have proposed limiting the number
of bins/heaps to be re-filled to four.
It was agreed that the location of those proposed to be re-filled was
not ideal. Andy will request that locations proposed by the Parish
Council should be maintained instead.
5. Planning
a) Ian
Brown Tyres
Jem has written supporting the application but
asking that the trees along York Road be preserved.
6. Finance
a) Budget
Jem presented income/expenditure data, in period and
to date and the position is satisfactory.
7. Any Other Business
a) Transparency Code for Smaller Councils
End of year financial reporting will no longer be
subject to external audit but figures will need to be made available to the
community. Jem will try to
ascertain the timetable by which these changes are to take effect.
b) Leader Programme
The North York Moors, Hills and Coast bid has been
successful and £2.3 million grant funding will be available. No current projects or plans in the Parish
are thought to meet the funding objectives.
c) Potholes
at Low Lane End
NYCC Highways Dept. have stated that responsibility
lies with the Highways Agency. Jem
will write to request that the necessary repairs are carried out.
10. Date of Next meeting(s)
13th May at 7.00 for the
Annual Meeting and 7.30 for the Parish Council meeting and, provisionally, 8th
July at 7.30.
Jem Charles,
Clerk to the Parish Council
Signed:…………………………………………….(Andy Dorman,
© 2015