Sunday, 19 January 2014

Huttons Ambo Parish Consultation Questionnaire

If you live in the parish by now you should have received a copy of the parish consultation questionnaire. It's an opportunity for you to tell the Parish Council what you think of the parish, and what your needs are. So please, fill it in - it's an anonymous questionnaire, so no need to put your name on it - and return it to the councillor named on the form.

Remember, it's your chance to tell the council what you think, so don't waste it!

All material © Philip Stone 2014

Friday, 17 January 2014

Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Committee - QUIZ NIGHT Thank You

Huttons Ambo Flower & Produce Committee would say a HUGE Thank You to everyone who supported the QUIZ NIGHT & Supper on January 11th.

After expenses we made a total profit of £253.50 which is fantastic.

Over 60 people attended – (45 portions of Crumble were served) and the winning team received half a case of wine.

The feedback was really good and we promise to be even better next time.

There was almost universal agreement that this event should run quarterly and so…

The next QUIZ NIGHT & Supper will be on Saturday May 10th – save the date !!

Details will be circulated nearer the time but food orders will be taken ahead of the event and we will of course need raffle prizes.

Posters, food order sheets and leaflets will be distributed in early May – watch your letterbox

Also please note:
There will be a Rag Rug Workshop running at the Meeting Point in The Village Hall 2.30pm on Sat March 29th

All levels of experiences and ages of participant welcome.

Materials provided £2.50 per person (under 16’s free)

Why not take the opportunity to learn the basics and start a piece to enter in the Produce Show in the Recycled Item class???

And don’t forget:
60th Flower & Produce Show will be Saturday August 16th followed by an evening of fun activities for everyone – more details to follow in coming months.

Can You Help?
  • Does anyone in the Village know how to make Corn Dollies and would you be happy to share the knowledge? 
  • Is there anyone in the Village who might be prepared to arrange and run a treasure hunt or mobile quiz around the village on August 16th?
  • We need Volunteers for activities throughout the day on the 16th – if you have some free time that day and would like to get involved get in touch. (The Committee will be stretched a bit thin to say the least!
Please contact Liz Ellis 07968 981296 or email

Meeting Point - January 2014

Don't forget Huttons Ambo Meeting Point this January:
  • tea, coffee, cakes
  • books
  • fair trade stall 
  • children's activities
Saturday 25th January, 2 pm - 4 pm, in the Village Hall

Sara Swindells

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Annual Minster Hill Soup and Cheese Lunch – Saturday 22nd February 2014

Soup and Cheese Lunch
Saturday 22nd February 2014
In Aid of St Margaret's Church

This annual lunch will be held at Minster Hill on 22nd February starting at 12 noon.
Everybody of all ages is welcome.

There will be the usual lunch of soup, cheese, a free glass of wine and coffee and a vegetarian soup option for those who would prefer it.

Cost will be £5 per head payable on the day.
There will be a raffle and all proceeds from the lunch will go to support St Margaret’s Church.

If you would like to attend please either ring Rosa Naylor on 01653 695008, e-mail 

or write your name (s) on notices at the Church or in Herbies.

Murray Naylor

Monday, 6 January 2014

Taizé for All - Sunday 19th January 2014

Taizé for All - Sunday 19th January 2014

There will be a Taizé Meeting for Epiphany in the church on Sunday 19th at 430pm. You are very welcome to join us in our peaceful Lady Chapel for sung prayer and short periods of meditation.

If you would like to sit, listen and reflect you do not have to sing, just enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.

Taizé meetings are open to all in the benefice, not just residents of Huttons Ambo.

Find out more about Taizé.

Anita Topp

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Don't forget - Produce Show Quiz & Supper Night, Saturday 11th January 2014

Don't forget - Produce Show Quiz & Supper Night, Saturday 11th January 2014

All material © Philip Stone 2013

Huttons Ambo Art Group - 2014

The Art Group will be meeting as usual every Thursday from 1.30 - 3.30pm in the Village Hall. New members are always welcome, whatever their level of experience. Members use a variety of mediums including watercolour, acrylic, pastels and oils. Call Anne Cole on 01653 618477 for more details.

All material © Philip Stone 2013

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Huttons Ambo Produce Show - Saturday August 16th 2014 - The 60th Show - Save The Date

The Produce Show committee are planning a special celebration this year to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Produce Show so save the date - Saturday August 16th 2014

More details will follow after the planning meeting on the 13th February - but keep the date clear in your diary!
All material © Philip Stone 2013

2014 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year - and a little look back at 2013 on the village website

We started 2013 with a bit of snow, which came as a shock to the system and then in February we had a close brush with earth-grazing asteroid DA2013.

Spring was a long time coming but eventually we were able to follow Richard Wainwright sowing beans on a mild April evening.

In May we saw robots planting potatoes in the surrounding fields and enjoyed a joint Art and Photography Exhibition. Also the Parish Council joined the internet age and acquired it's own page on the website - many thanks to Jem Charles, Parish Clerk, for diligently posting notices and minutes of meetings.

As spring melted into summer Rosa Naylor asked for help developing the back churchyard into a wildflower meadow, we learnt that Network Rail proposed to close the Low Hutton level crossing, your author went on one of his endless photo ramblings and war was declared on Himalayan Balsam.

Autumn brought the Produce Show, a ride in a combine harvester and a pair of bus shelters.

In October we were proud to advertise the publication of Murray Naylor's book, we visited a Taize meeting in the church and the website acquired a Flickr photo account to show off some of the pictures that we've accumulated over the years.

Throughout the year we've been supported by regular news - Meeting Point, Taize, Book Club and more - so a big thank you to everyone who's provided news and articles for the website, we couldn't have done it without you.

Have a happy 2014.

All material © Philip Stone 2013